Harry Potter: Is It Normal for a Hogwarts Professor to Be a Dark Lord?

Chapter 22: Dervish and Banges

The classes resumed their normal pace. Over the next few days, Tver followed the same pattern, teaching the remaining third and second years.

Soon, the young wizards in both grades were as enthusiastic as if they had been injected with chicken blood, developing a fervent interest in using magic for combat.

This fervent atmosphere spread to other grades too. They couldn't attend Professor Fawley's classes, but they could learn from the second and third years!

Consequently, the entire castle brimmed with the spirit of battle. After classes, students would wield their wands, practicing every spell, and occasionally someone would be knocked down by a stray curse.

As a result, counterspells for restraining and stunning became the most popular spells in the castle and the ones students were most proficient at.

Despite the prefects' repeated warnings, they couldn't control the situation until the Weasley twins hit Professor Quirrell on the back of his head.

It was the first time the young wizards had seen Professor Quirrell so enraged. Normally timid, he harshly deducted fifty points from Gryffindor and put the twins in detention.

Under Professor McGonagall's discreet reminder, Tver had to reiterate, in front of all the students in the Great Hall, the school's rule against using magic in the corridors. Violators would face punishment by means of ten highly challenging papers.

Of course, the professors knew banning magic was futile; practicing magic was inherent to being a wizard. So, after Dumbledore's consideration, he allowed students to use empty classrooms on each floor to practice magic.

He even thoughtfully provided cushions and dummies inside.

Only the first-year wizards remained indifferent. They hadn't even learned basic magic yet, let alone combat.

The only magic they had learned so far was the transformation spell taught in their first lesson, like turning a matchstick into a needle, which they hadn't fully mastered. They hadn't even learned a single curse.

In the past few days of spell classes, they had only learned the basics—gestures and the manipulation of magical power. Being able to produce a bit of light was already considered good.

But this wasn't something Tver needed to worry about; he had an important matter to attend to.

In the evening, after dinner, Tver bid farewell to the curious young wizards and strolled along the path toward Hogsmeade. Only students in the third year and above were allowed to visit Hogsmeade on specific weekends. Being a professor now, he didn't have to worry about these rules.

The September sky wasn't yet darkening rapidly; it was dusk, his favorite time. During this time, as darkness approached, the sun cast its final rays, creating a poignant atmosphere.

So, instead of apparating directly, Tver strolled along the path, indulging in a rare moment of relaxation. Despite Hogwarts being close to Hogsmeade, he reached the village before dusk had passed.

This was the only village in Britain exclusively inhabited by wizards, filled with cottages and shops with thatched roofs.

The triangular roofs of the houses could be confusing, but the shops inside were captivating. Even on a weekday, there were plenty of tourists around, and the joyful laughter of children could be heard, bringing a smile to anyone's face.

If he didn't have things to do, Tver wouldn't mind taking a stroll here.

At the end of the road, he arrived at a shop named "Dervish and Banges".

The door was open, so Tver walked in. Inside, a few customers were browsing the merchandise, while the shopkeeper attended to them.

It seemed business was doing well here.

Seeing the shopkeeper still busy, Tver casually browsed around.

It was a magical equipment store, also selling tools for repairs. It offered a variety of magical props and devices, from large magical gates to small anti-Magical Creature glasses, everything one could imagine.

On the shelves were some transparent balls slightly larger than fists, seemingly filled with some kind of gas, gently swirling inside.

Tver read the description below.

"Memory balls: squeeze it hard. If it remains unchanged, it means you haven't forgotten anything. If it suddenly turns red and glows, it means you've forgotten something. But be warned, if you forget what you've forgotten, this memory sphere won't help you."

A burly man with glasses appeared beside him, wearing a standard polite smile.

"I'm Banges, the manager of this shop," he gestured to the other side where another shopkeeper was, "that's my brother Dervish. We run this shop together."

Tver glanced back, indeed, they were quite alike in stature and appearance, but Banges wore glasses, giving him a more refined look.

"Is this your first visit, sir?" Banges asked curiously.

With wizards being a scarce population, and Banges having a good memory, if he had seen someone like Tver before, he wouldn't forget.

"That's correct, it's my first time in Hogsmeade as well," Tver nodded casually.

"In that case, are you here with a specific need or just browsing? If you're browsing, I'd be happy to assist you," Banges's smile became even warmer.

For a shop, having a new customer was never a bad thing.

"I'd like to commission some props from you," Tver produced a badge with simple patterns on it, "similar props to this one, in bulk."

Banges eagerly took the badge and examined it carefully, emitting continuous sounds of admiration.

"It's not made of magical materials, yet it can contain such a complete Shield Charm and a powerful one at that. Your proficiency in this area seems to be quite profound."

Tver's face flushed slightly. He wasn't adept at alchemy. He had consulted the Weasley twins about this badge, and it had been completed through a fortunate coincidence. He cleared his throat to avoid getting lost in unrealistic praise.

"Um, can you produce badges like this? I need a consistent and stable effect, preferably with the ability to recharge magic."

Magic recharge meant that after the magical item had depleted its stored magic, it could continue to function by infusing it with magic.

It was like the difference between disposable batteries and rechargeable ones.

Banges became troubled all of a sudden. He furrowed his brows and continued to inspect the badge, even testing its effect.

The magic inside immediately decreased by a large amount.

Not only because Tver had stored less magic, but also because the Ironclad Hex it released was exceptionally powerful, consuming even more magic.

Coincidentally, the other shopkeeper, Dervish, warmly bid farewell to the remaining customers and joined his brother, Banges, who was studying the badge.

However, before speaking, he discreetly assessed Tver, and then proceeded to inquire.

This time, Tver didn't need to speak; Banges conveyed his needs to Dervish.

Dervish didn't respond immediately either. Instead, he and his brother began studying the badge together as if they were the only ones present.

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