Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 124 – A night once forgotten! Part-2

{Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts}

{6th Oct 1991} 

{Narcissa's First person POV}

"This is absolute nonsense. Sirius admitted to the crime himself." Lucius interjected again.

I couldn't help but shake my head silently. Lucius was now getting on everyone's nerves. I could see that even Fudge was giving him side eyes. And compared to Rigel, he was completely overshadowed. My eyes lingered on Rigel's face as he dismissed Lucius initially, but then he looked at Lucius and started speaking.

"He never actually confessed to betraying Potters, he said, and I quote from that file, 'It's my fault, It's all my fault' while he was laughing maniacally. The reason he was saying this was because switching the identity of the secret keeper in secret to deceive everyone was his plan, so he felt he was responsible for the death of Lily and James. Everyone thought he was the secret keeper anyway, so the ministry didn't even give him a proper trial..." Rigel finished, and I couldn't help but admit that this could be a possible scenario. However, advocating for it would be a little difficult without evidence.

Seeing Rigel shaking his head at the Minister of Magic, pointing out the supposed scandal that could drown Fudge, while also countering Lucius's point made something inside me stir. The desire to ravage him was not so easy to suppress as I could feel the heat rushing through my body.

'Not now, dammit...' I cursed. It has been difficult to manage these cravings in the past couple of days, and I wasn't able to find a proper excuse to use Severus's fireplace to sneak into Hogwarts.

'I need to find a different way. Maybe I should apparate to Hogsmeade and then use the invisibility cloak to sneak in.' That idea had some merit.

"All of this suffering for 17 years could have been avoided if only proper protocols were followed... nevertheless, it's better to be late than never. Right?" Rigel spoke as he reached forward and unlocked the latch of Pandora's box. I was curious about what he had in there, but it confused me when he reached forward and pulled out a dead-looking rat from the box.

'Now what? That looks like a normal rat,' I thought, as even my innate magical sense couldn't detect if there was anything amiss. Rigel's next words caused me to frown even further. My gaze collided with Rigel's as I leaned forward to get a better look. I could see his eyes dip down toward my vast cleavage as another pang of arousal went through me.

"Let me present to you the real culprit behind the death of Lily Evans and the reason Harry Potter is an orphan, Peter Pettigrew," Rigel announced after a long pause. As his eyes finally left my figure, I leaned back, my thighs clenched, rubbing against each other in an attempt to get some relief.

He placed the rat on the chair, and everyone took a step forward while I took a step back. I was one of the furthest away from the crowd, so I took a moment to calm myself down. My heart was racing as I looked at Rigel for a second before I decided to focus on Occlumency to contain my emotions.

'I need to do something about this, I haven't cummed in 4 days now.' The thought itself was ridiculous, considering I have gone longer, even months, without touching myself. I could tell that my inhibitions were lowered after having sex with Rigel, but at the same time, these desires made me feel alive once again.

As everyone looked at the rat in confusion, I managed to regain my composure. I turned to look at Rigel for an answer, as did everyone else, but Albus moved. As much as I didn't like the headmaster when the man made his move, I could sense his magic singing. Albus pointed his wand at the rat, and its form shifted. 

'So much mana... wait, that's...' I stopped as I looked at the rat. In place of the rat, now on the seat, an unconscious wizard slumped over the chair.

I thought as I took a few steps back, intent on avoiding the smelly man. Who knows when he last took a bath?

'An animagus... and from the look on Dumbledore's face, he knows the person, so that must be Pettigrew.' I thought. Everyone had taken a step back, and wands were in the air, pointed at the unconscious man.

Severus was the only one who approached the unconscious man. With a flick of his wand, the sleaves of Pettigrew's right arm were torn apart. It was a little faded, but I could see it quite clearly: the Dark Mark looked exactly like the one Lucius had on his arm. I looked to the side, and he was hiding his left hand. It had been like that, a habit that he had unconsciously developed after the fall of the Dark Lord.

"Severus..." Albus warned as the potion master's wand threatened to lift again.

"We have to ask him what he knows..." A barely concealed rage was brewing within Severus's calm facade. I could tell because he was relying heavily on Occlumency to keep himself under control.

"We will," Amelia spoke. She took a step forward, and I could see how Rigel's eyes danced across her exposed cleavage. I suppressed a frown as Rigel dissected Amelia's dress with his eyes. I looked away from him, not intending for him to see my jealous side just yet. My emotions and desires were in complete conflict regarding the younger Slytherin.

"So, did you bring it?" Rigel asked, drawing my attention back to what was happening.

"Yes," Amelia said as she pulled out a small vial containing a clear liquid. Rigel's eyes twinkled, and even Snape recognized that potion instantly, "Truth Serum..."

"Shouldn't there be proper proceedings before we administer the vial, take him to a holding cell, and question him before seeing if he even qualifies to be administered the truth serum?" Lucius spoke his last desperate plea in order to stop the situation from escalating. 

'This time, he might have a chance, though, since this whole situation is beyond unorthodox.' I thought, but apparently, Rigel also had an answer to that.

"Well, sure, it would be wrong to do so according to the ministry laws, but Pettigrew is not under the ministry's jurisdiction just yet, is he? Right now, he is a suspected death eater under the custody of the Headmaster of Hogwarts. According to the Hogwarts charter, the auror force and ministry do not have any rights to operate inside Hogwarts. So ultimately, the question and power are in the hands of Professor Dumbledore..." Rigel spoke.

As soon as his words finished, Severus turned to Albus. Although his face was away from me, I could tell what his face looked like.

"Do it," Albus sighed as he leaned back into his chair, his eyes never leaving Pettigrew's frame.

"Wakey, wakey Pettigrew," Rigel sang as he pointed his wand at the unconscious death eater.



AN - A change in perspective and a glimpse into Narcissa's emotional state! 

P.S- 52+ Chapters on P.atreon!

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