Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 35: The contract

Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 35: The contract

On the next day, Lyra came back home accompanied by Lord Greengrass and Daphne.

After exchanging the formal pleasantries expected from the situation and nothing more than that, the parents moved the conversation to the privacy of James' studio where he had been talking with Harry the day before.

The room was big enough to comfortably fit ten people so it was not a problem for the current meeting.
Lord Greengrass and his daughter sat on one of the couches while the Potters sat on another one that was placed on the opposite side.

Lord Greengrass pulled a piece of parchment from inside his robe and placed it on the short table that was between the two families. He then proceeded to take out a small box that when opened, revealed a very expensive-looking quill.

Harry knew there was something special about that parchment since it had a great number of runes he recognized, but he could only guess the function of the complete array as that would require a closer and more lengthy examination.
For the quill, however…he did not even need a second to identify it. He became very familiar with that particular type of quill during his fifth year at Hogwarts.

And judging from his mother's expression. She also knew what it was.

"A blood quill? what did you bring that for?!" Lily raised her voice more than she had intended, making Lord Greengrass's expression change momentarily to a light frown.

"Calm down, Lily. Blood quills are commonly used to sign important magical contracts. " James tried to explain to his wife.

"Indeed, as Lord Potter said, blood quills are a necessity for this type of contract. Blood is the most efficient way to ensure a deal as that is the source of our magic." Lord Greengrass spoke with a grave voice.

Lily observed the parchment with interest.
"What kind of contract is this? I never seen protections like these ones in a contract and some of the runes are of globling origin."

"That's because this contract was made by Gringots goblins. Once the contents are written and signed with blood, the contract becomes unbreakable and is also enforced by the Gobling Nation. Is the most secure type of document that money can buy." Explained Lord Greengrass.

Daphne listened to her father talk with a prideful expression.

"Impressive…Now all that is left is to discuss the contents of such a contract. Why don't we start with…what do you expect to get, Lord Greengrass." James looked at the other lord.

Lord Greengrass moved his long blonde hair out of his face and observed James for a moment before speaking.
"What I want is very simple…protection for my family, you know from who. Once he realizes our refusal to join his side… he and his followers will show us no mercy."

"You don't need a contract for that. Of course, we will help your family!" Exclaimed Lily.

Lord Greengrass gave her a stern look.
"And I am meant to trust the future of my family and house on your word, Lady Potter? no offense but old magical families like ours, do things differently."

"Father" Daphne warned.

"I hope you are not suggesting that my wife is not to be trusted because she is a muggle-born." James had a hard expression on his face as he said those words.

Lord Greengrass did not seem to mind.
"Do not twist my words, Lord Potter. I don't share those silly beliefs that some of my fellow Lords and Ladies like to speak so much about."
He looked at Lily.
"Lady Potter, when it comes to the safety of my family, words are not enough. Not from you, your husband, or anyone else…regardless of their blood status or political position."

Lily made an expression of disapproval.
"While I can agree with some of that… being distrustful of everyone is not a healthy attitude."

"It has maintained our legacy for many centuries while other old families have disappeared over time." Rebuked Lord Greengrass.
"Now… let's get back to the matter in question. To cement this alliance between our families, I propose making a marriage contract between our heirs."

"Yes, I thought you were going to propose that." James looked at his wife with a troubled face.

"Is there a problem, Lord Potter?." Lord Greengrass frowned. 

"Let me make it very clear that we are not looking down on your proposal. Uniting our two families with a marriage would certainly be a welcome thing…" Said James.

"However?..." Asked Lord Greengrass.

"However, our children are still too young for such compromises." Said Lily.

"Of course they are!." Clamored Lord Greengrass. "That's why we, the adults must make those decisions for them." 

James saw that his wife looked ready to explode into a rant about how outdated that custom was so he decided to speak first while firmly holding her hand as a sign of 'let me do the talking'.

"Yes, that has been a tradition between pureblood families since before Hogwarts was funded, I am aware of that. But the Potters had stopped doing contracted marriages since the times of my father." 

"Your father married the sister of the former Lord Black, a very prestigious family. Back then at least." Lord Greengrass pointed out.

"He did. But only because they both fell in love with each other. In fact, the Blacks were not happy with marriage at all. According to what my mother told me, they almost banished her from the family for it…" Explained James.

"I see…I did not know that. But where are you getting with this?" Asked the Lord.

"What I'm trying to say is that I want my children to have a choice, like my father did and like I did…" James looked at his wife with a warm smile.
"I want them to be happy and marry someone they truly want to spend the rest of their lives with. I will not take that choice from them."

"Choosing who to marry without taking into account what benefits it could bring to your family?" Daphne looked at the Potters with a complicated expression.
"That seems very selfish to me…"

"So, I am to understand that a marriage contract is out of the table then. What do you propose then, Lord Potter?" Lord Greengrass looked at James.

James returned the look.
"I wouldn't say is out of the table yet. But, I discussed this with my wife and we have an idea that could work for everyone." 

A.N: - The character of Lord Greengrass has been inspired by a more toned-down version of Lucius Malfoy, I hope you guys like it. He still doesn't have an official name yet. So I will listen to your suggestions if you have any. Thank you for reading. -

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