Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 324: The Controversial Fourth Champion


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 324: The Controversial Fourth Champion


The Hall became completely silent.

"W-what did he say?…" Neville stammered the words.

"I'm sure he said your name," Seamus told him.

Ron frowned.

"You put your name in?!"

"Neville Longbottom!" Dumbledore repeated.

"Neville, I think you are supposed to go there with the others," Ginny said.

"But, I… I didn't put my name! I swear!" Neville said defensively.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have put my name in too." Ron glared at Neville with disgust.

"Neville Longbottom, come here please." Dumbledore made a hand gesture for him to approach.

The other champions were already behind the Headmaster and staring at Neville.

Not being given any other choice, Neville lowered his head and began to walk towards the front while everyone stared at him.

He heard some of his housemates whispering and calling him a cheater and worse.

He hadn't felt like this since his first year. Most seemed to have lost interest in the whole 'Boy Who Lived' thing after a while. Especially after Draco disappeared.

Other than hearing ridiculous rumors about him, no one had really bothered him… but now this happens.

'Why?…' Neville wondered while he walked.

"Mister Longbottom… I expected better from you…"

Neville was first welcomed by a very disappointed Professor McGonagall.

The Headmaster got in between them and put his hand on Neville's shoulder.

"Let us discuss this in a more private setting. Severus, do me a favor and guide the champions to the side chamber. We have to talk..."

"This way…." the Potions Professor told the other champions.

They all followed him, along with the two foreign Headmasters.

They went inside a large studio filled with cabinets and shelves.

As the door closed, the Headmistress from Beauxbatons went directly to confront Dumbledore and Neville.

"What is the meaning of this?! Hogwarts has two champions now?! I demand that you remove one this instant! I don't care which one."

"Miss Maxime, I assure you tha—"

"I agree! I was not expecting this type of machination from you, Albus," Karkaroff joined in.

Neville kept his head down, not wanting to make these people even angrier.

"Igor, you know me… Hogwarts has nothing to gain from doing something like this." Dumbledore tried to calm the two.

Madam Maxime's eyes moved to Neville.

"If this is not something you planned… then this boy cheated all by himself. Is that what you are saying?"

"I did not put my name in the goblet…." Neville muttered.

"Hmph, like we are going to believe that. I just don't know how you got past the protections…" Karkaroff grunted.

"How did you do it, boy?" He got a bit closer, and Neville was more scared now.

Snape stopped the other Headmaster.

"Igor, you are in no position to go accusing people of transgressions… or have you forgotten your past?"

"Severus… how dare you say that to me?!. Who do you think you are?." Karkaroff frowned.

"Okay, that's enough!" Dumbledore got serious. The intensity of his magic flaring was sufficient for them to take a step back.

"What is done is done…. you know as well as I do that once the name comes out, the magical contract is formed. And there is no going back. Neville Longbottom will participate in the tournament."

Before they could open their mouths again, Dumbledore added something else.

"However, Hogwarts will only have one champion, and that is Cedric Diggory, since he was chosen first. In the case of Mister Longbottom winning the tournament… it would be treated as an independent side, and Hogwarts would take no credit for it. Is that acceptable?" He glanced at Neville and Cedric.

Cedric shrugged.

"Sure, as long as everyone knows I'm the real champion."

Neville nodded.

"I don't mind…" He knew he wasn't going to win anyway. He just wanted people to stop being mad at him.

"Ha! Like that little boy is going to win." Fleur stepped forward and stood next to her Headmistress.

"It's fine, Headmistress… let Hogwarts do what they want. I will be the winner in the end."

Maxime smiled.

"So much fire, that's my girl! … very well, Albus. I'll complain no more about this matter… but I want you to know that I am very disappointed in you."

Viktor Krum moved next.

"It is alright, Headmaster. I always welcome the competition…" He glared at Fleur.

"And the final champion will be me."

Karkaroff chuckled.

"Right!" He looked at Dumbledore.

"Fine! Let Hogwarts have two champions, there will be more to crush!"

Dumbledore shook his head. They weren't even listening to him after all.

"Very well… then I will just say, congratulations to all the champions. You can go back to the Great Hall and celebrate with all your friends. I have convinced Madam Umbridge to allow a ten P.M. curfew, just for tonight."

The foreign champions began to leave the room, while McGonagall accompanied Cedric.

Neville was about to follow them when he was stopped by Dumbledore.

"Not you, Mister Longbottom… I'm afraid we still have more to discuss. We can continue in my office."

"Am I in trouble?…" Neville asked with a trembling voice.

"My grandma will kill me if I get expelled…"

Snape could not help but scowl. 'The Dark Lord is wary of this boy…' The Potion Master reminded himself of that fact.

"No, you are not in trouble, Neville… I just want to talk about a few things related to what happened tonight. I promise to be as brief as possible so you can return to your friends," Dumbledore said.

Neville flinched.

"That's okay… I'm in no hurry to get back there… they probably hate me now… they think I'm a cheater."

Dumbledore sighed. He detested that they had to do this.

He looked at Snape, and even the Potions Professor looked a bit troubled.

"Go call for 'him'…"


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