Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 289: An Insightful Exercice


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 289: An Insightful Exercice


There were twelve rock golems in front of him. They were ten feet tall (3 meters) and wielded rudimentary stone swords. The blades weren't very sharp, but considering the weight of the weapon, plus the strength of the rock giants, it would be very easy for them to separate a limb with one good hit.

All the golems had received the same command… to kill Harry Potter.

They all began running at him, but instead of charging together with a frontal assault, they decided to make use of their numerical advantage. While some continued with a direct attack, others moved to his sides and back to overwhelm him with strikes from all directions.

'Fascinating… they are thinking on their own. I had only given them the objective but didn't specify the 'how,' so they are making decisions now.'

This had started as a simple training exercise, but now it was also a 'magical construct' experiment.

He had already been able to imprint some of his skills onto his creations, but these new golems appeared to have improved even further.

'Could it be another side effect of my fusion with the Deathly Hallows?' Most of his magical abilities had become enhanced...he just didn't have time to test this one before.

"Whoa!" A stone blade had just passed very close to his face. "They are faster too…"

Fortunately for him, his physical abilities had also improved greatly.

Thanks to this, he had little trouble avoiding the first barrage of attacks.

He also had plenty of room to move since he decided to perform this exercise in the backyard, after taking proper precautions to avoid his sisters from coming here and getting hurt by accident.

The golem directly behind him just sent a powerful stab, aimed at where his heart would be.

Harry jumped over it, landing on the blade of the massive stone sword, and then used it as a platform to jump once more. This time, he propelled himself above the golems around him and escaped from the circle of death they had created.

"I guess I better start fighting back before they try that again."

His wand was already aimed at the first golem. "Reducto!"

Half the body of the golem was reduced to dust before it collapsed. These golems had some auto-repair properties, for as long as they had some magic left, but there was no chance of repairing the damage Harry had caused to it.

"Let's see… what else…"

They began the encirclement once more.

At first, Harry thought they were just repeating the same tactic as before, but then he noticed that, out of the eleven golems, only five were circling close to him, while the remaining six had created an outer circle to catch him if he tried to jump away.

'They are learning…' He had not been expecting this.

A gigantic stone blade came flying his way.

His creations were not going to give him much time to be impressed.

"Gladius." His wand transformed into a two-sided sword, and he used it to parry aside some of the attacks while avoiding the others.

"Divulsa…" A baleful purple aura surrounded his blade.

Harry made a horizontal slash across the chest of a nearby golem. The curse began to eat away at the stone surface. But he could not stop there and continued to run his sword on the golems around him until he was able to create a gap in the encirclement and escape.

Three golems were currently being consumed by the curse, while a fourth one had lost its weapon. But then, the constructs on the outer circle went on the offensive.

Harry's wand returned to its original shape. "Torqueo!"

A powerful current of wind manifested in the area, with Harry as its epicenter.

Despite their massive weight, the golems were pushed away by the wind. Some of them were sent away from him while others ended up colliding with their brothers and being destroyed in the process.

By the end of it, only five golems remained in a functional state.

"Bombarda!" The first construct to stand up was blown to pieces.

The remaining four then began a last-ditch effort to reach Harry.

"Accio!" He pulled one of the golems towards him, and once it got close enough, he aimed it at another one. "Depulso!"

The golem was sent flying like a projectile, and when it collided with the other one, the two golems were reduced to small chunks of debris.

The last two were mere feet away already.

After using an explosive charm on one, Harry stored his wand and moved closer to the last one.

The golem made a downward slash aimed at Harry's head.

Instead of avoiding it, he took a step forward and stopped the attack with pure physical strength, something that should not be possible, considering that each golem weighed several tons.

"Urgg… damn…" Harry knew he was pushing his body to its limits right now, but he needed to learn how much he could do in a controlled environment like this, instead of a battlefield.

With him and the golem at an apparent standstill, Harry was considering what to do next…. but then, he felt a presence nearby.

A moment later, the golem's upper body was reduced to dust.



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