Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 13

Meanwhile, here at Granger's residence, during the morning of Christmas, for the last two days, Hermione's mother, Jane, and her Grandfather, Wendell, did their best to cheer their pumpkin's mood.

It's just.....their own smiles were quite painful, most likely fake, because, their home wasn't bright, like usual.

After losing, Dan Granger, in that horrible car accident 2 years ago, was still fresh inside their mind, especially his distorted face, at the hospital, no longer being recognised as their....

It's not only that, Hermione, who was also inside the car with her father. 

They were just travelling back, from the supermarket, after purchasing some daily necessities..... 

Besides, Hermione also wanted to increase the number of books in her small collection, result, she didn't even wake up for two weeks, and suffered a heavy blow to her mind.....Only, able to survive because of Dan, who tried his utmost to cover her body. 

Both Jane, and Wendell, almost lost everything that night....it destroyed their whole family, no longer that excited on holidays, such as Christmas...And, Hermione, who was forced by her teachers, to take a small vacation, because of violent tendencies..... especially, towards the girls, who always bullied her. 

Several cuts on their arms, result, Hermione was forced to just stay inside her home, grounded by her mother, who, then spent most of these past two years isolated, just stealing those books, from her father's library. 

Even though, most of them shouldn't be read by a ten-year old, Hermione just stopped, giving that cute smile of hers altogether. 

Only, her mother noticed after coming back from Professor McGonagall's trip, her daughter's mood has changed a bit, and there was a boy, whose name was constantly mentioned during their talks, Lucifer Morningstar. 

That's why, just to make sure, Wendell decided to take the chance, and make sure if this boy's really sincere or not? 

And, now, Hermione Granger was opening her Christmas present, which was mainly just books from her long-distance cousins. 

There were also some make up items, from her mother's best friend, which she just put aside casually, not interested at all. 

Finally, she reached towards the last present, which was just mailed yesterday, by a person named, Mazikeen. 

After gently unwrapping it, she found two mirrors inside, but it's not the small ones, that she had seen Lavender brown, using all the time, to adjust her face, trying to look more beautiful. 'I just wish, that she will have those disgusting pimples on her face!' 

These were the perverted thoughts of Hermione Granger, while reading the small work book, that came inside that box.


State the person's name, who has the 2nd mirror (Gold boundary), while pointing your wand at the 1st one, (Silver boundary).

It will connect both of them.

Thanks for purchasing our device.


Even after, reading the letter twice, Hermione didn't give a response, which slightly made Jane worried, and she looked towards her daughter's face, with a look full of anxiety, "Hermione....? 

Only, the bushy-haired girl, didn't give any response to the question, which caused her grandfather Wendell, to directly stand up from his chair, and move towards the christmas tree, "Pumpkin...Can I take a look?" 

When Hermione heard, such a loud voice, from a very low distance, she came out of her thoughts, and made a dumb noise in response, "....yeah"

"....." Jane, she also decided to come over now, and read this note, which made her daughter go silent. 


"Hermione, it's already evening, can you please stop using this?!"

"You are just exaggerating, Mum. It's not that long!" A cheerful voice came from the stairs, to be exact, it leads to Hermione's room, she has been using Lucifer's gift, to call her mother, who was still very busy, preparing a feast for them at night. 

"Whatever you say, pumpkin.....

"Also, don't forget to express your gratitude!" Only, no response was given back. 

Inside Hermione's room, there were many books that were placed on the shelf, including Kitty Thomas, and other authors like her, who specialised in the master/slave genre.

"Don't worry Mum.... I am definitely going to show, Daddy, how grateful I really am....." After saying that, Hermione, just used her tongue to lick those pink lips creepily, waiting for the food to be served. 


That night, when everyone had gone to bed, Lucifer was still awake, very busy using his mirror to contact Maze at night, which he had only discovered, after coming back to his living area because, Ron was getting more excited by Harry's cloak. 

In reality, this gift was hidden by his cat, Eve at night.....who somehow knew, this was sent by her trainer, making Lucifer feel both impressed, and stunned at the same time. 

It was obvious, why she tried to hide this, and now. 

"So, the headmaster's still alive? I thought, you would have killed him by now?"

"....." Lucifer, "Even if I did kill that Dumbledore, since when did you start to care about humans?" Indeed, he had already noticed this change in her behaviour patterns, when Maze told him to be more humble, and not cause death. 

"....." Mazikeen, just chose to remain silent. But, she knew, Lucifer would definitely notice this sooner or later. 

In fact, this whole ordeal started, when she literally tortured a guy to death, tearing his organs, one after another, while making sure to keep him alive until the last moment. 

It directly got, them into a fight, with his Reaper, named, Betty, who came to bring his soul to heaven, and even though Lucifer, was able to kill her with an angel blade.....

Betty's insulted remarks about, demons not having a soul, irked Mazikeen's heart, and then she tried to be more empathetic, for the hop-


"Ow! What the hell?!" A small whispering voice, interrupted their talk. It was Harry, who tried to open the curtains around Lucifer's bed, only to be throw back on the ground. 

