Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 301: Commander Silver Axe


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-


Chapter 301: Commander Silver Axe


"Are you going out like that?" Daphne asked.

Without covering his head, Death's robes may appear like a normal black piece of clothing, but the more one stared at them, they would begin to notice their unnatural movements. It was like the fabric itself was alive.

The color was also off-putting. The tone of black was so dark that it almost seemed to vanish into the shadows while eating away all the light around it.

"Right, I should take this off…" Harry almost forgot he was wearing them. The robes were extremely comfortable to him, almost like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold day.

But when he made a motion to take them off, he found an issue. "Mmm…they seem to be stuck."

Daphne got a bit closer to look at the robes better. "Oh wow!" At this distance, she could clearly see it. The robes weren't really acting like a piece of clothing. The black material appeared to have fused with Harry's body, making it impossible to remove.

"I'm not sure how to say this, Harry. But it's like the robes have become part of you…" She hoped for that not to be true, though.

"Wait, you mean I can't remove them?" Harry frowned.

"Calm down. Of course, the robes have become a part of you. This is normal." Xenos stated.

"You knew this was going to happen?" Daphne threw him an accusatory glance.

"I didn't even know the Fourth Hallow existed until earlier this month, much less what it was."

He looked at Harry. "But this should be no different than the other three. They also bonded with you and you have control over them and their powers… the robes should be the same. At least, that is what I believe."

He pointed at his head. "You removed the hood without thinking, remember?"

Harry realized Xenos was correct. When Daphne got scared of him, he wanted to show her his face, and the robes obeyed.

He closed his eyes and focused on his connection with the robes… then, he gave them a command to hide away.

The robes immediately began to shrink until they were nothing more than a small black sphere, which then proceeded to disappear inside his body.

"Fascinating." Xenos had a wide smile on his face.

"So, it's still in your body?" Daphne wondered.

"Yes… I can feel it. If I were to give it an order to come out, it will." He said with certainty.


A loud shout came from outside.

"This is Commander Silver Axe, from the Goblin First Battalion. You have nowhere to escape to. Come out and surrender in peace!"

"Yikes… he sounds very angry." Daphne had hoped they would be more willing to talk things out, but it appears to be very unlikely now.

"Do not worry, Harry said he has a plan." Xenos pointed out to her.

This one nodded. "You can leave it to me. I'll handle the goblins." He then began to walk out of the chamber.

Daphne and Xenos followed him close behind. When the trio went out into the chamber, they found themselves facing an alarming amount of armor-clad goblins, who looked ready for war.

"How did so many of them get here so quickly?" Daphne exclaimed. It took them at least ten minutes of riding the minecart to arrive at the chambers. For this amount of goblins to be here in such a short amount of time, it should simply not be possible.

Xenos gave her a knowing look. "You are assuming the goblins don't have a better and faster way to move around the tunnels… one that they keep secret from us! " He said with enthusiasm. "One of my most reliable sources once told me th-"

"Silence, humans !" The Commander screamed with fury. "Drop your wands and lift your hands in the air!. Do not make me repeat myself"

The soldiers had circled the vault entrance, completely sealing any chance of escape without a fight.

As the Commander gave them the order to surrender, the armor-clad goblins took a few steps closer, with their sharp weapons pointing at them.

Daphne glanced at Harry's back. Wondering what kind of plan he had in mind. She could only hope he was not thinking about embarking on something that would lead to a war with the goblin nation. They had enough problems already.

"It's okay, leave it to me." He turned around to her with a confident smile on his face before walking forward to the goblins.

He did not take two steps before the Commander shouted back at him. He and his soldier appear to be ready for an attack at any second.

"Stop!" The Commander pointed his axe at Harry, and his men did the same with their weapons. A good variety of swords, spears, and axes were being aimed at Harry.

"There is no need for that, Commander Silver…" Harry started.

"Silver Axe!" The Commander Corrected.

"Right…" Harry shrugged

Then, much to Daphne's surprise, Harry lifted his hands in the air and offered the goblin Commander a gentle smile. "We surrender peacefully." He threw his wand at the leader's feet.

"What?..." Daphne thought she had heard him wrong. Harry never gave up without a fight… she never thought she would hear him say something like that. But then, she recalled his words from before. 'Is this part of his plan?... I must trust him.'

Xenos was also surprised but hid it better. "I thought I was about to witness the beginning of a new interesting chapter in goblin history." He did sound a bit disappointed.

"Smart choice, Wizard." The goblin Commander pointed ahead. "Arrest them!"

A dozen armed goblin soldiers ran at them.


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