Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 285: Golden Flames

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.

"Dialogue" 'Thoughts' -Author notes-


Chapter 285: Golden Flames




Several inferi were hit by the flames and would quickly be consumed by them.

But while a small number of them were taken care of, the rest continued to advance.

They could hear countless noises of the house being torn apart on the other side while they barely held the front.

Moody turned around and found James patting his robes as if he was looking for something. "Potter, we need your help here. Start firing spells at something, for fuck's sake!"

"Hold on, I think I found it. My son gave me something…."

"Incendio! Incendio!" Dawlish was desperately throwing fire at the creatures. "I can't hold them!"

One of them managed to squeeze inside.

Moody hurried and used a powerful wind spell to push it outside while fanning the flames still burning on the exterior.

This gave them a small breathing window in the front, but the inferi behind them were already inside the house.

"What now? We can't use fire inside here; we will die too!" Dawlish said.

"Leave it to me!" James tapped the wooden floor with his wand and created a robust wall in front of the door leading to the living room where they were as the creatures were trying to enter.

This blocked the only other entrance, but it also meant that they now had only one way to escape the house.

"Good one, James!" Dawlish exclaimed.

"Yes, but those guys are not that stupid, they will soon come this way," Moody said.

"I found it!" James pulled a small box from his robes.

"Is that a portkey?" Dawlish said with a glimmer of hope.

"No, this is an explosive artifact." James opened the box and took the item inside in his hands.

It was a blue-tinted crystal covered in runes and encased in a metallic thin frame.

"You said your son gave you that?..." Even for Moody, this was a strange gift to give your father.

"Cover me while I throw it, this should kill enough inferi for us to escape," James suggested.

"I'm up for anything that can get us out of here," Dawlish said.

Moody pointed his wand at the opening. A large number of inferi were charging at them once the flames went down a bit. "Flama!" A wave of flames manifested in front of Moody and made its way towards the undead creatures. "Come on, Potter!"

James nodded. As per Harry's instructions, he carefully moved the tip of his wand in between the metallic frame until it made direct contact with the surface of the crystal.

He then injected a large amount of his magic to activate it.

The crystal began to shine with an eerie blue light and something that looked like a tiny flame appeared inside the crystal.

"I think it's ready," James said.

"You think? Have you never used one of those… whatever that thing is?" Dawlish asked.

"I was told to activate it, throw it as far as I could and… to cover my eyes," James said.

The flame inside the crystal appeared to be growing in size and becoming more wild, it had also begun to change color towards yellow.

Moody noticed this immediately. "Throw that outside, now!"

Both he and Dawlish used some fire magic to prevent the inferi from getting close while James approached the opening and launched the artifact with all his strength.

James placed a shield in front of him and the other two aurors after they all took a few steps back. He used one of the rings that Harry made to create it and powered it with as much magic as he could spare, and hoped that would be enough.

Dozens of inferi were scrambling and pushing against each other to enter through the window hole.

In the distance, a flash of light could be seen.

A second later, they were hit by an extremely bright wave of golden flames that consumed everything in sight.

"Nooo!" Dawlish began to feel the heat of the fire and screamed.

The flames went through their shields like they were not even there.

The light was so intense that even after closing their eyes and placing their hands on top, they could still see the golden light.

For a moment, they thought they were all going to die for sure, under the massive assault of the powerful flames.

But the heat from this golden fire never went above a comfortable warmth.

It was actually a very cozy and calming sensation, being enveloped in this strange fire.

The event only lasted for ten seconds but to them it felt like hours had passed.

When they felt the light recede, they opened their eyes with caution and looked around.

It took a bit for their eyes to adjust to the darkness of the night but when they did, they all were able to confirm that nothing was burned by the flames.

The small wooden house was still standing, the same as before. And they were also completely fine, not even a small singe on their clothes.

"What was that?!" Moody was the first one to speak.

"I thought… I was sure those flames hit me. Why aren't we burned, not even a bit?" Dawlish asked.

"I don't understand it either. The fire did nothing?" James was extremely confused at the moment. The event had been so strange that for a moment, he even forgot about the most important thing.

"I wouldn't say that it did nothing…" Moody stood up from the floor. "Can you not hear it?"

"Silence…." James finally realized.

"Where did the inferi go?" Dawlish asked.

Moody looked outside. The clearing was completely empty. "Potter… what in Merlin's balls was that thing?"


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