"What do you want, Potter?" His voice sounded very irritated, Lucifer was busy, having a talk, and didn't like Harry's outbursts at all. 'I was right to learn those privacy charms...these children don't even understand this word...'

Even though, Lucifer was complaining in his heart, this green-eyed boy, came over what rubbing his head, "It was me, who should be asking a question instead...what the hell was that?" Harry didn't even know, why he was pushed back such violently. 

"I'm very busy here..."

"....Right, you promised about coming to the Libra-

"Damn it, just get this over with already...." After saying that, Lucifer pushed his curtains away, and then started to move towards the stairs, while trying best to keep his footsteps silent, leaving Harry alone upstairs.

He immediately hurried back towards the door, and went downstairs with his cloak. 

Harry then saw, Lucifer who was walking in the direction of the Portrait hole, but the Fat Lady didn't give him permission that easily. 

"Who's the-" Only, this bad singer was forced to keep silent, by Lucifer, and then, she just went to sleep honestly. 

"....." Harry. 'Seriously? I also need to learn this!'


"Aren't you going to come under this cloak? 

"Like I mentioned earlier, I don't want this...."

"But, what if Mrs. Norris or Filch were around?!"

"Potter, I'm warning you again, to stop playing with this sentient being....This cloak will only bring death and misery....."

"But, It was my family's heirloom..." 

Lucifer, then decided to stop talking to this idiot, he knew, when the case was just gone hopeless....he already hit the wall with Harry, about discarding this cloak. 


After that, both of these boys, hurried  to the Library, with Harry, bringing a lamp for them to see more easily once they got there. 

When they arrived, Lucifer marched to the Restricted Section, but none of the books gave any indication on which ones to look in. 

While Harry, just grabbed a random book and sat down at a table to read it. 

Only, causing Lucifer, to hear a  screaming voice, from his left and, then turned, just to see a face coming out of the book Harry had been trying to read.

"Fuck" He directly ran over and, helped him to close it up.

They suddenly heard a noise, which made, Harry quickly grab his cloak, knocking over the lantern he had brought. 

Lucifer would've made a remark, had the need to be quiet not been so great. 

They ran from the Library and came across Snape, having just been informed by Filch that students are out of bed. 

Even though, Snape tried to find them, but that would be hard as they are invisible.

The two boys continued on, not paying attention to where they were going and came across a large room with a Mirror standing in the Center towards the Back.

They got closer and saw the Mirror in more detail; it was tall, almost reaching the ceiling and its frame was an ornate gold. 

There was an inscription carved around the top of it.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi? What bullshit is this?" Lucifer asked, aloud to no one specific.

Harry didn't act like he had heard him, he was standing in front of the Mirror, looking mesmerized.

Lucifer looked in beside him, but didn't see anything out of the Ordinary, "Lucifer... I have to go get Ron! He needs to see this!" It was Harry, who got excited, and directly ran out of the room. 

Lucifer was confused, to say the least, that's why he migrated to stand where Harry stood and for a moment, he saw nothing. Only, what happened next shook him to his core. 

He saw his Mother (Goddess) appear behind him, with an unfamiliar face.....but, Lucifer, just knew it was her, "I shouldn't have abandoned you, this was all my fault...."

"It was your father's mistake to love his creations, more than you, my son...."

"I do regret my choice of not supporting you in the Great War...."

"...this" Lucifer also felt, small tears forming in his eyes, which caused his vision to slightly get blur, "No, Mum would never say that...It muse be an illusion!" Even though, Lucifer didn't believe this shit, and concluded this was just a farce, because, his mother betrayed him, it was her own choice. 

He didn't think, she had any regrets about her decision, only, it still caused Lucifer to have a smile on his face, the Goddess, then wrapped her arms around him in a hug, which he could swear about, actually feeling around him.

Lucifer reached up to place his hand on her arms, but only felt his shirt underneath his palm. 

He felt his entire reality shatter into a million pieces, and looked down just to be sure, but his Mother's arms were definitely not there. 

He clenched his fist, scrunching up his shirt as he did and was unable to hold back more tears, but not of elation, these were of heartbreak.

Lucifer looked back up and saw the loving look in his mother's eyes, and then stared back up at the inscription and looked at the first word, "Erised... Desire?" He carefully looked over the whole inscription and found out what it really meant. 

All he had to do was read it in reverse order, like looking in a Mirror, "I show... not your face... but your heart's desire?" He immediately understood what it meant, but still not ready to accept the fact, about his desire to see his mother...like this.

It's obviously fake. 

By the time Harry had shown up with Ron, Lucifer had already stepped away from the mirror and was sitting very far, leaning against the wall. 

He didn't pay attention to them and missed their little argument.

Eventually all three of them went back to Gryffindor Tower, but Lucifer separated from them mid-way, and ran straight to his bed.

Only, there was also something very wrong with the Mirror of Erised....

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