Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 396 Time Journey Part 2

Harry finally gave up on the idea of ​​breaking into Hagrid's hut and grabbing the untransformed Peter Pettigrew, and muffled his head into the surface of the giant pumpkin.

Unable to catch his enemy directly, Harry had to keep him out of sight.

After a while, the sharp-eyed Chang Chu saw three figures walking over the path: "Hermione! Dumbledore is here! And Fudge, and the executioner with the axe!"

Hermione, who had been paying attention to the situation inside the house, saw "them" and the others still chatting in Hagrid's hut, showing no signs of leaving.

"Didn't we leave then?" Hermione frowned and whispered. She suddenly saw a gray pebble on the pumpkin in front of her, which looked very familiar.

Hermione took the pebbles in her hand and looked at them for a while, then threw the pebbles into the room as if she had a sudden realization, just in time to smash the huge clay pot filled with sand on the table.

After doing the "bad thing", Hermione nimbly hid behind the big pumpkin to prevent others from seeing what she had done.

"Are you crazy?" Harry said in great surprise.

"I think Wright saw us just now. I saw him actually smiling over here..." Chang Chu leaned against Pumpkin and said in a daze, "How is that possible? I must be dazzled..."

As if she didn't hear what the two of them said, Hermione picked up another pebble from the ground and threw it into the room, just hitting Harry's head, who was leaning against the window.

As if there was a phantom pain, Harry outside the room covered his head and screamed softly, just like the Harry inside.

"That hurts!"

"Sorry," Hermione apologized.

At this time, the front and back doors of Hagrid's hut opened at the same time, and Dumbledore, Fudge and the executioner walked into the house, while Wright, "Chang Chu", "Hermione", "Harry" and Ron Walked out the back door.

"'We' are coming out of the back door! Retreat!" Hermione said as she pulled Chang Chu away from the pumpkin patch, "Go behind the big oak tree first. That tree is very thick and no one will see it. our."

The three of them hid in the big oak tree and observed the situation for a while. They saw the executioner McNeil grinding his ax there, saw Scabbers biting Ron's finger, and saw Wright and others chasing Ron away from here.

Chang Chu suddenly felt something approaching from behind. She turned around suddenly and saw that it was Wright's three-headed dog Lu Wei.

"Lu Wei?" Chang Chu exclaimed in surprise, "You are actually here now!"

She lowered her head and saw another small black ball on the ground, looking at her accusingly with its emerald green eyes, as if to say why the first thing she noticed was not herself but that thing. A big stupid dog.

"Felicia? Yes, you should all be here by now." Chang Chu said suddenly.

"Where's Crookshanks? Are you following Sirius again?" Hermione looked towards the Forbidden Forest, but did not see the familiar ginger figure.

"Is it my cat or Black's cat?" Hermione couldn't help but said in amusement, "Obviously I was the one who bought it from the Magic Pet Store!"

"Okay, we're going to rescue Buckbeak!" Harry interrupted the two girls, "Time is very tight, we have to go over there to check on the situation."

Chang Chu put down the cat in his arms and urged the two pets to go to their male owner.

At this time, Hermione and Harry ran into the pumpkin patch first, preparing to take Buckbeak out.

The main force of the operation was Harry, who was more familiar with Buckbeak.

Harry stared at Buckbeak's fierce orange eyes, warning himself not to blink, and bowing to it. These were all things Hagrid had taught him in the first lesson, and Harry, who had demonstrated it himself, even more will not forget.

Buckbeak saw Harry's polite behavior and lowered his proud head.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and began to fumble to untie the chain that tied Buckbeak to the fence. If Buckbeak's temper got out of control at this time, that would be a real big problem.

"Come on, Buckbeak," Harry whispered. "Come on, come on!"

Buckbeak stood up from the ground and reluctantly followed Harry to the Forbidden Forest.

"Did you succeed?" Chang Chu, who was still there, asked. It was really the first time that she and Buckbeak met. The hippogriff, a magical animal, had not been seen since the first Care of Magical Creatures class. Appeared. Therefore, Chang Chu didn't go there just now, lest she, a stranger, irritate the Buckbeak.

"Yes!" Hermione said shortly, "Dumbledore and the others are out! Let's be quiet first!"

There was a moment of silence, and then...

"Where did it go?" It was Fudge's voice, "I clearly saw that beast, just now! Why did it disappear so soon?"

"That's strange," Dumbledore said, and Harry heard amusement in his voice.

Hagrid's murmur also came over, and his murmur was actually about the same volume as a normal person speaking: "Buckbeak?"

"Oops, Dumbledore," Fudge said disappointedly, "Someone must have let it go."

"Hagrid?" Fudge pointed to Hagrid, a habitual criminal who liked to raise dangerous magical creatures.

"I don't think the Minister said this was about you, Hagrid," said Dumbledore. "How could it be you? You've been with us all this time."

"Yes," Hagrid said quite honestly, "I originally wanted to let Buckbeak go, but I didn't dare."

"Okay, okay," said Fudge dryly, "Now that Buckbeak is gone, we must search the whole place, and the woods as well."

"Search the sky if necessary, if you insist, Mr. Minister." Dumbledore said, then turned to look at Hagrid, "Hagrid, now, I would like a cup of tea, or a large glass of brandy. "

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore." Hagrid's voice seemed to soften with joy, "Come in, come in..."

"Oh, by the way, Mr. MacNeill, your services are no longer needed here." Dumbledore reminded the executioner, "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, Dumbledore followed Hagrid into the house.

Hagrid closed the door and said, "But I don't have a cup in my room, Professor Dumbledore."

The last sound heard by Chang Chu and the others was the sound of executioner McNeil venting his anger on a big pumpkin. It was also the muffled sound of an ax hitting a heavy object that they heard before.

"What now?" Harry asked.

"Hide here first." Hermione said first. "It will be safe when Fudge and the others return to the castle."

"If someone knows the way, we can hide in the Forbidden Forest first." Chang Chu shrugged, "But telling you two about this matter is actually of no use. These two little faces just didn't enter." Through the depths of the Forbidden Forest.”

"We can not enter the Forbidden Forest and just walk on the edge." Harry thought hard. "Whether we hide here or hide in the Forbidden Forest, it is actually of little use. We must be able to see the Whomping Willow, otherwise It’s impossible to grasp how far things have come.”

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