Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 374: Descendants of the Guards of the Pharaoh’s Tomb

Almost immediately he recalled the "Black Book of the Dead" and "The Golden Book of the Sun". This was not because of any strong greed hidden in Wright's heart, but just out of a normal wizard's thirst for knowledge.

After accidentally bumping into Rachel Weisz, who was most likely Evelyn (or definitely Evelyn), Wright instantly recalled all the plot content of "The Mummy 1" in his brain.

Due to the nature of an alchemist developed at the International Alchemy Conference in the past few months, Wright almost intuitively searched for the two most precious magic items in the movie "The Mummy 1" in his memory, and that was the "Undead Black". Sutra" and "Golden Sutra of the Sun".

According to the contents of the memories, the "Black Book of the Dead" records a large amount of magical knowledge about hell, the dead, and the soul. It can almost be regarded as the master of ancient Egyptian black magic. The Black Book of the Dead can even summon the soul of a deceased person, and the recalled soul can reattach to the corpse and resurrect him/her, even if the deceased has been dead for thousands of years.

The complete opposite of the "Black Book of the Dead" is the "Golden Book of the Sun". This huge golden book named after the ancient Egyptian sun god Ra can restore the souls brought back from hell by the "Black Book of the Dead". take away. In addition, the "Golden Sun Sutra" also describes a lot of mysterious knowledge from ancient Egypt, but that magical knowledge has almost nothing to do with black magic.

But now it is said that these things are just mirror images. Whether it is the "Black Book of the Dead" or the "Sun Golden Book", Wright has only seen their appearance in his mind, and has never come into contact with it in the real world. pass them.

It was originally recorded in the movie that the two magical scriptures "Black Book of the Dead" and "Golden Sun Book" were hidden in the tomb of Immoton, the city of the dead - Hamnatari, which is also the tomb of the pharaohs of Egypt. . But now Wright has not heard a shred of information about Hamna Tower. Who knows where these two magical ancient scriptures will be hidden in this world after the magic reform? It is estimated that no one will know except Immorton himself.

At this moment, Wright suddenly remembered another crucial issue.

In the original plot, Immorton was resurrected because Evelin accidentally recited the spell in the "Black Book of the Dead" when she went to Hamunata for archaeology. So that means if it's true, Immorton, who was completely resurrected, should have obtained the Black Book of the Dead? Are you ready to resurrect Ansuna?

No no no!

Wright shook his head, no.

If Immorton had obtained the Black Book of the Dead, he would take Evelin away immediately, because Evelin would be the sacrifice he would use to resurrect his lover Ansuna. And now it seems that although Evelin looks in poor condition on the outside, she has not yet fallen into the hands of Immorton, but is being protected by a group of people suspected of being from the Egyptian Ministry of Magic.

Then Wright can make a reasonable inference.

The reason for Immorton's resurrection was not because of Evelin's actions. It could even be said that his resurrection probably had little to do with Evelin. The real resurrector should be someone else. Evelin, who was originally supposed to be a female pig's trotter, probably played only a role in the resurrection of the high priest as a passerby who was innocently involved?

Perhaps there will be a certain deviation between such a guess and the actual situation, but Wright believes that it should not be far different.

But now that Evelin has appeared, what about the original male pig-footed O'Connell? Was he the other person who was being led past just now? And what about the supporting characters that should be there? And what about the descendants of the pharaoh's guards who were supposed to be the guards of Hamna Tower? Have they all been absorbed by Immorton?

Wright did remember that if Immorton wanted to be completely resurrected, he had to "absorb" the person who really opened his tomb, and his strength would gradually become stronger as the number of people he devoured increased, until he could fully master the power of insect bites. Punishment brings the authority to control the ten plagues.

But now it seems that Immorton's resurrection is not very complete. The only disasters that have occurred so far are blood disasters, locust disasters, and darkness disasters. So there is still one or two people away from his complete resurrection?

What Wright didn't know was that his guess was close to the truth.

The two Egyptian Ministry of Magic wizards who passed by Wright with Evelin and another ordinary person didn't know that with just one glance, Wright, who had nothing to do with the incident, had figured out so many things on his own. thing.

They only know one thing, and that is that Egypt is really in big trouble this time.

As the descendants of the guards of the Pharaoh's tomb, they faced the increasingly powerful Egyptian Ministry of Magic and joined them hundreds of years ago (after all, just join if you can't defeat them). But as they keep almost the most important secrets in Egypt, they are not integrated into a simple magic department. The most important leaders were directly sent to the most mysterious "Silent People" department by the then Egyptian Minister of Magic. .

The so-called silent people, the people they need to keep secrets are not just ordinary Ministry of Magic employees. Even within the silent people department, the vast majority of silent people do not know each other and do not communicate with each other.

Therefore, after hundreds of years of polishing, almost no one knows the secret of Hamna Tower, except for every minister of magic and the leaders of the guards in the past. Even the descendants of the original guards of the Pharaoh's Tomb do not know. Knowing this news, most of them have integrated into the normal group of Egyptian wizards.

And those who knew the secret of Hamna Tower used the magic of "Unbreakable Vow" to hide this secret in each other's hearts and not reveal it to anyone.

Even the Minister of Magic and the Chief of Guards had almost forgotten the secret they had been keeping. It was not until the bloody disaster that spread throughout Egypt and the subsequent disasters that they found the information again from the fragments of the lonely old man.

More than 3,000 years ago, a certain high priest was sentenced to "worm-eaten" by the pharaoh at that time because of his heinous crime.

The punishment of "insect bite" is the most vicious one among the ancient curses. Because it is too terrifying, it has never been executed before.

For thousands of years, the punishment of "insect bite" was only carried out once in Egypt.

The victim needs to be mummified and put into a sarcophagus made of special material with a clear consciousness. Then the executioner will pour a pot full of scarabs into the sarcophagus. Those carnivorous scarabs will Day and night it gnaws at the flesh, blood and soul of the tortured.

Once he is resurrected, he will become a monster with thousands of years of magical power and have the power to control the ten plagues of Egypt.

Looking at it now, the priest who was sentenced to the "insect bite" curse more than three thousand years ago has been resurrected.

But this time, what Egypt needs to face is not a war, but an immortal and thousand-year-old monster.

There is only one way to deal with such a thousand-year-old monster.

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