Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 55: Kidnaper


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 55: Kidnaper

Draco threw his bag to one side and paced around the room.

"Tsk!, so stupid. Why should I care for that annoying girl?!. If Father hasn't ordered me to-"

"That's not nice. To talk about your fiance in such a manner."

The voice of Harry had completely startled the boy.

"Whos there?!, show yourself!" Draco shouted with as much authority as an eleven-year-old could muster.

It wasn't strange to Harry that Draco was unable to recognize his voice. The two of them had barely exchanged a few words during the entire year.

"If this is a prank…I swear, I'm going to tell my father about this!" 



Draco was covered by a mist that entered his nostrils and made his eyes glaze, losing their vitality.

Harry removed the cloak, as there was no more need of hiding. He just had to make sure to erase his memories after his business was concluded.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, you will answer only with the truth, is that clear?"

Draco looked at him but didn't question Harry's presence in his room and he seemed to be perfectly fine with it.

"Yes." He answered.

"Okay, here we go. Would your father normally be at home right now?" 

The boy nodded.

"Yes, the father usually ends his work at the Ministry around four in the afternoon and then goes home. " Draco explained.

"What about your mother?" Harry asked next.

"She is always at home unless my father takes her somewhere."

Dracon said without showing much change in his expression like he was just talking about something very trivial with an old friend.

"Poor woman…is there anyone else at your house?"

Draco shrugged.

"Just the two house elves." 

Harry looked satisfied with the answer. He could easily deal with that amount of occupants in the house, especially if it was a surprise attack. 

"Good, Now…is your house located on the top of a hill that oversees a small fishing village called Wiltshire?"

"Yes, those filthy muggles are where they belong, beneath us." 

Draco said with a satisfied smile.

'So, the house is at the same place I remember. That saves me the trouble of having to delve into the mind of Malfoy.'

Harry thought, ignoring Draco's racist remarks.

"Malfoy, look down now." Harry gave a peculiar command to the other boy.

Draco obeyed his order without questioning it and moved his head to stare at the floor.

Harry examined the top of his head. There was nothing unusual that could be spotted at first glance. But he knew better. This was the place where the tracking mark was applied.

From what he knew about this mark, it was not as intrusive as a normal tracking charm. It only kept the general location of the student while inside the castle but its main purpose was to warn the school if a student left the ward's perimeter without permission, which also included the train station and Hogsmeade.

Harry had already removed his own. But for Draco, it was better to do something else. 

"Stay like this," Harry commanded.

He walked to the boy's desk and picked up a piece of blank parchment he had on it.

He used his wand to move the mark to the parchment, the spell was not a complex one. Just something that he was taught by a very talented witch one day.

The previously invisible ink was now shown with a dark red color on the parchment. All that was left, was to reapply the mark on his head when they came back to this room and no one would even notice he was gone in the first place.

"Alright, Malfoy. Hold onto my arm, we are going for a little trip."

Harry held out his spare wand and two of them disappeared from the room with a faint pop.


It was dark and the air was very chilly on the north coast of England.

He could glimpse the light coming from the windows of the Malfoy manor ahead of him, but if a muggle was in his place, they would only see darkness, before feeling the urgent need to leave the place.

The second part was also meant to affect Harry but his mental protections were already enough to swat away a compulsion of this level.

The manor could almost pass as a castle. The construction looked very ancient and even had a high tower that poked from behind the main building.

As much as he always disliked every member of this family, he had to admit that it was an impressive place.

"Don't let go of my arm," Harry ordered Draco.

The Slytherin boy did not question any of his commands and just nodded.

They passed the first layer of defense and walked to the front door with no issue, but Harry knew that the danger was far from over. Their strongest defenses were here.

Draco was going to be his key to enter the manor. Without the boy, Harry would have to deal with some very nasty protections.

He knew this from personal experience as it was not the first time he entered this place.

Voldemort chose the house as his personal hideout for a good reason.

"Malfoy, invite me into your house," Harry said.

"Of course, please come into my house." Draco's emotionless delivery made Harry a bit doubtful if this stunt was going to work.

He had only heard about this method of bypassing wards from others but never had a chance to test it.

As soon as Draco opened the front door and they stepped inside, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But he was also filled with dread...this same method could be used to enter his own manor. This was something he would have to work on.

But for now, the hardest part was over. All that was left was to find Lucius Malfoy.

"Who goes there?, is that you Draco?"

The voice of Lady Malfoy came from a nearby room.

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