Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 293: Another Visit to Gringotts


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 293: Another Visit to Gringotts


"Harry… a Peverell?" Daphne gave him a dubious look.

Xeno pointed to the diary before passing it to Harry.

"I believe it's from page ninety and onward. Lord Anthony Peverell saved a Muggle-born witch who was being chased by some Muggle villagers."

Harry and Daphne began to read the later entries.

After saving that girl, the Lord fell in love and wanted to marry her, but his remaining family was against it.

Magical houses back then didn't care that much about blood purity, but they still cared about social status.

The Peverell family may have been in decline, but they still held a noble position among the small magical society of the era.

This girl was just the daughter of some local Muggle commoner. She came from a humble family of poetry artisans.

Anthony Peverell became outraged with his family, and by the end of a long conflict, he renounced his Lordship and family status, passing it to someone else and leaving his house.

"If that's how things are, I'm willing to become a simple potter to be with her…" Harry repeated the line written in the diary.

"That's so romantic!" Daphne commented.

"Please, tell me that this is not the origin of my house…" Harry grumbled.

His library contained little information about the founding of the Potter House, and this story was definitely not there.

"I do believe that is the case… if you continue to read, there is a lot more," Xeno said.

"Lord Anthony left the Peverell house, only taking with him a few possessions. But he did take the Cloak of Invisibility and, I suppose he took the family vault key too. He then married that girl and later adopted 'Potter' as his new family name. Although their firstborn son, Alexander Potter, would be the one recognized as the actual family founder."

"At least it explains how the cloak ended up as a family relic," said Harry.

"This also means that you really have some Peverell blood in you," Daphne commented.

"Wait, and what happened to the rest of the family?"

"The diary doesn't mention much about them, but from what I learned from other sources, they didn't last long. The title of Lord was passed to Anthony's cousin, and after that, the Peverell house only lasted two more generations before vanishing from history," Xeno explained.

"I wonder what happened to them," Daphne said.

"Many old families end up disappearing over time, it is a common occurrence. Perhaps they got into conflict with another house more powerful than them and… got wiped out," Harry said.

"Regardless of whether that story is true or not, the next step would be to visit the Peverell vault. Only then can we be sure," he added.

"Do you mind if I accompany you?" Xeno asked.

"I have spent a large part of my life researching the Deathly Hallows, and this could be the culmination of a life's work."

"Of course, I don't mind. Besides, you are the expert in these matters. I may need your help."

"Ehm… Harry?" Daphne looked at him.

"You want to join us?" Harry asked. She already knew almost everything about him, so it wasn't like he had much to hide from this girl.

"That's fine by me. But I can't guarantee that we will find something interesting down there. It may still be a waste of time."

"Just seeing that ancient vault will be worth the trip!" The excitement was reflected in her eyes.

"It is decided then… and what about you?" Harry asked the last occupant of the room.

Luna didn't appear to have much interest in their topic of conversation, so she remained quiet the whole time while reading a book.

"I don't like the goblin mines; they are stuffy and smelly."

"Fine then… you can stay here. Call Mipsy if you need anything or if you want to go see Lyra." Harry pulled his wand.

"Let's get to Gringotts then."


"How far are we going?" Daphne asked.

The cart ride had already been plenty long, and the goblin kept the cart going further and further into the underground tunnels.

They had already passed the area where her family vault was located and just continued further.

Even the illumination was getting dimmer, and she could not see any more vault doors around them.

"There is still a bit left," said Harry.

"Fascinating." Xeno was inspecting his surroundings.

"I once wrote an article about how the goblins were amassing a huge army in the depths of these tunnels and conspiring to take over the surface."

"What?!" shouted the goblin while driving.

"Lord Lovegood!" Daphne gave the man a pleading look to shut up. This was the worst possible place to anger the goblin.

"Oh… I mean, it was just something I heard from an unreliable source."

"Who told you that?" The goblin was getting more anxious.

Harry handed him a few galleons. "My friend here is just speaking nonsense. Can we forget about his comment?"

The goblin grumbled something in his language and continued driving the cart.

A few minutes later, they stopped before a massive crevice in the ground.

"Have we arrived now?" Daphne looked at her surroundings. She saw no more railroads ahead, so she assumed it was here.

"I can't see any vaults though."

"It's just a bit ahead…" Harry said before gripping the cart with force.

Daphne appeared to be confused. "Ahead?... there is nothing there. Harry?... why are you smiling like that?"


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