Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 149 + 150 (Heavy R-18)

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Rising back up on her knees, she leaned forward and kissed his throbbing flesh, her lips paying homage to his cock.

A soft smile quirked the side of his mouth. 

'Excellent start.' Long licks prepped every inch.

His dick twitched with each pass.

Hermione bathed him thoroughly with her tongue, lapping him like a cat.

Just when he thought he couldn’t take any more, she moved down and sucked his balls, getting up under them and tapping at him with that agile, wet muscle. 'Fuck.'

Hermione pulled his trousers and shorts lower so she could touch his bum; she grabbed his cheeks, squeezing hard.

Her tongue flicked around his salty head as she took him into her mouth.

Setting an easy pace, she moved her lips along his length. Her tongue twirled and shook in an unending dance with his manhood.

Lucifer's hands sank into her hair but, this time, stroked her head instead of clamping it in place. “That’s it, pet,” he whispered. “Make me come.”

Groaning at his silky order, Hermione sped up.

With one hand, she dug her nails into his bum, while her nose buried in his pubic hair again, sniffing his organs like a drug, her mouth just too full.

And with her other hand, she palmed his sac like a ball of dough.

Hermione slightly wondered if one day she was really going to die like this, was he even inside her throat anymore?

Or entered the long pipe attached to her stomach? She really doesn't know, except for the fact that her mouth is just too full....

Lucifer grunted, and she smiled around his hardness. 

'Do it, Hermione. Be brave. He needs to relax before the next class...'

Moving her hand on his bum, Hermione slid the side of her index finger over his perineum, massaging the area with firm pressure.

Other palm groped his balls tightly in her palm with dominating manner.

A hissed growl flew from his lips, and he wished he’d put up a Sound Shield.

Lucifer’d had no idea it would go so far or that he’d be straining to stay quiet.

Her fingers slid back further and brushed over his crack. “Fuck,” he ground out, putting both hands on the wall behind her to steady himself.

'If you didn’t want me to do it, you shouldn’t have given me a book that told me exactly how...'

It hadn’t been part of her plan, but Hermione knew they didn’t have much time, and it might make him come faster.

She rubbed around the outside of his tight opening, pressing against it without entering, knowing how tight it was last time.

(The book said to use lube, and she didn’t have any, so she figured she’d keep things external.)

With one hand, Lucifer pushed her face off him and grabbed his cock.

“Open your mouth. Keep still,” he panted.

Hermione had barely parted her lips when the first wet stream hit.

Lucifer let out a long clenched growl as he shot line after line of pearly come across her face.

His eyes stayed locked on her, boring into her as if he could set her on fire with just a look.

When some of his cream got in her mouth, Hermione stuck out her tongue for more.

Lucifer groaned behind his sealed lips as she poked out her flattened tongue, showing him his release.

Her hot panting breezed over his glans.

Placing his tip against her tongue, he milked the last of the seed over her tastebuds.

Hermione sat perfectly still the whole time—only her eyes moved, darting between watching his face and his cock.

Letting go of his prick, he put his hand back on the wall, waiting for his breathing to slow.

“Bloody hell, Hermione. You’re forgiven.”

Smiling up at him, Hermione swallowed.

“No wonder, you were so eager about your oral promises.”

Blushing, she pulled her hand away from his arse and stared at the floor, other still holding his genitals, tugging them down lightly, “The first book you gave me explained it more clearly.”

“I’ll be sure to thank myself later,” Lucifer muttered.

He reached out and ran his thumb over a couple of the spatters on her face then slid it into her mouth.

Hermione sucked his finger clean.

The taste wasn’t chocolate-cake-great, but she was madly craving for it.

Lucifer then waved his palm over to clean the rest of her face.

Sliding closer, she pulled up his trousers, kissing his balls, and softening cock one last time, then re-dressed him.

Holding his hand out to her, Lucifer helped her stand. He grasped her chin and tilted back her head, kissing her hard and fast.

Studying her eyes, he smirked. “You still want the paddle, don’t you?”

Her eyes widened, and she looked away. Her blush snitched on her.

