Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 158 – Lucifer’s Boggart

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


“Hmm, classroom needs to be a bit bigger for what I have planned, and I will need you all to stand up," Lupin brought out his wand, gave it a wave, and the room expanded by about ten feet on all four walls, "There we go."

The class was on their feet and in awe at how easily he did that, "Now then," Lupin waved his wand again and the chairs and desks flew to the edges of the room.

He looked over and saw something he needed, a large Wardrobe off in the corner.

"Wingardium Leviosa," he said with his wand pointed at it and levitated it towards the center of class.

"Does anyone know what's in here?"

To no one's surprise, Hermione and Lucifer raised their hands, "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"A Boggart, Professor," she said with a smile.

"Correct, Five Points for Gryffindor, and who can tell me what a Boggart looks like?" He asked them.

Lucifer raised his hand and answered, "No one knows, sir, as Boggart takes the form of our deepest fears."

"Precisely, take Ten Points for Gryffindor," Lupin was smiling. "Now, Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces; wardrobes, cupboards, or under a person's bed to name a few examples. As Mr. Morningstar so kindly pointed out, no one knows what a Boggart looks like because it is a shape-shifter.”

“The one in here," he said, hitting the wardrobe which caused it to shake, "has yet to take a form, but the moment I open it, the closest person that it sees will be subjected to something they dread to see."

The class was quiet, waiting with bated-breath for him to just suddenly open the wardrobe without warning.

Hermione stood there in thought, 'What am I afraid of? There's failing every class... that would be absolutely terrifying.

There was also that night terror I had-'

"Now, there is a simple way to deal with the Boggart, a charm that was created exclusively for this, however," Lupin paused to reiterate, "the charm alone is not enough to finish off a Boggart. Harry, do you know what is enough?"

"Er..." Harry paused for a moment.

Hermione knew that he knew, because he told her he'd looked over some Dark Creatures, and if he actually did, he should've read up on the Boggart, "Laughter is what finishes it off."

"Exactly! You need to force the Boggart to take a form you find amusing, and when it's turned into it, you will laugh, as will your classmates I'm sure. Now the charm is Riddikulus, okay? Repeat after me, without wands first, Riddikulus," Lupin said to them.

"Riddikulus," said one, not so in unison class.

"This class is ridiculous," Harry heard Malfoy say.

"Very good, but that was the easy part... Neville," Lupin startled the poor boy, "could you come here, please?"

Neville nervously walked up to Professor Lupin, and almost tripped over his own feet on his way up to the center of class.

"How are you, Neville?" Lupin asked him.

"Fine..." Neville squeaked.

"Good, good, so tell me, who or what are you afraid of?" Lupin asked him.

"Prof... Sn..." he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Professor Snape..." he said to humorous laughter.

"Yes, yes, Professor Snape. Scares the lot of us, now it's my understanding you live with your grandmother?"

"Yes, but... I don't want it to turn into her either!" He said suddenly.

"Don't worry, it won't. Now I want you to picture what your grandmother wears," Lupin instructed.

"Okay, she always wears the same hat-"

"No no, don't say it, we will see what you see when you cast the charm at the Boggart. Okay, now I'm going to release the Boggart, and when it emerges, it should take the form of Professor Snape... okay, ready?" He asked and Neville nodded.

Professor Lupin released the Boggart and it did in fact waltz out of the wardrobe looking like Snape.

Neville raised his wand and said the charm, "R- Riddikulus," but it didn't work.

He tried again, managing to not stutter as Snape kept walking menacingly towards him, "Riddikulus!"

It worked that time as Snape's clothing changed into a Vulture topped hat, a lime-green dress, and a bright red handbag.

Everyone in the entire class burst into raucous laughter.

Embarrassed, the Boggart flew back into the wardrobe, which Professor Lupin locked quickly, "Well done, Neville, excellent. Everyone line up, you'll all get a turn. Once you're done, just migrate over to the back of the classroom."

