Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 68: Golems and baths


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 68: Golems and baths

A golem made of stone rushed at him, in its hands was a dangerously looking iron sword.

Harry dodged the sharp blade by moving to one side as this one came down in a vertical motion.

The golem promptly recovered his posture and attacked again, this time with a horizontal slash aimed at his upper torso.

With a fluid motion, Harry moved behind the golem, and as soon as he did, this one used its free hand to launch a backhanded punch at his face, forcing him to jump backward and put some distance between them.

Harry made sure his wand was properly gripped, it would be very troublesome to stop the golem if it fell from his grasp.

The room he was currently in was fairly small for training purposes, being only 5 square meters (16,4 feet). This tight space just made facing an opponent armed with a blade a much more troublesome task.

Beads of sweat fell across his face.

"How long it's been already?..." He was losing track of time as his exhaustion increased.

The golem was not going to give him time to rest as the creature itself would never get tired of moving around, it could continue to fight until the magic powering its body was completely exhausted.

The construct turned around and ran at him with a level of swiftness that one would think impossible for a being made of stone.

It lunged forward as its body turned sideways, piercing the air with its longword, which was approaching at a tremendous speed towards his head.

The blade passed right next to his face as he moved.

"Shit, that was dangerous." He cursed.

Harry then jumped back, trying to create some breathing room between him and the golem but as soon as he did so, his back ended up hitting the wall. He had no more room to move.

The golem did not hesitate to go for the killing move. The magical construct did not have the capability to think or make decisions. It merely follows the simple command that its creator gave it during the moment of its conception, and the command was…' Kill the person in front of you'.

The golem will not stop for anything until its purpose has been carried out. Unless its creator intervenes.

"Finite incantatem."

As the words left Harry's lips, the conjured sword in the golem's hand disappeared into nothingness, and the golem itself crumbled down until it was no more than a pile of rubble.

"Reparo." The rubble flew against a wall that had a hole in it and transformed until the damage was completely fixed, leaving a flawless wall afterward.

Harry collapsed on the floor and cleared the sweat from his forehead before it reached his eyes.

He wasn't magically exhausted this time around, just physically. He had challenged himself to last for as long as he could against the construct without fighting back.

But the main purpose of this training exercise was to evaluate the combat capabilities of the golems he could create at this moment.

Construct creation was considered a side branch of transfiguration. Not a very popular one due to its limitations but a very useful piece of magic if you knew what you were doing.

If he was in a disadvantageous situation where he had to face multiple competent enemies, the creation of several golems could even up the situation.

These golems have some clear limitations. They could only be made from available material in your surroundings, and this meant that most of the time, they would be made of dirt or rock.

They only lasted for a short period of time. One has to give them a fraction of their magic during their creation, after that, the golem would function using this magic as fuel and will continue to do so until the magic runs out. Afterward, it will crumble and transform back into whatever material was used to form it.

The last and most important limitation was the knowledge. The golem was unable to do something that its creator was not knowledgeable about. For example, if the caster doesn't know the first thing about sword fighting, the golem will be as clueless as his creator when given a sword to fight with.

This was also the reason why they were usually created in a very humanoid shape, instead of forming them like animals or giving them extra limbs.

Overall, Harry was very satisfied with the test. His own sword skills could only be called average, especially compared to the one who taught him. But combined with the golem's might and speed, it had proven to be rather difficult to deal with.

"This should be good enough for today…" He looked down at himself. His clothes were completely soaked in sweat.

"I need a nice bath…tempus. Okay, there is plenty of time before lunch. "

He was not looking forward to that. After the girls arrived, Harry had basically, scoped out of there, and went to get some training. But he could not ignore them forever.

He just couldn't stand the look of fear that Ginny was giving him.

"How do I even begin to fix that?"

Lyra had probably told her already about this 'amnesia' and change of personality, otherwise, he could not imagine Ginny ever agreeing to come back here.

But it seems that she is not completely convinced about his change.

"Should I apologize?" He wondered.

Does he need to once again request forgiveness for something he didn't do?.

He pondered while making his way to the second-floor bathroom.

There were two big bathrooms on this floor, one was meant for him and Lyra, while the other was for their parents.

However, after one big fight when they were younger, Lyra had her room moved away from him and closer to their parents, leaving the entire area of the second floor to him, including the bathroom.

He didn't hate that part, as this meant that he never had to worry about having someone else use his bathroom and could enter whenever he wanted.

"Master Harry!"

He heard a pop and the panicked voice of an elf as he opened the door.

He then heard some gasps and when he looked up, Harry found himself staring a three naked girls about to enter the big bathtub.

Ginny hurried to cover herself with a towel. 

Lyra yelled at him while doing her best to cover her most important parts using her hands.

Astoria didn't seem to care at all about his presence or make any attempt to cover herself.

Harry closed the door and looked to his right, where Mipsy was looking at him with a troubled expression.

"Mistress Lyra and her friends wanted to take a bath but the other bathroom was being cleaned so I suggested they use this one…I tried to warn Master Harry but could not find you anywhere."

'Well yes...I was in the training room that is heavily warded against intrusions.' He realized.

Another pop could be heard.

"I found Master Harry!." Shouted Dobby.

"Master Harry must not enter that bathroom! The misses are using it!"

Harry sighed.

"Thanks Dobby…"

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