Harry Potter: Curious Lunar Ravenus

Chapter ♦ Ten

Nearly an hour passed before class was dismissed; with a free period at hand, the three friends returned to their common room. Warmness and hominess greeted them. The melodious sound of crackling wood, complemented the pleasant scent of smocking pine; the fireplace casting long shadows over the rug, as it offered a soothing atmosphere.

"So?" James uttered, as he laid back on one of the settees. "Any more of that new found knowledge you wish to share with us?" His eyes gleamed with inquisitiveness.

"Seriously though, when did you have time to learn about The Unknown- let alone care to learn about it?" Remus mimicked James, as he made himself comfortable, a voluminous book in hand.

"I saw it on a rock." Sirius answered, his response ambiguous, but truthful nonetheless. On his third night down by the riverside, he had seen the young girl; she laid down on her cherished branch, as she contemplated the stars, her eyes like shimmering moonstones. She had in her possession, several small stones of sable shade, each marked with a peculiar golden symbol. One in particular, had caught his attention, as its marking was tattooed upon her left ankle. She had recited each of the runes names and numbers, as she gazed upon the dusked sky.

"Was this rock by the riverside?" Remus wondered, as he continued reading; a small grin upon his face, for he already knew the answer.

"You know mate?" James exclaimed. "This riverside seems like quite the place- Moony keeps mentioning it." He gave Remus a wink, as he stood up. "We should definitely go there one day."

"Sound like an excellent idea." Remus commented with an unconcealed smile. "How about tonight?"

"I’ve got something better for us tonight, mates." Sirius averted the undesired topic, as he pulled out of his pocket, three small vermilion pouches.

"Ohh!! Now this, is brilliant!" James exclaimed with a broad grin, for he knew what would come to pass. Agreeing to their newest scheme, Prongs later left to attend to his Quidditch practice, while the rest of the Marauders resume their own school duties.


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