Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 169 – Extra Lessons for Ginny

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Days later

“So, what's next on the agenda?”

“Ancient Runes homework” Hermione said, looking up at him, “Professor Babbling wants it by Monday.”

“Right, cool, yeah. Hey Ginny, how's Flipendo going? You want a lesson?”


“What? Ginny needs help with the spell, don't you?”

“....Actually, I could do with it if you're willing to offer. But don't go failing your homework on my account. Not least of all cause Hermione looks ready to murder you.”

'She doesn't mind, do you?' he added looking down at her only to be met by a glaring pair of eyes.

“You're lucky she actually needs help” Hermione grumble. “Come on, let's go find an empty classroom.”

The three of them made their way up to the second floor where they found an empty classroom that was sometimes used for Herbology if the greenhouses were unreachable.

Hermione waved her wand as they entered, and the loose desks and chairs all slid up against the walls.

Another wave and one set came back which she settled herself on.

'Right then,' Lucifer said, drawing his wand and turning to face Ginny, “How many times have you managed it so far?”

'I haven't,' Ginny said as she drew her own, 'Hence asking for your help.'

“Let's test fundamentals then,” Lucifer said, waving his wand so one of the tables came soaring towards him, sliding to a stop in front.

He placed his wand down on it and stepped back. 'Levitate it.'

Ginny narrowed her eyes at Lucifer's wand. '

“Wingardium Leviosa,' she said, waving her wand at Lucifer's.

It didn't move

“Right, good start. Couple of points,” Lucifer said, wandering around behind her and placing his arms on her shoulders.

“Feet in line with my hands, you want a solid stance. Next, swish and flick-” then reached around her and grabbed her arm to guide her hand in the movement.

'-low steady curve through the air with a sharp drop at the end, sharp drop should end pointing at whatever you want to levitate. Finally Win-garrrr- dium Leviosa. Make the gar nice and long.'

Ginny nodded and took a deep breath.

‘Good, again.’

‘Wingardium Leviosa!’

Ginny’s aim was off, it landed slightly right of where the wand lay, but the wand wobbled a little bit all the same.

‘Much better and much closer,’ Lucifer said, stepping back over to where his wand lay and readjusting it. ‘Your aim was slightly off. Once more. Focus and take your time.’

‘Wingardium Leviosa!’ Ginny cried again.

This time her aim was on point and Lucifer’s wand began to hover slightly off the desk.

He snatched it up as Hermione burst into applause. Ginny beamed.

‘Atta girl!’ he called. ‘Confidence is everything in spellcasting. If you don’t think you’re going to do it, you aren’t going to.’

“Woah, you are really amazing like I thought, Lucifer!” Ginny looked at him in awe, she already knew how powerful this boy's magic is.

‘Thanks. Now whilst you may not have had a proper first year, that’s still first year magic. Which means we’re going up a level- Um…. Yes?’ Lucifer added with a raised eyebrow as he turned to look at Hermione, who had her hand in the air.

“Well you’re being a teacher, I thought it was only fair,” she shrugged.

Lucifer shook his head and then said, ‘Well then yes, Miss Granger?’

“Ginny didn’t get a proper first year just like you said. So, wouldn’t it be best to teach her some more spells from the first year? The teachers don’t expect her to know everything straight away and it’ll allow you to build up her foundation instead of just leaping in with the hard stuff. This doesn’t have to be the only time we do this.”

‘What do you think, Ginny?’ Lucifer asked, turning back towards her.

‘It wouldn’t hurt, if anything it would make it so that I need to take my extra classes less. I could catch up with this year’s stuff separately.’

‘Well then excellent suggestion, Miss Granger,’ Lucifer said with a nod to Hermione, who blushed so intensely she almost matched her scarlet robes.

‘You alright?’ he added.

‘You know what she’s like around teachers,’ Ginny smirked, ‘Now her boyfriend is the teacher. She’ll be living for this!”

“Shut up Ginny!” Hermione’s muffled voice came as she hid her face under her robes.

