Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 320: Rules and Regulations

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 320: Rules and Regulations


"No, a bit more to the right…" Umbridge woke up the next day in a very bad mood. And she couldn't even tell why.

The events from the previous day were somewhat fuzzy.

'Did I eat too many rum chocolates last night?...' This was not the first time it happened, but it was certainly not a common occurrence.

She was so angry that she decided to begin applying her first new rules today, instead of letting the students have a bit more time.

"I said to the right!" She just realized that the janitor was moving the plaque the wrong way.

"Ugh…," the man grumbled from his ladder and moved the other way.

"There! Hang it there." Umbridge instructed, and Filch began to use a hammer and a large nail to secure the plaque on the wall.

This one read: "Educational Decree Number 23: Dolores Jane Umbridge has been appointed to the post of High Inquisitor of Hogwarts."

Next to this sign were twenty-two others with different texts written on them. Some were rules, while others were mere announcements.

It was still early in the morning, and the students began to walk by the wall.

"What is that?"

"Where did all of those plaques come from?!"

This was the main hallway that led to the Great Hall, so everyone who was going to get some breakfast stopped to read the plaques.

Umbridge stood there and watched with amusement at the students' reactions.

"Curfew has been changed to seven P.M.? That's just after dinner!"

"We can't wear skirts shorter than the school robes? Who even has something like that?!"

"No holding hands or any other show of affection inside the school premises?..."

"Oh…she's begun already," Harry took note of the large number of plaques as he made his way to the hall.

"What's all of that?" Lyra was at his side and began to read them.

Her reaction was much like the others. She was outraged.

"Come here," he took her by the hand and dragged her a bit further away from the crowd.

"Harry? What are you doing?" Lyra asked but did not try to resist.

"I need you to listen to something."

If Lyra was going to complain, the thought disappeared when she saw how serious he looked.

"I know those rules are ridiculous, but you have to obey them for now."

"What? You can't be—"

"You have to trust me on this."

"Ehmm…okay…" She could not say no to her brother when he was like this.

"Do whatever you can to avoid getting in trouble. That woman will take any chance to give you detention; don't give her the opportunity."

"The new professor, why would she do that? Harry, what is going on? You're scaring me," Lyra said.

"It's best not to know some things…just keep in mind that Umbridge is more dangerous than you think. Make sure to tell this to your friends. If she gives detention to any of you…let me know immediately and never stay in a room alone with her. Do you understand?"

Lyra nodded.

"I get it…even though I don't understand why…"

Harry was well aware of how selfish this was of him.

Umbridge was going to do her best to 'discipline' as many students as she could, and he was not going to stop her because he wanted to keep things as unchanged as possible.

This was his best advantage at the moment, and he did not want to lose it.

But if that toad were to lay a finger on those he cared about…he did not trust himself to stop before ripping her into pieces.

That would ruin things quite a bit and put everyone in even more danger in the long run.

He looked back at the toad as she smiled in satisfaction at her creation before he moved his eyes to the wall.

'There are still quite a few rules left...I cant believe I have to deal with this and the tournament at the same time...'


The rest of the week went in relative peace.

This was a much-forced peace, given all the rules that had been newly implemented by Umbridge.

The first Hogsmeade weekend was still another week away, but at least, it was finally time for the arrival of the two other schools that would participate in the tournament.

The Great Hall had been expanded with an extra table to accommodate all the upcoming guests.

At the front of the Hall was a very large object that had been covered with a tarp.

"Tonight is a very special one...tonight we will be receiving students from two foreign schools, who will remain on Hogwarts premises for the remainder of the year," the Headmaster announced.

"Now…I will expect all of you to be on your best behavior and make these students feel very much welcome." He made a hand gesture, and the giant double doors on the other side of the hall opened by themselves.

"Let's first give our welcome to…Durmstrang!"

A large number of students dressed in black and red robes made their way in between the tables.

"They all look…upset…" Hermione observed.

"I heard that Durmstrang is in the middle of some frozen tundra…. I would be upset too if I had to study in a place like that," Parvati added.

"Look! That one in the front is really hot!" Lavender was quick to point out.

"That's Viktor Krum!" Ron shouted.

"Look, George."

"Yes, Fred?" one twin said to the other.

"Looks like our brother has finally found love."

"It does look that way." The twins began to laugh.

"Hey, stop it!" Ron pointed his fork at them.

The group from Durmstrang was around thirty people strong, and most of them were males.

Their Headmaster stood at the front. He was a tall man with long hair and a beard, who looked around with paranoia.

Dumbledore greeted them briefly before signaling to the door again.

"And now…"


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