Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 141 – Caring for his Girl ~NSFW~

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Hermione let him lead her over to the tub and help her in.

Lucifer held her hand as she stepped over the edge then he waited while she sat in the steamy water.

"I'll go find you something to eat." He shrugged out of his robes and set them on the counter. "What would you like? Turkey?"

"You don't know where anything is," Hermione objected.

"Are you serious?" Lucifer asked, arching an eyebrow. "I'm guessing bread is under 'B.' A blind man could make a meal in this kitchen, which I presumed you have been involved in last year?"

Hermione blushed but smiled at him, "This room like many others were reserved for Muggleborns like me, who suffer headaches after being exposed to magic everywhere in the cas-" she started to give a really long explanation of what the Matron told her.


"...Sorry, Turkey's fine."

He nodded and left.

Hermione curled into herself and tried to get warm.

She didn't know having her boyfriend draw her a bath and make her a sandwich would be such a relief.

Those weren't particularly difficult tasks, but for some reason having him do it for her felt like a mini-break.

Lucifer left her to stew and headed for the kitchen.

Her cat was in there, doing a decent impression of a moth-bitten orange rug.

Lucifer nodded at him and started rifling through her cabinets.

He just couldn't resist moving a stack of glasses an inch to the left.

He found some turkey in the refrigerator (in the "T" section of the meat drawer) and with some lettuce and tomato made her a sandwich.

Lucifer stacked the ingredients in alphabetical order for her.

As he left, he stooped down and offered her cat a bit of leftover turkey, which he assumed might have been here from today's dinner at the Great Hall, "Here, kitty."

Doesn't know where tomato, and lettuce come from? Probably stacked from the kitchen on a regular basis, after room came back into use.

Crooks sniffed his hand then licked the turkey into his mouth, meowing a farewell to his new meat fairy.

Lucifer went back to the bathroom and found her just as he'd left her.

She was staring dejectedly at the water trickling from the spigot.

He knelt down beside the tub and held out the sandwich for her. "Bon appetit."

Hermione smiled weakly and took the sandwich. "Merci."

Lucifer ran his finger over her shoulder, watching her for a few seconds.

The attention seemed to embarrass her, because she looked away as if she didn't want him to see her eat.

He left her to her meal and sat back, unfastening his cuffs and slowly rolling up his sleeves.

Hermione watched him from the corner of her eye. She couldn't help letting her gaze linger on his forearms.

The scars were concealed using Glamour charm, but for some reason she knew where they were.

She wondered if he was abused, and it pained her heart even more, while being full of loathed feelings regarding his parents.

Maybe it reminded him of a part of his life he'd rather forget.

She only concealed hers from that of her accident, as to not make her skin look ugly.

Lucifer saw her eyes scoping out his arms. He hoped it was just curiosity.

Being with her was the one time he didn't have to think about all that's been happening.

Eons spent providing a place for dead mortals to punish themselves.

He didn't want her learning more than she had to.

Scooting next to the tub, Lucifer picked up the flannel and dipped it in the water.

When he ran it over her back, she sighed and rested her face on her knees.

He carefully washed her back while she finished her food.

He could see the tension melting from her body. It was so easy to care for her.

She seemed to appreciate the smallest of gestures.

Letting his fingers trail down her spine, he smiled as she moaned softly.

No one had bathed her since she was a child. (The first time didn't count, as they were being naughty)

It was odd, but soothing.

When he finished with her back, Lucifer started on her arm.

She smiled at him and closed her eyes.

She could finally breathe again.

"Turn your back to me," he murmured.

Hermione did as he asked, wedging herself sideways in the tub.

His arm came around her, and he squeezed the water from the washcloth over her chest.

The water gushed over her breasts, warming her nipples in the stream.

As soon as the warmth was gone, her nipples tightened in the cold air, erecting two sharp peaks for his waterfall to sluice over on his next pass.

She could feel his breath on her neck; the soft in and out breezed over her skin.

Hermione closed her eyes and dropped her head back to his chest as he started on her other arm.

When he was through, he ran his fingers up and down the limb as if making sure he'd gotten off all the soap.

Her smile grew.

He wasn't checking for anything, he was just touching her.

Lucifer curled his arm around her chest again, watching her from over her shoulder.

She obviously loved what he was doing, the girl was practically purring with pleasure.

As he soaped her sweet tits, Lucifer used his other hand to rinse her, brushing his fingers over her breasts.

He didn't want her to think he was using her or trying to make her forget about Dan.

He wasn't.

He just wanted to touch her. It calmed him in ways he couldn't define.

Kissing her temple, he tossed aside the flannel and gently cupped her left breast in his right hand, feeling her heart thump against his fingers.

"I want to wash every inch of you," Lucifer whispered. "But I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

Hermione was torn. What he was doing felt bloody amazing, but guilt niggled her stomach like a wriggling worm.

Maybe her Dad could see what she was doing from the beyond.

How could she even entertain sexual thoughts at a time like this? "Are you just going to wash me?"

"Yes. If you like. I don't want you to think I'm trying to take advantage of you."

She put her hand over his. "It feels really really nice. I just . . ."

"Feel guilty?"

"Yes. Am I that obvious?"

"It's a perfectly natural way to feel," Lucifer said as he found the soap.

He smoothed it over her abdomen and then brushed away the suds underwater. "Pleasure can feel wrong when we're so aware that someone else will never know anything ever again."

Hermione blinked away the tears prickling behind her eyes and took a shaky breath.

"But sometimes pleasure can reaffirm that we are still alive," Lucifer said softly, kissing the side of her face.

"Sometimes mortals need to prove to themselves that they can still feel good after they've felt so bad." His hands slid down to her hips, the base of his rolled sleeves dipping into the water.

He didn't mind. His shirt would dry.

Lucifer started on her thigh, running the slick soap slowly over her skin under the water and then brushing away the remains with his other hand.

Hermione closed her eyes. He was being so sweet. She didn't deserve such kindness. "I feel like a monster for what I'm thinking."

He turned her face to him with one wet finger. "You are not a monster. Wanting to feel something pleasant isn't wrong. Your Dad wouldn't want you to suffer. I'm sure he would only wish happiness on the little girl who brought such love to him."

Lucifer was right. Dan had been eager to see everyone comfortable and taken care of, he was a pretty good chef.

Her mother had even forgiven the man who had killed her husband.

She of course, wouldn't blame her.

Lucifer kissed the corner of her mouth and went back to washing her leg.

Hermione watched his long fingers glide over her skin, but all she could think about was her mother, and grandfather's bulging eyes filled with tears.

What must they have gone through at the end?


Author's Note

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Bonus up to 285 has already been uploaded there.

Lucifer has revealed his Devil Face to Hermione on Patreon! 😈

Link - patreon.com/SmutDxddy

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