Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 72: Unexpected Bystanders


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 72: Unexpected Bystanders

"Wow…it worked." Lyra stared at the stairs in disbelief.

The noises they were hearing before got a lot louder after the painting opened. It sounded like rocks and metal being hit.

'What is my brother doing down there?' Lyra wanted to know more than ever.

Astoria glanced at her while pointing at the stairs like saying 'Do we go?'.

"Yes, but let's move slowly, try not to make any noise," Lyra whispered.

"Mmm…I don't have a good feeling about this." Ginny didn't like this situation but still followed behind Astoria.

The trio descended the set of stairs with care until they saw a small arch of stone at the end of it.

This one led into another room. The one where all the noise was coming from.

They all hid behind the entrance and peeked inside.

A stone golem passed by them, and the construct was moving quickly while wielding a metal sword.

Lyra and Ginny had to cover their mouth in order to avoid screaming.

It did not help the situation when they saw a second menacing-looking golem just a short distance away.

Or when they realized that the target of their blades was no other than Harry himself.

Lyra stared in complete shock as her brother ducked one attack and moved away from another one.

The room was not big enough to allow him much space away from the two golems and their sharp swords.

Harry was just wearing some shorts and a simple T-shirt for easy movement. With only his spare wand as a means of defense.

"He is doing magic out of school." She whispered, not very sure why her first thought was about her brother breaking Hogwarts rules and being expelled. Instead of something like 'Why are two magical creatures trying to kill my brother inside a hidden basement that I didn't even know existed until today.'

"Gladius." Spoke Harry. 

With no more room to dodge, he had no other choice but to start fighting back.

The transfiguration he just used had transformed his wand into a short double-edged sword.

He deflected the incoming attack before answering by stabbing his blade through the head of the golem, leaving a big hole in it.

The damage started to be repaired almost immediately but in the meantime, the magical construct was unable to move.

He took this chance to push it back and create just enough space to escape from the corner where he had been stuck.

As soon as he got past the first golem, the second one jumped into action.

A swift vertical slash was about to hit his head and likely split it in two.

"Protego." a translucent shield appeared above his head, stopping the blade and preventing it from traveling further.

Harry took a few steps back and lifted his own blade in the air.

This one gained a white glow to it as magic was being channeled through it. 

"Diffindo." Harry chanted the spell at the same time he completed a perfect vertical slash aimed at the second golem.

Even though he was some distance away from it, a white surge of light came out of the sword and impacted the golem, splitting it vertically in half with a clean cut.

"Where did your brother learn to fight like that?" Ginny whispered to Lyra.

"I have no idea he could fight with a sword…or with anything." for Lyra, the situation felt too surreal at the moment. 

Harry observed the golem he just cut. It seemed to be having trouble regenerating that one. 

'It must be running low on magic by now.' he concluded.

The other one had already recovered and rushed at him without hesitation.

Harry lifted his blade and pointed at the golem.


Ethereal ropes came out of the sword and tired themselves around the golem.

Despite being in its current shape, the transfiguration that Harry had used on his wand, allows it to retain its core and one is able to still use it to cast magic.

This combination of magic and swordmanship was something originally created by none other than Godric Gryffindor and later on perfected by one of his best friends and the one who taught him this style…Neville Longbottom.

The golem only needed a couple of seconds to break free but it gave Harry some time to recover his breath.

The sword shone again but it now gained a purple color and a baleful aura.

The golem arrived at his side and lunged at him.

Harry moved behind it and readied his blade.

"Divulsa!" a purple wave of magic cut this golem in half, this time horizontally, leaving behind a purple substance that started to corrode the golem.

After it passed through the stone body of the construct, Harry's magic continued until it hit the wall next to the entrance.

He then heard the scream of two girls.

"What was that?!" Lyra shouted.

"Lyra?!, what are you guys doing here?" Harry exclaimed. He was too focused on his training and didn't notice the three girls entering the room.

He hurried to remove the magic from the wall before it consumed it. Or any of the girls if they got too close to the corrosive magic.

"Harry!, behind you!" Lyra was the first one to react. She screamed while pointing.

Harry noticed the movement and reacted by moving quickly as a blade came lunging his way.

This one still managed to stab his left shoulder.

It seemed like the second golen, the one he had cut first, still had a bit of magic left. But it stopped moving right after getting a hit on him and promptly collapsed.

"Noo!" Screamed Ginny.

Despite having been cut in half and corroded. The other golem still had part of its upper torso and arms, so it continued to move and attack the closest target it detected.

During its creation, Harry's orders have been very simple. 'Just Kill whatever is in front of you'. 

He wasn't expecting visits.

"Finite incantatem ." He hurried to dispel the remaining magic on the golem and this one went back to being pieces of rock.

"Ugg…" He groaned and up a hand to cover the wound on his shoulder to stop the bleeding.

"Harry!, you are hurt." Lyra forgot about her million questions when she saw him bleeding and ran to him.

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