Harry Potter: Is It Normal for a Hogwarts Professor to Be a Dark Lord?

Chapter 7: Interview

Tver anticipated that his identity as a Durmstrang student might be an obstacle, but he hadn't expected it to be Dumbledore's primary concern.

He couldn't just say he was after Dumbledore's Philosopher's Stone, could he...?

"Learning," his mind was a whirlwind, yet Tver maintained a gentle smile, "I mean no disrespect to my alma mater, but Durmstrang has fallen a bit behind in certain magical research. That's why I want to come to Hogwarts. While serving as a teaching assistant, I aim to acquire the knowledge I lack."

Dumbledore leaned forward, his eyes slightly narrowed and sharp.

"However, I know that seven years ago, you declined Hogwarts to attend the furthest magic school in Europe from your home. Now, seven years later, you've decided to return to Hogwarts, which makes it hard for me to believe you're here just to learn. Besides, Durmstrang's curriculum isn't poor—it's certainly sufficient for living in the wizarding world."

Dumbledore's implications were clear: Tver had chosen Durmstrang initially and now seemed intent on returning to Hogwarts, especially after graduating from Durmstrang.

He was not entirely trusting of Tver's motives.

Tver's smile vanished suddenly. It seemed the gentle Dumbledore was an illusion, as the real pressure of the formidable first white wizard bore down on him. He had anticipated difficulties in today's interview but hadn't expected them so soon. Fortunately, he still had one more card to play—his book.

Calmly, Tver pulled his wallet from his pocket and used the Summoning Charm to retrieve the book, then handed it to Dumbledore.

"I am indeed here for the study of magic, for the deeper magic documented in this book."

Quirrell, observing from the side, saw Dumbledore's eyes narrow slightly in surprise and stretched his neck curiously.

However, Dumbledore tilted the book so that its contents were hidden from Quirrell's view.

The room fell silent except for the sound of Dumbledore flipping through the pages. Tver watched Dumbledore's expressions closely, ignoring the puzzled Quirrell beside him.

Dumbledore's reactions were as Tver had predicted: initial astonishment at the first page, followed by an inevitable disappointment on the next.

Yet, unlike Tver, Dumbledore was not easily misled; he sensed the underlying issues almost immediately.

"This book contains a rather... unique magic," Dumbledore paused, his smile resembling the one he might give to a student, "The claims it makes are interesting, but I don't think a wizard like you would be fooled by its naivety."

This was the reaction Tver expected. He lightly chuckled and pointed to the words reappearing on the first page.

And that name—Rowena Ravenclaw.

Dumbledore's smile froze on his face, his breathing halted for a second, and as his smile slowly faded, Tver relaxed.

After a long moment, Dumbledore exhaled deeply, "I need to borrow this book for a while, is that okay?"

"Of course," Tver had already memorized the entire book, "though I wonder if this reason will suffice?"

"Hogwarts welcomes every sincere individual, Fawley. I need to know if you have the capability to be a professor here, even as an assistant."

Dumbledore set the book down, covering the words with his hand, leaving Quirrell able to see only some letters.

Tver pulled out his wallet again, "If you need my Durmstrang transcript—"

"No, I've discussed that with Headmaster Karkaroff, and he spoke very highly of your expertise."

Dumbledore stopped Tver's movements with a serious expression, reminding Tver of the nervousness one feels when facing an examiner. So, the next statement was going to be the test question.

"I need to know what content you intend to teach at the school, and assure me you won't bring Durmstrang's leniency towards dark magic to Hogwarts."

This was indeed the interview, and Tver relaxed, having prepared for this moment.

"I've applied for the assistant position; am I also expected to be responsible for the curriculum?" Tver looked expectantly at Quirrell. He still held an interest in teaching students, especially the famed Harry Potter.

Quirrell had barely stammered out a few words before Dumbledore interrupted.

"I've discussed this with Professor Quirrell, and he is more than willing to entrust you with students up to the third year."

Quirrell was not upset about being interrupted, instead, he managed another smile.

"Yes, I... am very pleased... to have someone share the workload."

"So, Professor Dumbledore, what do you think is the best way to defend against dark magic?" Tver asked with a smile curving his lips, clearly interested, watching as Dumbledore also smiled in response.

The question was straightforward, simple enough that Tver didn't plan on waiting for a response.

"It's offense," Tver said, crossing his arms and leaning slightly forward, looking directly into Dumbledore's eyes. "By defeating the enemy, one can naturally defend against any dark magic."

"Merely attacking cannot defeat an enemy."

Dumbledore indeed seemed intrigued; he had reasons to enhance the students' combat capabilities. That was precisely why Tver was here.

"Of course, before offense, learning to defend is essential. Would you believe it? Half of the employees at the Ministry of Magic can't cast a proper Shield Charm, let alone master combat skills. So, in my Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, I plan to teach students how to avoid danger and defeat enemies. Not just against dark magic, but also against foes harboring ill intentions."

Tver turned to Quirrell, who had been watching the exchange, "Wouldn't you agree, Professor Quirrell?"

"Of... course," Quirrell stuttered, caught off-guard by Tver's sudden question, "But we... must not teach... dark magic."

Tver sighed, aware of the hostility and misunderstandings towards Durmstrang due to its leniency towards dark magic and the infamous dark lord who once attended.

"This is always a misconception. My school teaches not only dark magic but also how to defend against it. How can you defend against something you don't understand?"

"That's also why I agree to you becoming an assistant in Defence Against the Dark Arts. I hope you can teach the students about dark magic in the right way," Dumbledore nodded in approval.

Tver's face lit up with a surprised smile, "Does that mean I've passed my interview today?"

"To be precise, very successfully."

Dumbledore extended his hand to shake Tver's once more, but his gaze shifted towards Quirrell.

"Quirinus, please return first; Tver and I have more to discuss."

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