Harry Potter: Is It Normal for a Hogwarts Professor to Be a Dark Lord?

Chapter 83: Selection of a New Professor

After distributing the review papers to the students in the third year and below, a mood of intensive study settled over the castle. Other teachers, experienced in their crafts, devised review plans for their subjects. Unlike Tver, they refrained from introducing new material to the students.

However, this didn't mean Tver was easing up on the students' review. In fact, he had noticed signs of emotional distress among the students, with some engaging in bizarre behaviors, especially in the fifth and seventh years, where the stress of exam preparation seemed to take its toll.

According to Percy, there had been several cases of trading in substandard potions, amulets, and cheating devices. Despite repeated warnings from the professors, there were still students ending up in the infirmary due to the severe side effects or inherent dangers of the potions they consumed.

Thus, Tver took a more relaxed approach, using educational methods that combined learning with fun to reduce the students' stress. At least, he thought, they could enjoy doing their papers a bit more. Reflecting on this, he couldn't help but consider himself quite a good teacher.

"Headmaster, I need a raise!" Tver declared as he pushed open the door to Dumbledore's office and confidently took a seat across from him.

Dumbledore smiled resignedly and silently poured a cup of tea, leaving Tver to serve himself some pumpkin juice. Dumbledore was starting to regret their weekly meetings for Transfiguration research and discussions about the state of the wizarding world.

The research on Transfiguration was manageable, though it had progressed to unimaginable transformations of magic and soul. Tver's conduct was commendable, and his research into the soul was conducted cautiously and ethically—far better than his own mentors.

However, the discussions about the wizarding world were another matter and often left Dumbledore with a headache. As a leading figure in the wizarding world, Dumbledore, despite spending most of his time at Hogwarts, maintained contacts with many prominent wizards internationally and was well aware of the latest magical research.

He didn't agree with Tver's implied criticism that the wizarding community was falling behind, but he recognized that wizards were becoming accustomed to muggle technology. Each discussion with Tver forced him to spend considerable time contemplating the current state of the magical community—far more challenging than ideological guidance for Tver.

"You've already taken half of next year's budget for the school, and if I give you a raise, how are we supposed to hire a new professor?" Dumbledore tapped the table slightly, annoyed as he watched Tver pour himself a generous serving of pumpkin juice.

Tver wasn't bothered; over the past few months, their discussions had often been contentious, and Dumbledore had been far angrier on other occasions.

After taking a sip of pumpkin juice, Tver slowly began, "There's going to be a big move in Defense Against the Dark Arts next year. The funds aren't for me; in the end, it's all for the students—"

"Wait," he exclaimed, setting down his cup in surprise, "you've already found a new professor?!"

Handling seven grades of classes was a full-time effort; honestly, Tver had been so busy that he barely had time to focus on his own pursuits. No wonder the professors at the school didn't make significant progress in their magical research—there was simply no time!

However, Tver's thoughts were interrupted by the recollection of a particular professor from the plot. Dumbledore slid a newspaper across to him, and on the front page was the man from his memories—Gilderoy Lockhart!

Lockhart was dressed in extravagant clothes, his back adorned with an ornate cape, sporting a smile that showed off eight gleaming teeth, so bright that even in the photograph they seemed to sparkle.

Looking at the photo, it was easier to imagine him as a model for a toothpaste advertisement rather than a powerful wizard... at least more dazzling than any shampoo in his hand...

"Although I don't like to belittle others," Tver said with a complicated expression, tapping the photo with his finger, "but this man, his face seems stronger than his magic, by a lot," he emphasized at last.

Dumbledore, with a resigned air, pulled out a book—Magical Me.

"You might want to read some of his works; the content is quite excellent. If he can demonstrate even a third of what he claims, the students will have a decent professor."

Tver showed no interest in touching the book.

"And if he doesn't live up to even a third?"

"Then he's still better than Quirrell, isn't he?" Dumbledore sighed.

"Besides, Lockhart has won numerous awards, including the Order of Merlin, and he's quite famous internationally. It's not easy to find someone willing to take on the Defense Against the Dark Arts role. Maybe, he's just a showy but skilled wizard?"

"I assure you, if you left photos of yourself everywhere like he does,  you'd certainly outshine him."

Tver tried to imagine replacing Lockhart's face with his own...

He shuddered involuntarily.

Reflecting on Quirrell's stuttering speech, it seems that even Lockhart, sharing techniques from his books with the students, would be a better choice.

At worst, some theoretical aspects could be delegated to him, which would significantly lighten my own teaching load.

So, surely Lockhart can handle at least that much, right?

"By the way, Lockhart's interview is scheduled for the start of the summer break. Will you join us then?" Dumbledore placed a book in front of Tver. "If you do come, you might take a look at his work."

With Dumbledore having done this, Tver reluctantly picked up the book, though unsure if he was interested in interviewing a charlatan.

"Let's talk about it later, there's still some time before the summer break."

"Speaking of the summer, do you have any plans?" Dumbledore asked casually.

Observing the old man's feigned nonchalance, Tver's lips curled slightly.

"It depends. I'll start by studying some magic at school, then I might visit some relatives. Would you care to join me?"

This time, unlike before, Dumbledore did not show any embarrassment but met his gaze with calm assurance.

"I've already asked a friend to visit Grindelwald in Nurmengard. I hear his living conditions are quite poor. Since you are his student, I wouldn't object to you offering him some assistance in his daily life."

"But," Dumbledore leaned forward, his gaze steady on Tver, "he cannot leave Nurmengard. That's my final word!"

Headmaster, without your personal inspection, it's impossible to recognize the teacher's magic.

Tver thought smugly to himself, yet his expression remained unchanged.

"Don't worry, the teacher is there, well and reminiscing about the past."

"I never said it had to be in Nurmengard," he thought to himself.

Dumbledore shifted his gaze, reluctant to dwell on Grindelwald.

"Let's continue discussing the Muggles then. I had no idea you were so well-versed in Muggle studies."

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