Harry Potter: Curious Lunar Ravenus

Chapter ♦ Five

Racing through the woods, he soon reached his mate’s location. Standing atop a rock formation, was a beast of ragged grey fur and elongated limbs; its eyes of yellowish shade, glowing like sphene gemstones. It remained motionless, its breathing heavy and unsteady, its gaze soon stumbling upon the figure.

You shouldn’t be out in the open mate-. He screened the surroundings, but could see no sign of Madame Pomfrey. Looks like it's just you and me- I need to get you back inside the Shrieking Shack and quick!

Upon discovering their friend’s ill-fated secret, they had sought out a means to support him during his dreadful nights of transformation. Despite their restless and arduous training to master the arts of becoming Animagus, they couldn’t retain their form for more than a few minutes, if not seconds. Sirius however, seemed to have developed the ability to keep his Animagus form for a little more than a hour. And so, only rarely, and at quite a random frequency.

Pouncing down from the steep stone mound, the creature coursed him tauntingly.

Time for a chase- let's see you keeping up!. His mind uttered, as he leaped into Whomping Willow, and sprinted down the tunnel to the designated location. Following behind from a short distance, was the cursed beast, panting and wailing, as it tried keeping up with the familiar canine.

Mere moments passed, when they finally reached the lower lever of the abandoned house; a disordered room, and a moth damaged staircase leading to the rest of the weathered structure. Constructed as a mean to concealed the cursed young man, the house swiftly gained the reputation, as the most haunted place known in the wizardry world.

The beast howled in distress, as it traipsed across the dust filled room; unable to stay still, as it anxiously awaited the passing of the moon. Their hearts were racing, their adrenaline rushing through their body. The lanky creature eventually succumbed to tiredness, shortly followed by an equally exhausted canine.

It's finally over... for now... His words trailed; he closed his eyes, and drifted away into slumber.


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