Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin


In the last two months, Ben had spent most of his time studying. Besides roaming the castle during his free periods, he did not dare wander around. He behaved like a model first-year student, even though it was very frustrating for him. Because of the memory boost, studying was a piece of cake for him. He memorized all his textbooks after going through them twice.

This also became the source of his frustration, classes were getting very boring, and he was tired of writing long essays for homework. He never liked school in the first place, but now that he was in for a second time, it was starting to feel even worse.

Ben had also started to feel like a prisoner in the castle, it wasn't that he was being monitored the whole day, but his paranoia was finally getting to him. He felt incredibly weak and limited and it made him a little scared.

He had been planning on ways to get strong, but they all somehow included the Room of Requirement. It was the biggest resource in Hogwarts and also the least used.

Well, now that he was in the room and was practically surrounded by gold, he decided to put his plan into action. He exchanged another mountain of broken furniture for a mound of gold and exchanged all of it for twelve vials of [Potion of Brief Invisibility].

[Potion of Brief Invisibility: Turns the user invisible for sixty seconds-214 Gold.]

Ben looked at the small vials containing colourless liquid, it had cost him more than two and a half thousand septims. That's about seven and a half thousand galleons and he got that all from selling broken furniture.

'It's great to have a broken system, Once I learn how to conjure things with magic, I will literally be able to turn air into gold.'

The invisibility Potion gave Ben some insurance, he will at least be able to escape most troubles now.

After a lot of planning and consideration, Ben had come to the conclusion that he needed to get his hands on The Marauder's Map. Although he had [Clairvoyance], it was not comparable to the Map.

He could ask the twins for it politely or even offer some gold, but Ben had something else in mind. Ben liked the twins' company and had spent some free time around them in the last two months, but more often than not, he ended up being a subject to their pranks and experiments. Now it was time for some payback.

Until now, he had no way to fight back. His Skyrim spells were not that useful and he could hardly do any magic. What frustrated him the most was that he could not practice magic, his wand resisted him every step of the way. He had even earned himself a reputation on par with Sheamus.

This was his second reason for coming to The Room of Requirement, the room could provide him with a lot of things, it was said that Dumbledore found the Mirror of Erised in the Room of Requirement.

He went out of the room and watched as the door vanished, he then focused on his need for a wand and walked back and forth in front of the wall three times. The door appeared again and he quickly entered the room.

This time, the room was a lot smaller, there were many shelves on the wall, containing small boxes. There was a small workbench in the middle of the room which looked like a woodworking station, the cabinet near the workbench was filled with all sorts of ingredients used as wand cores. There was a large pile of different kinds of wood in the corner.

The purpose was this room was clear, this place had everything necessary for someone in need of a wand. Ben ignored the workbench, as he did not know the first thing about wand making. He went to the nearest shelf and opened a wooden box, it held a wand that was clearly not in its best shape. It reminded him of Ron's wand, its core was exposed at the end and the wood was chipped.

When Ben held the wand in his hand, he knew that it was not suitable. There were many wands here and most of them were in bad shape. Some were old and oddly shaped, some had cracks in them, some were held together with adhesives while some held dead cores.

After going through about a dozen wands and causing a few explosions, he realised that it was going to take a long time. He still had a class in about an hour so he decided to try something different. The Room of Requirement worked better when provided with a more specific need. He left the room and walked back and forth again, this time focusing on his need for a better-suited wand.

This time, Ben walked into an even smaller room, the workbench was still there and so was the cabinet, but there were fewer ingredients in it. The wood stack was smaller and there were only about half a dozen boxes on the wall shelves. The room was clearly telling Ben to craft his own. Ben opened the boxes and inspected the wands one by one. All of them were in terrible states. Chipped, bent, burnt and scorched.

Despite their appearance, they all felt sturdy when Ben picked them up. He could feel an attraction to all of them, yet they all felt unique to Ben. Looking at the six wands in front of him, Ben remembered something.

'Snape was shown to have about ten wands when he was teaching Occlomancy to Potter.'

Ben did not know whether it was just in the movies or if Snape really had different wands suited for different uses. What he did know was that he now owned six compatible wands, each giving off a very distinct feeling when he tried different spells. One felt better when he tried transfiguration, one had a bit of earthy feel, one felt a bit aggressive and one gave a feeling of security.

There were two wands that piqued his interest the most.

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