Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 82: Shopping trip


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 82: Shopping trip

August 15

"Wow!, Mom look at that!, I want it!" Holly pointed at the window of a shop.

The entire Potter family had come to Diagon Aley for a shopping trip.

They had initially planned on coming sooner to buy the school materials for Harry and Lyra, but Molly Weasley had convinced their mother to wait until mid-August and come all together.

This also meant they could take the chance to buy something for Holly's birthday, as it was only four days away.

"Can we go inside?" Holly insisted. The shop she wanted to enter was filled with all sorts of magical toys. 

"Wait, I want to get my wand first!" Lyra cried.

Harry gave his sister a passing glance. She was usually mature for her age, but sometimes she could get a bit…spoiled when there was something she really wanted.

And she had been obsessing with getting her own wand since the start of summer.

"No, Mum!" Holly pouted.

"Okay, enough of you two!" Lily huffed.

"Before anything, we need to go to Gringots. We are not buying much without money. Also, we are meeting the Weasleys there."

"Hold on, do we need to go all the way down there again?" Harry asked with a hint of worry. He did not enjoy that trip to the guts of Gringots.

James found his reaction amusing.

"Of course not. We have a trust vault on the upper levels. It gets a refill twice a year."

"Yes, you three can wait in the lobby. Just promise to behave, okay?" Lily warned.

"Yes Mom!" both Lyra and Holly answer together.

"I'm serious, girls…if we come back and you made some kind of mess, there will be no birthday presents for you." She pointed at Holly.

"And no extra books for you!" She pointed at Lyra. Her birthday had been in May so she could not use that as leverage but she knew her daughter wanted to get a few extra books for charms and potions. 

The faces of the two girls became paler.

"Well be good!" they hurried to say.

Lyra then pointed at Harry.

"Why doesn't he get a warning too?"

"Okay…" Lily glanced at her son with an attempt at a stern face.

"Young man, behave yourself or…Mipsy will not be making any more treacle tart for the rest of the year."

"Whoa, hold on a minute." Harry was not ready to receive a threat like that today.


"There they are!" Molly Weasley found the three well-behaved Potter children sitting on a stone bench near the bank entrance.

She was being accompanied by her husband Arthur and their children, Percy, the twins, Ron and Ginny.

"Hello Miss Weasley, and hello to you all." Harry was the first one to greet them.

Arthur smiled.

"I can finally meet the elusive Potter heir. Nice to meet you, Harry."

He then looked at his sisters.

"Lyra, so lovely to see you again, and Holly…only one visit this summer?, our chocolate reserves are going to spoil at this rate.

"Noo!" Holly was horrified at the mere thought. 

"Lyra!" Ginny hurried to greet her friend. She then made a gasp of surprise.

"You got earnings!, wow!" 

"Hehe, you like them?." Lyra moved her hair away to show then better.

"Is that gold?" Surprisingly enough, it was Ron the one who asked.

Harry noticed a mix of greed and envy in his eyes. 

"Does Ron want a pair of earrings too?"

"Oh, now we know what to get you for Christmas."

Fred and George joked.

Ron's face became bright red with embarrassment.

"Shut up!" he shouted loud enough to earn the attention of the surrounding people. 

"Ron!, behave yourself, we are not at home right now," Arthur told him with a stern expression. 

"Mom!, can I get some earnings too?" Ginny asked without much hope.

"Maybe next year, dear." Her mother gave her the answer she expected. 

"Okay…" Ginny muttered.

"Then, I'm going to the vault, then we can go shopping, okay?" Arthur said.

"Molly!" as Arthur was leaving, Lily and James walked into the lobby.


"Where do we go first?" Asked Lily once they were back on the main street.

"Wand!" Said Lyra.

"Toys!" Holly shouted and raised her hands up for more emphasis.

"Robes should go first, they take a while to be ready, so is more efficient like this." Harry offered his two cents.

"James, why don't you take Lyra and Ginny to Ollivanders so they can get their wands? I'll go with Molly and Arthur to buy the books and then, we can find the rest together." Suggested Lily.

"Wait, Lily. We already had a wand for Ginny to use. It was from my aunt… I'm sure it will serve her well." Molly made a complicated expression.

"Don't worry about it, Molly. James has been wanting to buy a wand for Ginny. As a thank you gesture for all the times you took care of our daughters." 

"But that was…you don't have to, Lily. New wands are very expensive, is too much." Molly looked a bit troubled.

"We know we don't have to, we just want to do it, is that okay with you?" Lily knew Molly was very stubborn and didn't like to accept anything for free. But she also knew how important was to have a proper wand chosen by you. So she had to try.

Arthur put a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Is okay to accept this Molly, let them get Ginny a new wand." 

Molly glanced at her daughter's hopeful eyes and sighed.

"Fine, but we will repay you for this, somehow."

Lily nodded, she knew this was the best she was going to get.

"Wait, what about me? I want a new wand too, why does only Ginny get one?" Ron questioned, much to the horror of his mother.

"Because she actually reads the books." Said Fred.

"And has a much better chance than you to pass her N.E.W.T.s" Said George.

"They are not wrong, Ron. Maybe if you study harder this year, Mom and Dad will buy you one. " Percy tried to help his brother at least.

"Study is for idiots!, this year I'm joining the Quidditch team. Right!...can I have a new broom instead of a wand then?" Asked Ron, completely oblivious to the death stare his mother was giving him.

"Well…we tried." Fredd shrugged.

"But he dug his own grave…" George shrugged.

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