Neville hurried to the back as everyone lined up.

Lucifer was unfortunate enough to get the far back of the line.

Hermione was a few places ahead of him, and no one else was budging to make room anywhere.

He lamented his luck and carefully moved up with everyone else.

He tried to pay attention to what everyone was afraid of, but being so far back made it difficult until he got closer.

Eventually he got close enough to see Dean's Boggart be that of a Severed Hand, which crawled around like a Crab.

It was creepy, but not really scary.

Lucifer then began to wonder just what his Boggart was going to be.

"Riddikulus!" Dean shouted and the hand became caught in a Mousetrap.

The line moved farther and it was eventually Hermione's turn.

When Boggart came out of the wardrobe again, it was a tall, masked figure with a bloodied knife.

Hermione felt her heart rate quicken as she backed up into the person behind her.

She raised her wand, "Riddikulus!” yelled and the masked figure suddenly became a Bedsheet with holes for eyes and it was suspended from the ceiling by a wire.

She smiled to herself, thankful she was able to handle the Boggart well enough.

She went to the back of class and saw there were four more people ahead of Lucifer, after being high on doing well on her turn, she beamed at him.

Unfortunately, she now bumped into Harry because of her attention elsewhere, and when the Boggart saw Harry, the figure it took the shape of was a Dementor.

Professor Lupin had jumped in front of it seconds after it changed, and it suddenly turned into the Moon, which she found bizarre, as she couldn't understand why he would be afraid of the moon.

"Riddikulus," he said lazily, and it turned to a balloon and flew back into the wardrobe.

He helped Harry up off the floor and told him to go to the back of class.

It eventually got to Lucifer.

The last person had the Boggart retreat into the Wardrobe.

His head started to pound, his breathing quickened; a pair of hands came out and were on either side of the wardrobe, and the figure pulled himself out into the open.

A moment later Lucifer was face-to-face with... himself?

The other teens began whispering from behind as the original spoke up, “Curiouser and curiouser...”

“We are right...” his doppelganger called out, earning silence from the others. “We were always right...”


“It is just us, it has always been just us. There is no one else, there will never be anyone else.”

Lucifer merely stared on, while the other students, along with their professor, attempted to figure out what they were missing in the conversation.

“We are alone, and always will be. Everything has been futile... no one will ever understand.”

Suddenly the original Lucifer roared out in laughter, the echoes filling the room and sending chills down the spines of the other occupants.

“This is it? This is my 'greatest fear', being correct? What utter nonsense. I do not fear being correct, I am merely disappointed by it. If this is the best you can do then you are dismissed, go back to scaring children with images of spiders and other creatures.”

The figment disappeared seconds later, causing Lucifer to shake his head. “How incredibly disappointing, and here I was hoping for some deep revelation or hidden psychological fe-” he decided to move back, only to be spoken with that name again.

“Do you really think, you are invulnerable..... Samael?”

That made a halt to his Lucifer's body, his eyes glanced backwards only to see a figure pointing his wand over Hermione's terrified crawling figure, he started to curse, “Avad-”

His eyes widened at what he was now seeing, that made Lucifer wanted nothing else to get rid of the threat in front of him.

Hermione could feel the power exuding from him.

He was going to lose control soon.

She saw his Boggart be shoved back by a force unseen and she heard a screaming, coming from right where Lucifer stood.

It wasn't high pitched, but it was loud and forceful.

She saw his fists clench and he raised his head to look right at the Boggart.

There was a sudden explosion, smoke covered the classroom.

Hermione began coughing, as did eeryone else, and Lupin called out, "Is...thug..everyone alright?" He asked through a coughing fit.

Soon the smoke cleared and Lucifer was left standing near the center.

The Boggart and the wardrobe were both gone; the Boggart was blasted to smithereens, and the Wardrobe had splintered, wooden pieces lay all over the classroom.

Hermione hurried over to Lucifer and gasped when she saw him, saw his face.

