Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 95: A disturbing finding


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 95: A disturbing finding

"Look at this! so many students want to learn the art of dueling from me." Lockhart got on top of one of the platforms they prepared for the duels.

"Don't you agree, Professor Snape?" he asked his colleague.

Snape glanced at him with furrowed brows. If it wasn't for the Headmaster's personal request, he would never have agreed to this.

"Anyways!. I was thinking that we should have a quick demonstration of what a real duel entails. I know that among the audience, there is a little wizard with almost as much potential as myself."

He looked towards Harry's group.

"Oh no…please no… " Neville begged.

"Neville Longbottom!, please come here to my side," Lockhart explained out loud while pointing at him.

Everyone in the room turned to look in Neville's direction and started murmuring.

"You go, Nev!. Get up there and kick some ass mate." Ron tried to sound encouraging at least.

Seeing no other choice, Neville lowered his head and climbed the platform.

"Excellent!" Said Lockhart.

"Now we just need an oponent for you…what about one of your friends….maybe the head-on one?" He did not remember his name at all.

"That won't do!" Snape interviewed.

"That would just be a practice between two friends and not a duel. Allow me to choose a proper opponent…"

"I suppose that would be alright." Admitted Lockhart.

"Malfoy, get up there!" Snape shouted.

Draco gave Neville an angry look but didn't throw any of the regular taunts.

Harry thought that Draco looked very different than usual. But a change should be expected considering he lost his father.

And he was not willing to waste time thinking about Draco's struggles anyway.

"Very well. The two contenders should go to their positions. "Lockhart pointed at the two circles drawn on each extreme of the platform.

Once Nevile and Draco were in position, he continued.

"Now you two will give a polite bow to each other…and will start when I give the sign. Remember, only school curriculum spells are allowed…Start!"

"Tarantallegra!" Draco called immediately.

Neville's legs started to jerk erratically and he almost fell from the platform.

Many started to laugh, including Draco. He could have taken the chance to finish him there but this was not enough for him. He wanted to humiliate him.

The Gryffindors are the only ones encouraging Neville.

"Come Longbottom!" Oliver shouted.

"Neville, you can do it!" Ginny lifted her arms.

"Come on Nev!" Ron roared.

Neville recovered from the spell and aimed his wand at Draco.

"Rictusempra!" It was the only spell he had learned so far this year. And it had been Hermione the one who taught it to him.

'Maybe those trips to the library are not as useless as Ron always says.' Neville thought as he saw him spell impact on Draco's chest.

The blonde boy almost fell backward and then started to laugh while grabbing to his sides.

He had been hit with the tickling charm.

The students laughed and pointed at him. Even the Slytherin ones.

The charm passed and Draco was left feeling very embarrassed and angry.

He was going to return the same charm back Neville when he saw his head of the house approach.

"This is ridiculous…"Snape huffed and got on the platform.

"come here…"

Draco got closer and Snape whispered something in his ear.

They all saw his expression change to one of cruel joy.

"Is there a problem, Professor Snape?" Lockhart asked.

"Nothing for you to worry about….continue!" Snape growled at him.

"Is my turn now…take this blood traitor!...Serpensortia!"

A dangerous-looking black snake appeared in the middle of the platform and started to slither towards Neville.

"I said school only spells!." Lockhart exclaimed

Harry's eyes narrowed. This was the moment he's been waiting for.

'Come on, Nev…talk to it!'

"S-stay away from me!" Neville cried.

But the snake kept approaching.

'No…that was not parseltongue.' Harry got closer to the platform. He needed to be sure.

Unfortunately, Draco's instructions during its summoning were sloppy and the snake quickly lost interest in Neville and turned to some other boy from Ravenclaw.

"What!, stay away from me!" The boy took a steep back.

Harry had no choice but to intervene. He got in time to cast a silent mild compulsion charm from amidst the crowd. This was enough to turn the snake back to Neville.

'Sorry Nev, but I need to be sure…' Harry felt bad for doing this but this was too important and he only incited the snake to move, not to bite.

Neville was petrified in fear. He stared at the approaching snake.

"Noo!, please. I don't like snakes!" he screamed and recoiled backward until he tripped and fell on his butt.

"Don't you worry, I'll take care of this" Lockhart pulled out his wand and waved it at the snake.

"Serpento evanesci!"

Lockhart threw his misspelled charm at the snake and this one flew in the air for a few seconds before landing painfully on the platform again. Still alive, but a lot angrier now.

The mild compulsion was now gone, so the snake turned to its closest target…who just so happened to be Harry.

Snape was about to banish the snake. After realizing that Draco had summoned a highly venomous species. But when he saw the snake turn to Harry, he hesitated for a moment.

Harry was not paying attention to any of this now. His mind was in turmoil.

'How can this be? He is not a parselmouth. But he has the scar…he must have the connection too…then why?...'

He had the feeling he was missing something very important. A key difference between the past him and the current Neville.

"Harry!" He heard someone call his name.

Then he noticed a snake head on his right hand. He had crushed its skull without thinking.


"Vipera evanesca!" Snape hurried to remove the now-dead snake.

Harry felt the stares of everyone around him. Stares of shock and fear.

He was familiar with those.

"Excuse me…" Harry turned around and forced his way through the crowd.

"Potter, wait!" He heard Snape call for him but ignored him.

He also ignored his sister, Hermione, and the others.

He needed some time alone…some time to think.

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