Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 85: A special request


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 85: An special request

"Whoa!, why are you guys leaving in such a hurry." James spotted the group as they rushed to exit the bookshop.

"Mom, look!" Lyra ran to her mother with a small box in her hand.

"You got your wand? let me see…"

Lily opened the box and observed the wand inside.

"This wood…" She was surprised by it. It looked extremely familiar to her. 

"Is willow wood!." Lyra said with a smile. 

"I see, is the same as mine." Lily beamed while looking at her daughter.

"Ollivander once told me that Willow chooses those with great potential. What is the core?, it feels different than my Phoenix one."

"The core is dragon heartstring," Lyra explained happily.

"Like mine!" James grinned.

"She has a mix of both her parents." 

"Is a great wand, Lyra. Take good care of it, sweetie." Lily returned the box to her daughter.

"Check out mine, Dad!" Ginny ran to her father.

"Oh!, is beautiful, Ginny." Arthur stared at the wand. The wood had a very light brown tone, it almost looked white.

"Is made of yew and has unicorn horn as core. Mister Ollivander said that it was very rare to be chosen by such a wand and that the owner could gain control over life and death."

"That's…a very strange thing to say. " Arthur was a bit weirded out by Ollivander's words, but that man was known for saying strange things.

"Life and death?....puff, you don't even know how to cast a single spell yet. " Ron said with a mocking tone.

"I will learn soon!" Ginny shouted at him.

"Okay, don't start now, please…Ginny, did you say thanks to Mister Potter for the wand?" Arthur said as he returned the box to his daughter.

"I did!"She answers quickly. 

Arthur nodded and then looked at James.

"Thank you, James."

"Don't mention it." James shrugged it off.

"By the way, where is Molly?"

"Still inside." Answer George.

"Said she would not leave without his signature." added Fred.

"Signature?" James looked confused.

"They mean Gilderoy Lockhart, a famous writer Molly likes…he is autographing books inside." Lily decided to complete the twin's explanation.

"Should we wait for her?" Asked James.

Arthur shook his head.

"We will never finish in time then…"

"We forgot to mention it, but Neville Longbottom is also in the shop," Percy said.

"He is here?!" Ginny became immediately nervous.

"Calm down Gin," Lyra told her.

"Do you want to go see him?" 

"You won't be able to see anything." Fredd decided to say.

"Yeah, is filled with people wanting to take pictures and demand autographs," George added.

"Forget it, Ginny. Even I couldn't talk to him. And I'm his best friend." Ron decided to say.

Ginny looked down.


"Come on, cheer up. You'll see him at Hogwarts in no time!" Lyra tried to cheer her up.

"Yes… that's right. I'm going to see him soon. " Ginny said.

Lily noticed a strange look on her son.

"Harry? feeling okay?"

"Of course. I'm fine. We should continue the shopping, there are still some things left." Harry recovered his usual expression.

"Then, how do we do this? We still have robes and potion materials…" James was reading the list.

"And toys!" Holly reminded him

"Right…and toys," James added.

"Why don't you and Lily take Holly to buy her toys? I think she has waited enough. I'll take the kids to get their robes measured." Arthur suggested.

James looked at his wife and this one nodded.

"Yes, we can do that. " James knew down and picked Holly up.

"Okay young lady, let's go choose some nice toys!"

"Yay!, finally!" Holly proclaimed.

"Why do we have to go to this robes shop? I know I'm not getting new robes." Ron huffed.

"Not you, but Ginny will need some," Arthur explained.

"Wait what?!. She already got a new wand, and now she is getting new robes too?" Ron was running

"Since when do you care about buying new clothes?" Percy pointed out.

"Ron…Ginny is a girl. She needs female robes. She can't use Charlie or Bill's old ones like you do. And your mother's old robes were lost many years ago…" Arthur avoided mentioning that Molly's old things were all lost during the death eater attack on the Prewett house.

Ron was still not satisfied at all. His face was becoming redder and he seemed about to explode.

Seeing this, Harry decided to help out.

"Why don't we go to the Quidditch shop? After they take my measurements." He suggested to Ron.

"The Quidditch shop?" Ron seemed intrigued now. And his anger started to diminish.

"Yes, I need to pick some protections. And we can see the new brooms." Harry said.

"Protections?" Lily glanced at her husband.

James grinned and scratched his head.

"I'll tell you later," he said in a low voice.

"That sounds fun…Yes, I want to see the new brooms. The Nimbus 2001 is supposed to come out soon, do you think they'll have any of them for display?" Ron had switched to quidditch mode and forgotten about everything else.

"Thank you…" Arthur whispered to Harry.


As he promised Ron, after taking his measurements, he left Madam Malkins and went to the Quidditch shop with Ron and Percy, who was acting as the adult figure.

"Whoa!, there it is!" Ron hurried to the showcase. 

There was a broom on display. A number 2100 with a sign that said: "Coming out on October 25, fastest broom in the world."

There was no mention of the price.

"That's just a display replica. The real one is not out yet." Percy felt the need to point that out.

The trio went inside and Ron immediately separated to go look at the new brooms section.

He could not buy them, but he could at least look at them.

Harry walked straight to the counter, where a middle-aged man was distracted, reading a newspaper.

"Excuse me. How much is that new Nimbus?" Harry asked.

The man lifted his gaze from the paper and gave Harry a tired look.

"Look kid…is a very expens-"

He stopped speaking all of a sudden and stared at Harry's acromantula silk robes.

"My apologies, young Lord. The broom costs three hundred and fifty galleons. You can reserve one and we can deliver it to you as soon as it arrives." His attitude had completely changed.

Harry wanted to point out the man's unprofessional attitude, but that would get him nowhere.

"Bring me some parchment and a quill. I have a bit of a special request."

" Right away sir!." The shopkeeper showed a greedy smile.

Special requests from rich kids would always translate to mountains of gold.

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