Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 399: Black Tower Cell

In the wizarding world, the hippogriff is relatively not huge, and is a bit small compared to the giant dragon. But for Chang Chu, Hermione and Harry, three students who are still in their teens, Said Buckbeak, but it was enough for all three of them to sit on it.

After comforting Lu Wei, Chang Chu saw Harry and Hermione running back together and didn't ask too much. After all, looking at Harry's excited face, he knew that something good had definitely happened.

"Can we go back to the castle now?" Chang Chu asked, "Lu Wei understood what I said and promised not to hurt Professor Lu Ping."

Hermione said: "Yeah! Just ride Buckbeak back! He can take us directly to the cell where Sirius is imprisoned! We don't have to walk on two legs."

Harry sat in the front, holding Buckbeak's rope tightly in his hand; Hermione, who looked nervous, sat in the middle, holding Buckbeak's ribs tightly with her legs, and holding Harry's with her palms. After helping Hermione sit on Buckbeak, Chang Chu climbed up smoothly and sat in the backmost seat.

"Are you ready?" Harry whispered to Hermione.

Among the three, Chang Chu and Harry were both seekers on their respective college's Quidditch teams. Hermione had the least flying experience, so it was understandable that she felt nervous at this time.

"No, I don't think I'm ready..." Hermione said with a pale face. Buckbeak's huge wings kept lightly hitting her thighs, moving around, and she didn't feel safe at all.

Such a living animal flying tool can't even compare to the school's broomstick! Hermione was furious inside.

Chang Chu gently grabbed Hermione's waist with his hand, and this action caused the latter to tremble.

"Speaking of which, I haven't noticed it before," Chang Chu leaned close to Hermione's ear and whispered, "Hermione, how were your first-year flying lessons?"

"A..." Hermione said with some difficulty.

Hermione rarely mentioned her flying class results to others because she was really not good at this type of outdoor sports class! When you come to a magic school, don't you just need to use your brain? Why do you have to ride a broomstick to take flying lessons in Laoshizi?

At this moment, Harry suddenly knocked Buckbeak in the stomach with his heel, which was also something Hagrid had taught before in the Care of Magical Creatures class.

"Ah!" This time Hermione's voice was much louder and sharper than before, and it carried far away with the evening wind.

Buckbeak effortlessly carried the three of them and flew in the direction of the castle. Hermione lowered her head and looked at the ground getting further and further away from her feet, feeling dizzy in front of her eyes.

Chang Chu heard Hermione mutter: "Oh, no, I don't like this... Oh, I really don't like this..."

What a terrible line.

"This is my first time to fly on a Pegasus! Although the Hippogriff is not an orthodox Pegasus." Chang Chu cheered and said, "Hermione, don't you think this feeling is very free?"

"No!!" Hermione screamed, "I don't like flying!!!"

Buckbeak accelerated forward and flew quietly to the upper level of the castle. The staggered spires of the castle were right under them, and large windows with yellow light were exposed on the walls.

Following the location in his memory, Harry fumbled and found the location of the Black Tower cell that Dumbledore had mentioned.

Buckbeak slowed down and landed gently on the bricks of the tower, and the three of them fell off the Hippogriff one after another.

The Black Tower Cell is not far from the Ravenclaw Dean's Office. It is one of the few places in the school that is not open to students. It is generally used to temporarily hold prisoners who break into the school. In the past few decades, the Black Tower Cell has been used very infrequently, so few students know about it. If it hadn't been for this Sirius incident, it is estimated that Harry would not have known about this place after graduating from school. exist.

Although the Black Tower Cell has a loud reputation, it is actually not huge. There is only a small room at the top of the tower with a rough slate bed in it, and nothing else. There is a rusty iron cell door at the door that is tall enough for a person.

Harry almost immediately saw Sirius sitting on the stone bed in the prison cell of the Black Tower.

"There he is!" said Harry.

"Stand back." Hermione grabbed Harry's robe, pulled him back, pulled out her wand and pointed at the iron door, "Open the Alaho hole!"

However, the unlocking spell that had been invincible in the past suddenly failed this time.

"How is that possible?" Hermione frowned, "Unless someone has cast a locking spell on this door, otherwise..."

At this moment, a figure walked out from the shadow of the tower.

"You'd better move back a little. Sirius Black can't be released yet. And your unlocking spell won't be stronger than my locking spell. Unless you use some explosion spell, you won't be able to open it. Of course, that way I will definitely take action to stop it.”

"Lite?!" Chang Chu said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

The person who walked out was naturally Wright, who sent Sirius and Harry back to the castle. After sending Harry back to the school infirmary, Madam Pomfrey also treated Sirius's injury, and then Sirius was killed by him. Sent here.

"Actually, I should have asked you why you are here, but it should be the time turner." Wright said, "It is a terrible prop."

Hermione and the three kept silent. Someone could tell that the time turner was okay, but that didn't mean that the user could reveal its secrets casually.

Chang Chu asked in a low voice: "By the way, Wright, why did you just say that Sirius cannot be released yet?"

"The Dementors will come soon, unless..." Harry looked anxious, "Unless Sirius, what Dumbledore said just now, is proven innocent..."

"Huh?" Wright frowned, "Dumbledore told you about this? Are you sure?"

"No, no, I overheard him and Fudge talking." Harry explained.

"That's right, Fudge will not admit Sirius' innocence so easily. Think about it, the last member of the ancient and noble Black family was thrown into the Ark without trial because of the negligence of the Ministry of Magic. Zikaban for more than ten years." Wright nodded and sneered, "Fudge will definitely not be so easily convinced of Sirius' innocence. Even if you throw the evidence in front of him, he will still quibble. The pure-blood wizard families behind him will definitely not let him go easily."

Chang Chu said: "Stop talking about these topics. Don't you see that no one is interested except you?"

"Then what did Dumbledore mean?" Harry asked.

"Maybe there is some deal with Fudge," Wright shrugged, "Isn't politics just about compromise?"

"But I can still reveal something to Harry first. Although it is unlikely that Sirius will be directly acquitted and released by the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Magic should remove his wanted order. After I have provided so many "With strong evidence," Wright said, "In other words, Sirius should be able to switch from his previous identity as a criminal to a suspect, but I think this is the only way to go."

"That means -" Harry beamed.

"In other words, I should be able to live with you..." A weak voice came from the iron door, and it belonged to Sirius.

"You guys can chat here for a while, remember to pay attention to the time." Wright waved his wand, and the Silver Tiger Patronus was summoned by him, lying lazily aside, "My Patronus will be here to watch over you. Even after you leave, the dementors won't be able to attack, and Black will be safe."

After saying that, Wright left the black tower cell and walked towards the school doctor's office.

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