Lucifer's lips brush her ear, “I’ll give you whatever you need as long as you don’t leave a puddle on your chair, and ruin school's property in every lecture.”

Shivering, Hermione bit her lip. “Really? Whenever I want?” His dry chuckle tickled her ear.

“Yes, pet. As long as I’m not in the middle of something.”

“And you won’t use the cane or paddle on me unless I ask for it, right?” She had to make sure.

“I’ll use whatever you like as long as you’re not being punished. Then it’s up to me.”

Nodding, happy with the arrangement, Hermione kissed his neck. “Thank you, sir.”


After that, Hermione giddily put the Time Turner around their necks, turning it enough times so that class had just started, looking like they were a part of it all along.

“That was... certainly something,” Lucifer said, after looking around.

“Yes it was-” but Hermione stopped as they heard several sets of footsteps climbing the stairs.

“That must be us?” He whispered.

“I think it is,” Hermione nodded, licking her lips to savour his taste.

“Up we go!” came Lucifer's own voice, followed by a squeal that was definitely from Hermione and one of the sets of footfalls vanished.

“That was you scooping me up,”  Hermione said blushing lightly.

“This is weird,” Lucifer said, “Imagine   if we'd just checked under the stairs?”

“We'd have hidden somewhere else,” Hermione said, indicating the two of them standing there, “You remember McGonagall's first rule. We can't be seen. Come on!”

Hermione held out her hand and Lucifer seized it, together the two of them began their way down from North Tower.


Chapter 150

Muggle Studies proved to be okay.

Neither Hermione or Lucifer felt like they learned much useful stuff, but it was only the first class, so maybe it'd get better.

They went to the empty Arithmancy class afterwards and rewound time again; Hermione liked having to stand so close to him, while the boy had to wipe away the small lip marks she is leaving from time to time.

Just before she turned it, he said, "Maybe taking all of these classes was a bad idea..."

"Well, just stick with them for now, if they prove to be useless, we can drop Divination and Muggle Studies, okay?" Hermione asked with a smile up at him.

"Okay," he smiled back down at her.

They were taken back in time and they each proved to love Arithmancy with Professor Vector.

She was a shrewd and strict woman, not unlike McGonagall.

The lesson was extremely interesting.

Arithmancy was the study of the properties of numbers, and Professor Vector even told them that more advanced versions would allow prediction of the future using these numbers.

And guaranteed, after Hermione's questioning, that it was not as wishy washy as Divination had turned out to be.

She was giddy the entire time, was excitedly asking both Lucifer and Professor Vector for help with her calculator.

They spent the lesson using the calculator to figure out each other's 'Character, Social, and Heart numbers' as Professor Vector called them, which apparently helped reflect someone's personality and get an idea as to how they saw the world.

They were surprisingly accurate.

“That was so incredible!” Hermione said excitedly as they stepped out of the classroom, “Far better than that tea leaf nonsense!”

“Glad to hear you enjoyed it,' said a voice from behind them and they both turned to see Professor Vector standing there.

“It's been a long time since I've seen two people be so passionate about my subject.”

“We just had a very shoddy Divination class followed by this, so I think it's safe to say we both much prefer your way of doing things.” Lucifer also explained, he also felt like he learnt something.

“It's just so much more logical!” Hermione cried in bliss, “No silly guesswork or misshapen leaves, not a single rubbish about my boyfriend causing Destruction or what not. Solid numbers that can only give one answer!”

Lucifer even had to clutch her arm, to stop the girl from jumping on the floor, with how excited she was.

“I don't pretend to know the curriculums of all my other fellow staff members. However, I do know that people who have taken both Arithmancy and Divination in the past normally find a favourite, and even more choose neither. I am happy to know that I at least have two dedicated workers who see things my way,” and with a smile Professor Vector moved off.

“Give me your Time-turner after the day ends, I am going to duplicate it....”

“Huh? But that won't do any good. Remember, from Professor Flitwick's lectu-

“I don't need it to work like usual.”

Hermione's cheeks frowned, but she stopped asking more questions.

