Harry Potter: Curious Lunar Ravenus

Chapter ♦ Two

"You must be really thirsty… you poor thing." She watched him slurp from the waterside, as if severely deprived of such necessity. "Where have you been I wonder… Your fur’s all messed up, and you’re covered in leaves and snow- You silly dog!" She exclaimed, for a teasing but gentle smile appeared on her face.

What is your name, strange one? And what do you really look like? She proceeding down the branch, and meandered to his side; a hand hesitantly reaching out for him. She felt his posture tightening, as she caressed his rough and messy pelage.

"Don’t be afraid." Her words were gentle and kind, her touch warm and soothing.

Time passed, as midnight soon approached. She glimpsed at her pocket watch, a sigh followed. "It's getting pretty late-" She stood up. "Looks like its time for me to head back..." She brushed a hand upon his head; his coarse feel contrasting with her silken touch, she enjoyed the ticklish sensation upon her skin.

"Good night then." She spoke softly, a wave in his direction before vanishing into the dark of night.

As the moonlight brightened the darkened skies, he stood motionless; his paws stamped down onto the snowy ground. Gleaming down winter’s frozen grip upon the stream, its light reflected beautifully onto the remaining ice layer. Shining bright like a diamond filled watercourse, it bestowed a truly magnificent landscape.

Twelve weeks ago, he had unearthed this secluded location. Twelve weeks ago, he had first seen her, sitting by the creek. A sight he could never forget, as her divine beauty had captured his young self. Unlike his best friend James, his mind was not set on this sort of thing, yet he couldn't help his thoughts from gravitating towards her. He knew not of her name, nor whence she came from; she was a secret he had concealed from his friends for most of the year.

The day ended shortly after, following his return to the slumbering castle grounds. He retained his Animagus form; sidling past the unsuspecting prefects, he made it back to his dormitory undetected.


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