Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 313: Introductions and Announcements

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 313: Introductions and Announcements


"Welcome once more to Hogwarts!" Dumbledore tried to appear as cheerful and energetic as usual, but he felt so tired.

"I don't know… he looks off this year," Hermione and her friends were just discussing this.

"It's probably just age. I mean… isn't he like, over a hundred or something?" Lavender commented.

"He was still very lively last year. And besides, wizards can easily live over a hundred and be in good shape, right, Harry?" Hermione glanced at him.

He nodded absentmindedly, his attention somewhere else at the moment.

Harry's bright green eyes scanned the professors' area.

The toad was easy to find. She was standing close to the podium where the Headmaster was still giving his welcome speech. She looked about ready to push him out of the way and take his place for herself.

Then there was Augustus Rookwood. This one was easy to miss if one wasn't paying attention. He took his seat between Hagrid and Flitwick.

The man had a bald head, an unkempt black beard, and a large scar across his face. He wore very simple black robes with no decorations on them.

The scowl on his face could almost put Snape to shame, but this one seemed directed at no one in particular but more like his natural state of mind.

Other than the scar, there was only one remarkable thing about Rookwood that made him stand up for Harry. It was in his eyes… there was no light in them; they looked like the eyes of a dead fish.

Harry had never met the man in person and had only seen a single picture of him, but he doubted that was his usual look.

'I'll soon get some answers on that front at least,' he reminded himself.

Dumbledore ended his speech and was about to introduce the new professors when the woman behind him decided it was finally time to act.

"Ahem… if you don't mind… Headmaster…" She sneered when she called him that. "I wish to introduce myself."

"Right… of course, go ahead, Miss Umbridge." Dumbledore stepped back and allowed the plump woman to step in front of the podium. Her smile was giving him a shiver and he would rather look at anything else.

She gave the Great Hall a passing glance and smiled with delight and a clear air of superiority.

"I'm sure most of you still remember me from last year's announcement or for my fantastic work at the Ministry of Magic as the right hand of Minister Parkinson. But in case you somehow don't... my name is Dolores Umbridge, and I will be your new Defense professor this year."

She received mild applause after the announcement. She didn't seem very pleased with that.

"I expected better… is that all the enthusiasm you have?" A scowl crept behind her false smile.

This time, most of the students clapped. They all knew she was the type to keep insisting until she got what she wanted.

"A bit better…" Umbridge nodded.

"Now… besides being your new professor, as his loyal right hand, our beloved Minister Parkinson has also decided to entrust me with an extra position."

The smile returned to her face as she was about to read the next part of her speech.

"Along with the School Board of Directors, we have decided to bring back an old charge that used to be part of every magical school in Britain back in the day. This is… the High Inquisitor of Education."

The hall erupted in murmurs.

"Silence!" She used her wand to amplify her high-pitched voice several times over.

This was enough to be called a weapon, and all the students cried out in pain while covering their ears.

"You will remain quiet while a professor is speaking to you." She looked back at the other professors sitting at the table.

"It seems like you educators have failed to teach you some proper manners… but that will change this year."

Her eyes moved across the Hall.

"As High Inquisitor, I will have full authority to create and enforce new rules and regulations, and I have the feeling that I will have to make many changes around here, and I—"

"Miss Umbridge…" Dumbledore tried to get her attention.

"What?!" She snapped back. There was still one more page left and she hated to be interrupted.

"We need to get the feast started soon, so…"

Umbridge frowned. "Fine! Since the Headmaster has decided to interrupt me so rudely, I will finish my introduction here. You will learn all the details very soon anyway." She stepped back and walked away with loud steps.

Dumbledore sighed and got back on the podium.

"Well… we also have another professor to introduce. Professor Augustus Rookwood will be replacing Professor Binns in the subject of History of Magic, now that Professor Binns has 'decided'… to retire."

He glanced towards the dark-robed man.

"Professor Rookwood, would you like to say a few words to your new students?"

Rookwood stood up and glared at Dumbledore for a few seconds.

"No," he grunted before sitting back down.

"Um…" Dumbledore wasn't sure what to say to that.

"Right… well, let's give Professor Rookwood a nice welcome."

The students gave a few claps before the Hall fell back into an awkward silence. None of them knew what to think about their new History professor.

"Now, I know you are all very hungry and wanting to begin the feast, but there is one more very important announcement to make before that. This year, Hogwarts is bringing back another old tradition to these halls… I am honored to inform you all that we will soon be hosting… the Triwizard Tournament!"


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