Tears formed in her eyes when she saw the damage.

He stood there, a large piece of wood had lodged itself into his left eye, "Lucifer!" She yelled.

She also saw that his face had small lacerations all over it.

Lupin hurried over as well.

He had been checking the other students since Hermione went to check on her boyfriend.

When he saw Lucifer's face, he paled, "My word... come on, to the Hospital Wing. Class dismissed! Your assignment is to read up on Boggarts and give me a brief summary of them, due on Monday!"

He ended the class ten minutes early, which gave everyone a slight head start on their homework, had they been anything like Hermione or Lucifer, at least.

Hermione accompanied Lupin as he took the injured boy to the Hospital Wing.

Harry and Ron weren't far behind, she heard them talking to themselves, but her only priority was making sure her boyfriend was going to be alright, so she didn't pay attention to them.

When they arrived, Madam Pomfrey was in shock, but thankful that his adrenaline hadn't dissipated yet, otherwise he'd be in excruciating pain.

She quickly numbed the area anyway and removed the wooden piece.

She frowned upon noticing it being regenerated without even using any kind of healing spell, then looked towards the lacerations over his body, it was doing same there as well.

“What on Merlin's name....”

Madam Pomfrey had never seen this kind of healing ability in all her years, no matter how strong the wizard ever was.

"What's wrong, Madam Pomfrey?" Lupin asked her.

“His eye...and wounds there's - there's nothing for me to heal... It's like perfectly.." she didn't have the words left to exclaim.

Hermione let out a relief whimper and collapsed into a chair, started to cry her eyes out.

"Remus, what on earth happened?!"

"A Boggart," Lupin said with a look of regret in his eyes. "He became so enraged, he destroyed the Boggart and the wardrobe it had been hiding in."

Madam Pomfrey was at a loss for words on the subject.

She turned back to Lucifer, “Just in case, I will need you to stay here for the evening and maybe the night."

"Okay..." he said meekly, "but... only if Hermione is allowed to stay... past visiting hours," Lucifer bargained.

"Fine," Pomfrey said reluctantly, once again began to check over the cuts on his face, “How are they healed so perfectly...?”

"... if she wants to...”

“Of course, I'll be with you!” she said, wiping her tears away.

"You remember what Professor Trelawney called him, right?" Hermione heard Ron ask Harry, "The Harbinger of Destruction -"

"If you think even for a second, Ronald," Hermione had stood up and marched her way over to him.

"That Trelawney is correct on this, then I don't want to see you right now. Everyone in this room is aware of Lucifer's ancestry, and we all know what kind of power he is capable of, so don't you think even for a second that Trelawney calling him such nonsense is going to go over well with me around!” she was fuming as she stood less than a foot away from him, daring him to say anything more.

Hermione saw his ears turn red and he made a face of frustration before stomping out, "Don't mind Ron, after that business with Trelawney seeing the Grim in my teacup, he kind of has it in his head that she's right about a lot of things."

"He just better watch what he says in front of me from now on, or we will have a problem," she looked at Harry without shifting her head, and he nodded and walked out to follow.

She turned around and went back to Lucifer, "Sorry about that." her voice immediately turned very gentle.

“???” Lupin, who saw the difference.

"No need to be sorry... it's Weasely, I expect it..." Lucifer said, his breathing slow and steady.

"But you shouldn't have to-"

"Hermione," he cut her off, "how much homework did we have to get done before next week?”

"Quite a bit, why?"

She was now confused.

"You want to go ahead and get started?"

"Of course," Hermione smiled at him warmly and got her stuff out, him getting his own things out and they happily got to work.

She did notice that Lucifer's writing was a bit off, and the only explanation she could think of was the power he let out earlier, must be feeling drained.

Hermione felt a pang of anguish in her heart, 'Don't worry, Lucifer, whatever you need, whenever you need it, I'll be here for you, always.'


Author's Note

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