‘Well,’ Lucifer interrupted as Ginny opened her mouth to retort, ‘For today we’ll focus on the initial point, but for next time I’ll have something more solid ready for you. So next up, disarming. Technically not a Hogwarts lesson but probably the only good thing Riddle pulled off last year with Pott-”

Lucifer said, as he waved his wand and the table he’d been using slid back against the wall.

‘Now, watch and learn.’ He raised his wand and turned it on Ginny.


‘Expelliarmus!’ he waved his wand and Ginny’s went soaring out of her hand, it flew through the air and Lucifer caught it.

‘I was going to say I already know that one,’ Ginny grumbled as she stepped forward to take her wand back.

‘Then, you no longer have an excuse as to why that worked. Hermione, front and centre for me.’

Hermione sprung to her feet at once and moved up next to him.

‘You’re both going to practice it. I already know Hermione can do it-‘ his brain flashed back to the memory of Bulstrode strangling her, which caused Lucifer's face to get slightly red, but he quickly shook it off, “-but I haven’t see you pull it off yet,’ he added quickly. ‘On my count, 3, 2, 1.”

‘Expelliarmus!’ Ginny cried.

If he hadn’t had been watching Hermione, he would have missed it.

But Ginny’s spell soared across the room towards her and seemed to connect, but a split-second later Lucifer saw a silvery something fade away from around Hermione.

‘Thought you knew how to do it?’ Lucifer asked, turning towards Ginny whose mouth was hanging open.

‘I do! I used it at the end of last year and it worked!’

‘Well Hermione still seems to still have her wand,’ He told with a gesture at the bushy haired girl.

‘Let me try again,’ Ginny said, raising her wand.

Two more times Ginny tried and both times Hermione seemed unaffected once the spell hit, but a moment afterwards that same shimmer appeared.

‘But I know it worked!’ Ginny called, she was getting increasingly frustrated. ‘Let me try it on you, Lucifer!’

‘Alright,’ He said, moving over to take Hermione’s place.

‘Lucifer wait-‘

‘Don’t worry, Hermione I’m sure I’ll be fine,” And he threw her a wink whilst Ginny repositioned herself

‘Count us in for me,’ he added.

‘3, 2, 1.’

‘Protego,’ Lucifer muttered.

Ginny’s spell collided… with the shield. The spell dispersed and Lucifer was left standing and clutching his wand.

‘Oh for Merlin’s sake!’ Ginny yelled, stomping her foot.

‘Language,’ Lucifer said, while stepping forward, ‘Your stance is wrong. You’re getting too frustrated. Here,’

He readjusted her as Hermione took her position back in the other end.

Their eyes connected. “Let it through” he mouthed, and she nodded.

“Calmer this time Ginny. You’re trying to disarm Hermione, not kill her. Anger is good but not when you don’t want to hurt the person.”

He counted them in, and this time Ginny’s spell struck home, Hermione’s wand went soaring out of her hand and Ginny caught it.

‘There we go!’ she called victoriously.

‘Don’t let your emotions rule you,’ Lucifer said, with an approving nod. ‘Use them to strengthen you, not control you.’

‘You really are beginning to sound like a Professor,’ Ginny smiled as she passed Hermione her wand back.

They proceeded through a few more rounds of disarming before they attempted the knockback jinx.

It took Ginny a number of attempts but finally she managed to hit the table they’d dragged out with the spell and send it flying into the wall where it shattered.

‘I did it!’ she cried happily as Lucifer repaired the desk.

‘Yes, yes well-done Ginny..” Hermione called out in a sour mood, just doing the formality.

‘You did brilliantly,’ Lucifer said giving her a small applause as Ginny paced excitedly.

‘I’ve got to go show Luna. Thanks Lucifer,’ she ran forward and hugged him before breaking away and running out of the classroom.

‘...So, what did you think?’ Lucifer said, turning to face Hermione who now had a pouty expression on her face.

“I think you made an incredible teacher....” she said, now somehow didn't able to resist the grin on her lips, moved forward to Lucifer, giving him a small peck on his cheek.

“Well I just hope she got something out of it,” Lucifer said, staring towards the door.


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