Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 1032: Elaine's perspective

“That woman has gone too far, how could she do that?” said Elaine angrily.

After listening to Hermione’s account of what Umbridge had done at school, she wrinkled her nose and showed two fangs.

Elaine seemed like she wanted to bite someone; when someone upset her, it was her habitual reaction.

Like other girls, this action of hers was adorable, making people tempted to go and “bite” her.

The difference was that Elaine was not just pretending, she could really bite people, and her bites were very accurate and very lethal.

“That woman is really hateful. She made Remus unable to find a job,” Tonks nodded in agreement. “She has a bad reputation within the Ministry, but it’s not helpful. Everyone knows she’s Fudge’s person, and he believes in her. She handles many things he doesn’t want to be seen doing, and she holds a high position within the Ministry.”

“Are we just going to do nothing and let her do as she pleases at school?” Elaine asked.

“Not exactly. We’ve formed a combat training group, D.A. for short,” said Hermione in a hushed tone. “Externally, it’s promoted as a Defense Association, but in reality, it’s Dumbledore’s Army, a secret force against Voldemort. It’s led by Evan, who’s teaching us magic at school, and we practice combat. This is something the Ministry of Magic doesn’t want us to do. Elaine, you can also join. How skilled are you?”

“Uncle says I am still far behind. I could beat Evan two years ago, but now I can’t at all,” said Elaine, nodding, and then immediately she shook her head. “Besides setting up a combat group, what have you done to that woman?”

“Oh, yes. Evan has dealt with her twice. Once, he scratched her face, and the other time, he turned her into a toad.”

Obviously, these things only made Umbridge fear and hate Evan, but they did not make her restrain herself, or they could only have the opposite effect, making Umbridge cause even more trouble in school, venting her hatred for Evan on others.

“That’s it?” Elaine asked with some dissatisfaction.

“Well, that’s all. You have to understand, she’s sent by the Ministry,” said Hermione.

She briefly explained the powerful relationship to Elaine, not sure if she could comprehend.

“I don’t quite understand the wizarding society, but if this person were in our world, she’d disappear immediately,” said Elaine, revealing her two sharp teeth again. “Hateful people should be seen only once, and they won’t have the chance to see the sun tomorrow…”

With a bang, Evan tapped her on the head. This child’s head was full of messy and dangerous thoughts.

What she meant by ‘disappear’ was undoubtedly a common practice among vampires: killing Umbridge and possibly draining her blood.

Anyway, in the eyes of vampires, she was just a particularly annoying food, much like many people didn’t like eating green peppers.

But if Elaine dared to do such a thing, in the Wizarding World, she’d be arrested and sent to Azkaban in minutes.

“It’s not necessarily about killing her; you can make sure she never gets up again. I know many spells for that,” said Elaine, advancing towards Evan in a “fangs and claws” manner, protesting his recent tap on her head. “Do you need my help?”

This child really said terrible things as if it was nothing, and seemed to really intend to do so.

“Well, I also know a few particularly effective curses!” Tonks added, as if eager to stir up some chaos.

“I know even more,” said Evan, glancing at Tonks with a headache, and then turning to look at Elaine. “Don’t make trouble, don’t attack Umbridge, and don’t go around saying these things. Hermione and I can tolerate it, but just us, so be cautious.”

Evan wasn’t worried that it would reach Umbridge’s ears, but Elaine’s tendency to bite others and the vampire perspective of making people disappear would definitely label her as a dangerous Dark wizard or creature if others found out.

No matter how to look at it, these weren’t the thoughts a normal fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl should have.

From this point of view, it was really a long way to go to educate Elaine to establish a correct outlook on life, values ​​and world view!

“Remember the identity you need to disguise, Elaine, don’t reveal your secret. You are a fourth-year student from Beauxbatons. Like me, you are a student of Nicolas Flamel, sent to Hogwarts for an exchange according to his orders, currently living in my house.”

“Of course I remember, you and Hermione have said it many times, my memory is not that bad!”

“Alright, I need to emphasize that you are now a normal human girl,” said Evan, putting emphasis on the word ‘normal.’ “So, you should think about things according to the normal wizard’s perspective. No making people disappear or preventing them from getting out of bed. Also, no biting me or licking me. Normal people don’t do that. You promised me; you’ll listen to Hermione and me at Hogwarts.”

“I’ll be obedient,” said Elaine, sniffing slightly with a hint of aggrievement. She quickly moved away from Evan and hugged Hermione. “But what if that woman actively provokes me? I’ve heard both of you talking about what she’s done, and it seems like a strong possibility.”

“We’ll deal with it if it happens. Before that, don’t provoke Umbridge,” said Evan.

He felt that this possibility was very high, and if it did happen, Evan wouldn’t be able to stop Umbridge from walking into her own demise.

As they talked, the Knight Bus swayed back and forth, occasionally weaving on and off the pavement.

Then there was another tremendous BANG, and they were all flung forward. Evan hurriedly grabbed Hermione and Elaine, so that they did not fall.

Ron’s chair, at the front toppled right over and Pigwidgeon, who had been on his lap, burst out of his cage and flew twittering wildly up to the back of the bus where he fluttered down upon Hermione’s shoulder instead.

Harry, who had narrowly avoided falling by seizing Sirius, looked out of the window: they were now speeding down what appeared to be a motorway.

“Just outside Birmingham,” said Stan happily, answering Harry’s unasked question as Ron struggled up from the floor. “You keepin’ well, then, Black, ’Arry? I seen your and Evan’s names in the paper loads over the summer, but it weren’t never nuffink very nice… I said to Ern, I said, ‘’e didn’t seem like a nutter when we met ’im, just goes to show, dunnit?”

He handed over their tickets and continued to gaze, enthralled, at Harry; apparently Stan did not care how nutty somebody was if they were famous enough to be in the paper.

Therefore, after seeing Evan, Harry, and Sirius getting in the bus, he was extremely thrilled!

In all of this, he was acquainted with Harry.

The year Harry ran away from home, he happened to take the Knight Bus. At that time, Evan was in his cat form, so Stan didn’t recognize him.

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