Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 15

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Some time later, when Lucifer started to wake up, yawning a bit, while rubbing his eyes slightly, he noticed there was someone else beside him. 

It was Hermione, who was trying her best to pretend, about reading Lucifer's book, that he had brought from the Hogwarts library earlier.

"Did you have a good sleep?" she asked this question, without even looking up, her nose still buried in that work. 

"Y-yeah, sorry, I just felt tired all of a sudden..." Lucifer muttered in a low voice, feeling slightly embarrassed, because, it has never happened with him.....

"No, it's my fault to leave all the burden of looking for Nicholas Flamel...You should go to bed early!" Hermione said this, while closing her book, and then looked towards Lucifer's face, with a guilty expression. 

"No, I should have been more careful....this body is very young, and I don't understand it's limits yet..." 

After that, he just started to make his way back upstairs towards his bed, and take a good little nap, while adjusting his pants a bit, it was really uncomfortable for some reason.

"....." Hermione, who just stared at his back, only, her gaze then focused on Lucifer's tight pants, and by narrowing her eyes, she could even imagine, his perfect ass cheeks in her mind. '....I really want to smack them' 


Harry had trudged back in one day after practice with some grim news, "Snape is going to be refereeing the next Quidditch Match!?" Ron asked in a yell.

"Don't play," Hermione said at once.

"Say you're ill," Lucifer told him.

"Pretend to break your leg," Ron suggested.

"I can break your leg," Lucifer waved his little hand excitedly, which only earned him a smack on his thigh, from Hermione.

"I can't, Gryffindor doesn't have a reserve Seeker... if I back out, Gryffindor won't be able to play at all, and we'll be completely out of the running for the House Cup," Harry lamented.

But, Hermione on the other hand, still had her right palm on Lucifer's thigh, and didn't seem to have any intention of removing it. 

Only, when Lucifer felt, her fingers started to really get close to his private region, he decided to stop her, "Um, Hermione...do you mi- 

Before, Lucifer could finish his sentence, Neville was jumping into the Common Room through the portrait hole, his legs locked together. 

Lucifer recognized it as the Leg-Lock Curse, which was more of a Jinx or Hex than Curse.

He fell forward onto his face and everyone in the Common Room fell over laughing.

Lucifer just looked at him pitifully,  and it was Hermione, who decided to ask"Neville? What happened?" 

"Malfoy happened..." he said miserably as Hermione performed the Counter-Spell from her seat, "I met him outside the Library and he said about, looking for someone to practice the spell on."

"Go to Professor McGonagall," Hermione said, urging him to do something, "Report him!" 

"Ow! Ow! Granger!" She was really gripping him tightly, now. And, it didn't seem to lose any moment, unless, Lucifer directly forced her to remove them. 

But, no one was paying attention to this boy's screaming, and Neville was also reluctant, "I don't want more trouble..."

"....If you don't stand up for yourself,  no one will," Lucifer said, in a rough voice, but to be honest, this dialogue was more pointing towards his own issues, "Fuck"

Neville also whimpered and, then ran to the dorms. Lucifer watched him go, but he didn't feel remorseful for his actions, "Look what you did..." Hermione was upset with him.

"....." Lucifer, who already felt quite pain in his nether regions, especially his cock, which seemed to have become alive, and trying to cause trouble.

That's why, he just wanted to leave, and pay a small visit towards the bathroom, so he moved sideways quickly, which led his cock, to gain freedom....that grip was really quite insane. 

Lucifer felt quite relieved at the moment, and then stood up to move towards the Gryffindor portrait hole. 

"Where are you going?" Only, Hermione wasn't impressed, with this kind of response, and directly stood up to argue, with him, "I'm not done talking with y-

"Outside to freeze," he said shortly and just left the Common Room, hurriedly. 

Hermione didn't see him for the rest of the afternoon until Dinner time. 

Lucifer didn't look worse for wear, but when she placed a hand on him,  he was really cold to the touch, "You're an idiot, you know that?"

"What ... I like snow... " he just smiled at her in return.

That's why, Hermione sat even closer to him than usual, (which was already a lot), bumping her shoulder with his, and if she went any further, Lucifer may just put the girl on his lap instead. 

"You're still an idiot" After saying, this, Hermione suddenly went closer to his ear, and muttered "But you are my idiot."

"So you've said," he smiled and just began to eat dinner.


The Quidditch Match drew nearer and Harry had informed his three friends that he was going to play and not look like a coward to the Slytherins for not wanting to play in a game their Head of House was refereeing.

