Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 64: Plans for the summer


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 64: Plans for the summer

"Do we have a secret library by any chance?" Harry asked directly during their next private conversation.

"Where does this come from? Of course, we don't have a secret library."

Lily Potter interjected.

"If we had something like that, your father would never have kept something like that from me, right James?"

His mother had insisted on participating in their meetings from now on since she wanted to be more involved in any decision they made.

Harry had told them more or less his whole story and everything he went through during the war.

Only skipped a few details he wanted to keep for himself, like the fact that he had been married to Ginny. His family was very familiar with the Weasleys already and he didn't want things to become weird between them.

Lily looked at her son. She knew that he was not going to give up on fighting against Voldemort, so she wanted to be of help the best she could.

Harry looked unconvinced by this.

"Really? Such an old wizard family doesn't have any obscure tome stored somewhere?"

Lily noticed James' eyes flinch for just a moment.

"James?, is there something you want to say? You are not hiding books from me, right?" She looked deeply offended now.

"Is not like that, Lily!. I swear." 

"How could you?!, James Potter!" 

"Let me explain, please…" James begged his wife.

She leaned back on the chair and crossed her arms.

"Fine, you better have a good explanation for this."

"I didn't do this. Is just something I heard from my father. During my grandfather's era, the Ministry had started the process of banning several branches of magic that had been previously legal. Not only did the practice become forbidden but also the possession and distribution of books or scrolls containing those types of magic."

"And our family had books of such forbidden branches of magic," Harry stated.

"Everyone did at the time." Said James.

"What kind of books are we talking about? What branches of magic?" Asked Lily with interest.

"I haven't seen them myself and didn't ask either, so I can't say. Never had the interest of risk getting arrested, to be honest. I got into enough trouble during my school days." Said James.

"So, are they hidden inside the house?" Harry wanted to know.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?. They are illegal! you could end up in Azkaban just by reading one of them."

"I am of the belief that no knowledge should be forbidden, just certain practices." Said Harry.

"That's right, no one should stop us from learning." Lily agreed with her son.

When the two pairs of bright green eyes landed on him. James Potter knew the fight was already lost.

"Very well…the books are stored in a secret compartment inside the family vault, at Gringotts."

"Fantastic!, when can go take a look?" Harry requested.

James looked troubled.

"This weekend is going to be impossible. I have too much paperwork to finish."

"Oh…but next week we have the girls coming home." Said Lily.

"Right…we, you will have to wait until the weekends after that. Two weeks from now, we can go visit the vaults…" James didn't seem very excited about the prospect.

"Sorry, but who's coming next week?" Asked Harry.

The only visit he was aware of was the one from Remus, who was going to take a vacation next month and visit during Harry's birthday.

"I was planning on telling you tomorrow, I just finished talking the details with their mothers this same afternoon. Your sister's friends are going to spend the next weekend at home with us."

"Lyra's friends?"

'Wait, but that means that…'

"Yes, one is Astoria Greengrass, you already know her oldest sister, Daphne. The other one is Ginny Weasley, you may have met her brother, Ron. He is in your year."

"Well, you did already…" James was about to say something.

"James." But Lily cut whatever her husband was going to say.

"Is that so…" Harry wasn't paying attention.

'It seems like I will have a chance to meet this world's version of Ginny a bit earlier than expected.'

"Harry?, is everything okay?" Asked Lily.

"Yes, everything is fine, mom. I was just thinking about some things...right, before I forget, I have another request for you, Dad."

"Another request?..." He asked with a hint of dread. What was it going to be now?.

"As long as is nothing too illegal, I'll be happy to help."

"I need a safe room to practice magic during the summers."

"A safe room?" Asked James.

"You want to practice magic during the summer?" Said Lily.

"Yes, but I already have a place in mind. Remember that underground safe room where we arrived by floo?"

"You want to use that basement?..." James considered the request. He knew that he wasn't going to be able to stop Harry from doing magic during the summer, so giving him a safe place where no one else could get hurt was not a bad idea.

"I suppose is safe, the walls have been heavily reinforced against destruction."

"What about Hogwarts rules?. You know he is not allowed to perform magic during the summers. Even if we let him, the trace of his wand will alert the Ministry." Said Lily.

James looked at his son for an answer.

"I have a spare wand without a trace." Said Harry.

"What?!" Lily looked shocked. 

"Why am I not surprised?" James shrugged.

"Can I see that wand?"

Harry lifted his left arm and a wand appeared from the holster.

"You got a holster too?" James examined the wand.

"I assume you didn't get this from Ollivander. He would never sell an untraced wand. Or even a spare wand at that."

"No, I bought that from Borgin and Burkes."

"You went to Knockturn Alley?!" Lily exclaimed.

'If they are frightened about something like this, it may be better not to tell them about the stuff I crafted…' Harry considered.

By the looks that his mother was giving him, he may be about to be grounded again.

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