They still had two more elective classes to go through, so Lucifer would reserve judgment for his favorite after Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes.

After Arithmancy, they were much closer to Transfiguration, which meant they were able to get there before Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

They walked in and Hermione saw where McGonagall was in her Tabby Cat Animagus form, sitting on her desk.

She felt Lucifer unlocking his arm with her grip, and marched straight towards the front right table and sat as far towards the end of it as possible.

Hermione sat down, looking over at him with a suddenly hurt look in her eyes, seeing him act this way all of a sudden, “Hey?"

No response.

Hermione remembered that Lucifer was supposed to be feeling heated and frustrated after what Trelawney told him.

First Trelawney said Harry was going to die, then she called her boyfriend the Harbinger of Destruction, Belial, Prince of Darkness, and from what she had read these names.....

Even after the first class, Hermione already didn't like Divination, or maybe she just didn't like Trelawney, she wouldn't ever know.

Since they were coming from Arithmancy, Hermione wasn't surprised they were the first ones in class.

She looked and saw Professor McGonagall looking over at her from her spot on the desk.

When the rest of class showed up, McGonagall had turned back into her human form and proceeded to talk to them about Animagi, Wizards who could transform into animals at will.

Hermione glanced over at Lucifer, who was still not paying attention, or maybe he was and just didn't seem interested on purpose.

"Really, what has gotten into you all today?" Professor McGonagall said after giving her Tabby Cat transformation another go, not getting the reaction she expected.

“Not that it matters, but that's the first time my transformation's not gotten applause from a class.”

Every Gryffindor turned to look at either Harry, who sat at the back of class, or Lucifer, who was at the front.

The Ravenclaws were out of the loop on what was going on, so decided to either stare at Harry or Lucifer, just because they could.

Hermione raised her hand, "Please, Professor, we've just had our first Divination class, and we were reading the tea leaves, and-"

"Ah, of course," Professor McGonagall said, suddenly frowning, "there is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?"

Everyone stared at her like she'd gone insane, everyone but Lucifer, "Me," Harry said after a moment's pause.

"I see," Professor McGonagall said with a sigh.

"It's not just that, Professor," Hermione said further, "she also called Lucifer with names and something... the Harbinger of Destruction. What does that mean?"

McGonagall looked at Lucifer for a moment, "Morningstar? Are you alright?" She asked in a rare moment of sympathy.

"Fine..." Was all he said.

"To be honest, Miss Granger... I have no idea what the Harbinger of Destruction implies, but I assure you..." she trailed off, looking back to Harry, "Sybill Trelawney has predicted the death of one student a year since she arrived at this school. None of them has died yet.

“Seeing death omens is her favorite way of greeting a new class. If it were not for the fact that I never speak ill of my colleagues-" she broke off, and they all saw her nostrils had gone white.

She went on, much more calmly, "Divination is one of the most imprecise branches of magic. I shall not conceal from you that I have very little patience with it. True Seers are very rare, and Professor Trelawney..."

She stopped again, and then said, in a very matter-of-fact tone, "You look in excellent health to me, Potter, so you will excuse me if I don't let you off homework today. I assure you that if you die, you need not hand it in."

Hermione laughed at McGonagall's dry humor.

Harry felt much better about that.

McGonagall then looked back at Lucifer, “Morningstar I wouldn't take Sybill's words to heart. What exactly did she say when she said this?"

Hermione spoke up, "She said that it meant he will cause great genocide, green fields to turn grey, and entire buildings to collapse..." she finished slowly, afraid of raising his temper again.

McGonagall then looked back at the boy, "For the record, Morningstar, you are one of kindest Gryffindor I know. Yes, you do have a temper, but so does everyone else," she looked around at the faces of her class; some ashamed at knowing her words to be true.

"You put your friends first, are fiercely loyal to them, and you stand up for your convictions. That is most commendable in a student your age," she gave him a sympathetic smile.

Lucifer managed to smile back and felt immensely better.

He looked at Hermione, who was smiling at him widely, showing him her adorable teeth, which were a little larger than most teens her age.


Author's Note

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