Lucifer noticed that Snape was becoming more and more unbearable in Potions class towards Potter.

It didn't seem like he let it bother him, but he knew that it was torture to Harry's psyche.

Just before the match, the three of them wished Harry good luck. Lucifer knew Harry would be fine, but he still brought his wand, like Hermione and Ron did. 

He helped them learn the Leg-Lock Curse, Locomotor Mortis, after they got the idea from when Mafloy used it on Neville.

They were in the stands, Lucifer with his wand in his invisible holster, and saw the look on Neville's face. It showed confusion, which made sense, since he didn't know why they had their wands.

"Locomotor Mortis" Ron's voice reached both Neville, and Hermione's ears, he was muttering that incantation under his breath. 

While, Lucifer was busy watching the teams march onto the field, and then glanced at the teachers stand, "Look, Dumbledore's here, now, Snape won't try anything with him here."

"I've never seen Snape look so mean..." Ron said, which finally Lucifer to blink his eyes, and look towards his direction as well, "They're off-ow!" Ron yelped.

He turned to see Malfoy standing there with his two goons, "Oh, sorry Weasley, I didn't see you there."

"...Yeah, me neither when did you come here Weasely? Didn't McGonagall tell you to scrub the toilets?" Lucifer demanded more than asked.

"....." Ron, who tried his best to keep this matter secret. 

And, Hermione who was clearly enjoying his humiliation, did not even try to cover her laughter. 

Ron stood up and aimed his wand at Malfoy, "I had enough of you, git"he probably realised, that he couldn't attack Lucifer, so this red-haired, just tried to hit Malfoy instead with the Knockback Jinx. 

Only, he missed the aim and hit Millicent Bulstrode with it. 

Lucifer chuckled, then turned back around and tried to ignore him.

But, Draco wasn't done with them yet, however, "You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor Team? I think they feel sorry for them." He said Crabbe and Goyle started laughing, "Take Potter, for example, he's got no parents. The Weasley's have no money. You should be their Mascot, Longbottom, you've got no brains."

Ron turned back around and socked Draco right in the face. It wasn't a hard punch, but his nose was beginning to bleed.

His two goons, then also advanced on Ron, which made him fall down, and Crabbe began laughing. 

Only, when Lucifer saw that a very big girl, Millicent, was also strolling towards Ron and punched him in the stomach, he also started to cheer loudly. 

Then, Malfoy and his henchmen also saw a perfect chance, to gain the upper hand, and started beating him. 

After having their fun, they all walked away leaving a very bloody Ron behind. 

But, then Lucifer suddenly heard Hermione yelling, "Come on, Harry!" 

So, he also turned and saw Gryffindor's seeker, go into a dive right towards Snape. 

He whizzed right past the biased Professor and pulled up from the dive, the Snitch clutched in his hand. 

The Gryffindor stand erupted in applause. They'd never seen a match end so quickly before.

The Gryffindor's rushed the field and hoisted Harry into the air, Hermione, Lucifer were both cheering from a distance. 

While, Dean was taking a messy Ron to the hospital wing.

They returned to the Common Room without Harry as he had to put away his Nimbus, and Gryffindor decided to party about the record-breaking Match victory.

They were waiting for a while for Harry to come back to the Common Room, "Maybe we should go look for him?" Hermione suggested and they left the Common Room, only to run into Harry just outside of the Portrait, "Harry, where have you been?"

"Mate, we won! You won! We won!" Ron covered with bandages was shouting, "You should've seen the way I handled Malfoy and his goons , gave him a bloody nose after he insulted me and Neville. It was great!Everyone's waiting for you in the Common Room: to congratulate you!"

"Never mind that now," Harry said breathlessly, having clearly run all the way here, "Let's find an empty room, I have something important to tell you three!" 

They followed him to an empty room, Harry checked for Peeves just before shutting the door, "So we were right, it is the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape's trying to force Quirrell to help him get it. He asked if he knew how to get past Fluffy and he something about Quirrell's 'hocus- pocus' -

I reckon there are other things guarding the stone apart from Fluffy, loads of enchantments probably, and Quirrell would have done some anti-Dark Arts spell which Snape would need to break throu-" Even though, Harry was quite excited to gossip, his fast paced momentum was then directly ruined. 

"So you mean the Stone's only safe as long as Quirrell stands up to Snape?" Hermione asked, the color draining from her face.

"It'll be gone by next Tuesday," Ron said, sighing.

"You're asking for a lot from Quirrell," Lucifer said, trying to lighten the mood. Judging by their faces, it didn't work.

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