Harry Potter: Curious Lunar Ravenus

Chapter ♦ Seven

"Say mate?" James exclaimed, as he finished up his generous portion of creamed gratin pomatoes. "Where did you get that scarf?" His eyes flickered with inquisitiveness. Sirius remained without an answer, a stupefied expression upon his face, as he realized he was still wearing the bandana. A smile grew broad, as James noticed his mate’s countenance. He shared with his other companion, a look of mischievousness gleaming deep within their eyes, as they silently schemed to unravel the secret of the mysterious neckerchief.

"Yea mate- where did you get it?" Remus questioned with a grin, as he poured himself some more of his favorite honeyed beverage.

"I got it from a small clearing down the riverside…" Sirius answered in nettled tone. His answer only magnified the intrigue which already ran deep among his friends.

"Who gave it to you?" James fueled his friend’s annoyance, for he did not answer. "Come on Padfoot! You know we’ll get it out of you one way or another."

"Right now, I’ve got something better for you to focus on." Sirius eventually replied, as he gestured in direction of the Great Hall’s entrance. James’s eyes stumbled upon the gracious girl, as she sauntered down the main aisle to her usual seating place. Her beauty and kindness stretched far and wide across Hogwarts, as she fared well with the vast majority of the students.

"Lily Evans..." Her name trailed off, as his attention became enthralled by her alluring appearance. Her bright and vivid emerald eyes complemented beautifully her long hair of sepia shade. She’s simply captivating… Completely infatuated with the vivacious girl, he rushed to her side, for she dismissed his usual boastful parading, her focus remaining upon her reading.

"Look at him go! Didn't even wait two seconds... made him forget about me though." Sirius uttered with a satisfied grin. "He’ll never give up will he?"

"Nether will we!" Remus replied with a wink. "So? Who gave you that scarf mate?" Sirius replied with a loud sigh, and piqued expression. He knew full well, that his friends eagerness to discover his secret would never falter.


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