Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 326: Would you go?


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 326: Would you go?


Over the next few weeks, Neville learned what it felt like to be disliked by an entire school, plus two foreign ones.

Ron was quick to turn against his friend, and Seamus felt like he had no choice but to follow along with the rest of his house.

The fact that he knew the truth about his participation in the tournament and that he was helping in the fight against the Dark Lord did make him feel a bit better, though.

Also, he didn't have to worry about the tournament itself since Harry had already explained in detail how they were going to handle it.

He wasn't left by himself, either. Harry, along with his sister Lyra, and Ginny, would often keep him company.

Luna Lovegood and Astoria Greengrass would often join them, so he never felt truly alone.

But Neville was hardly the only one suffering at Hogwarts this year.

Professor Umbridge had quickly become the most disliked person in the entire history of the school.

She had continued to add more decrees to that wall, and it had gotten to the point where there was barely any room left.

Umbridge even tried to limit the Hogsmeade permits to only the 'Good Students'...of course, this was done according to her own criteria.

The Headmaster had to intervene in order to stop that decree personally, as it would have created an endless amount of trouble.

But just the fact that she tried to do that, had earned the scorn of most students.

There were so many rules that it was impossible not to break one by accident, and students would often find themselves in detention.

This was the reason he had been forced to interject today in Hogwarts affairs.

"Well?… how did it go?" Lyra asked with expectant eyes.

Harry walked out of Umbridge's office and closed the door.

Today, the toad had found some excuse to give detention to both his sister and Ginny.

The girls came to inform him, and he had no choice but to deal with her in person.

"I spoke with Professor Umbridge, and your detentions have been cancelled," Harry informed them.

"Really?… she looked so angry with us this morning," Ginny said with a frown. This was the first time she truly hated a teacher. Even Lockhart had not earned this much dislike from her.

"You didn't kill her, right?" Lyra asked with suspicion.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Harry was beginning to show concern about his personal image.

"I just spoke to her in a reasonable manner and made her see the error in her ways," he told them before walking away.

This was the fourth time he had to Obliviate the toad since the year started, and he was beginning to worry about causing her some permanent mental issues.

Not that he was worried for her well-being, but she needed to remain at least functional until the end of the tournament. Otherwise, Voldemort will be forced to send someone more competent.

"Wait, Harry!" He heard Ginny call for him.


"Well… I wanted to thank you for the help…" Ginny said.

"It was no trouble. Now you can enjoy your afternoon." Harry nodded.

"Yes, hehe. If only we could play Quidditch…" Ginny was still somewhat hurt by the absence of her favorite activity.

"The Headmaster only said that there would be no Quidditch House League. You can still play on the fields. There is plenty of space all around Hogwarts. You just have to convince a few more people to play." Harry gave her some advice.

Ginny's eyes opened wide.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Just be a bit discreet about it. If that woman finds out that someone is having fun, she is going to add another rule," Harry told her.

"Yeah… you are probably right," Ginny nodded.

"Say, Harry… there was something else I wanted to ask you…."

"Mmm?... what is it?" Harry noted the girl's face becoming a bit red.

"Well… would you… you know… the weekend…"


"I… never mind!" She took off running.

Harry had a complicated expression.

"Ahh! She almost got it!" Lyra exclaimed before jumping from behind a nearby column.

"Are you a stalker now?" he asked her.

"You doofus!" She came to him and punched his shoulder.

"Why didn't you help her?"

"Is this how you thank me for getting you out of detention? My little sister used to have better manners than this…"

"Don't give me that now…" Lyra raised an eyebrow.

"You are not that thickheaded. Ginny wanted to invite you to Hogsmeade."

"She didn't, though," Harry pointed out. He was already conflicted about this matter, and his sister was not helping.

"You have to invite her now," Lyra said seriously.

"Why are you getting involved in this?" Harry asked her.

"Because she is my best friend, and I want to help her," Lyra said.

"Come on, you even went with Pansy last year… and don't tell me that Ginny isn't pretty. There are already plenty of guys lining up to invite her."

"That's not the issue here…." There was no way he could explain the whole thing to her.

"Just one date to Hogsmeade, please?… and besides, that way we can do a double date with me and…" Lyra stopped talking.

"Hold on… you? Who are you going with?" Harry's tone became slightly harsher.

"That's my business. Isn't that what you always say?" Lyra seemed to enjoy this.

"Just tell me who it is… it's not someone from Slytherin… it's not Michael Corner, I hope." That guy was too sleazy.

"You'll have to wait for the next weekend to find out," Lyra chuckled.


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