Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 178 + 179 + 180

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


When she exited the classroom, he was nowhere to be seen, "Lucifer?" She called out, but she received no response.

She knew what everyone in class was thinking; he was the only possible cause of the events that had occurred.

She should've had control over herself, but she just had to try and answer Snape anyway.

She should just stop bothering with him, because it only ever brought trouble for her and for Gryffindor.

She tried to find Lucifer, as she had time now that classes were over.

She couldn't possibly fathom where he would go, though, if he didn't want to be found.

She checked the Library first, just to see if maybe he went to hide in there.

She scoured the entire Library, but didn't see him, anywhere at all.

She wasn't about to give up, though, so she went to the Common Room next, but he wasn't there either.

She looked around and no one was there, so she hurried up the Boy's Staircase to the Third-Year Dorm Room.

She peeked inside, but no one was there.

Next, their private room, Hermione tiptoed at the back end of dormitories, only to be disappointed when she looked inside.

She sighed and went back down the stairs.

She got back in the Common Room to see Fred and George with their best friend, Lee, sitting on some couches, probably concocting some nefarious prank.

They looked over at her when the staircase's bottom step creaked, "Looking for Lucifer?" Fred asked her.

"Yes... I'm worried about him... none of you three happen to know where he is, do you?" She asked hopefully.

"As a matter of fact, we actually do know where he is," George said with a smirk.

"Where?!" She asked almost too quickly.

"Seeing as we are feeling generous-" Lee said, looking at the Twins.

"-we'll tell you-" George continued.

"-for Free," Fred finished.

"He's at the Quidditch Pitch," Lee said, smirking at how well they managed to be in sync with that.

"Thank you so much!" Hermione said gratefully and hurried out of the Common Room.

She briskly walked out of the Castle into the cold November air and down to the Stands of the Quidditch Pitch.

She walked up to the top and saw him out in the middle of the air, hovering.

He hadn't noticed her yet.

She was about to call his name, but ducked down to make herself less obvious when she saw someone approaching on a broomstick.

Hermione squinted and saw that it was Katie.

Her heart sank. She saw Katie pull up beside Lucifer and they both began to talk, not frequently, but she waited for him to speak before talking again.

Hermione obviously couldn't make out what they were saying, and that bothered her, but Katie clearly knew how to approach the situation because he was talking to her.

'They've got more in common anyway... she'll be able to get him to open up more easily if he wants to...' 

Demoralized, Hermione returned to the Gryffindor Common Room, and went up to her dorm room, pulling the curtains on her bed, light sniffles could now be heard.

'This girl is a whimp!'

'You are not going upstairs ever again!'

Lucifer was hovering above the Quidditch Field with Katie still and was enjoying her company.

Some angelic things happened with Lucifer's back, resulting his mood to become a pain.

“My angel wings....”

Lucifer had initially come out here to clear his head, given what almost happened in his Defense class.

He was on his Nimbus Two-Thousand, so he didn't have to explain his new broom to her, yet.

"You ready to see Gryffindor beat Hufflepuff tomorrow?" She asked him.

"Hufflepuff? I thought it was Slytherin?" Lucifer asked her, confusion on his face.

"Oh... that's right you weren't there because McGonagall didn't want you at Quidditch Practices... I'm sorry I forgot... she didn't tell us why, though," Katie said with a curious look.

Lucifer was quiet for a moment, but he decided to tell her what happened, "She got worried about my temper exploding...." he stopped unexpectedly before continuing, “and McGonagall said that I was to not participate in Quidditch Practices for a little while."

Katie left stunned, "I don't know what to say....Maybe, Trelawney just deserved it?"

"Maybe," Lucifer looked down at the grass far below them.

It was a moment before either of them spoke again.

Katie had been trying to compose her vocabulary, and was eventually successful, "So you came out here on your broom, not to practice... but to clear your head about something?"

"Yeah... it was because of Snape..."

"What did he do to make this happen?" She asked, moving a bit closer.

"He brought Hermione to tears... the windows blew outward... because of me, the candlelight went out, and because of the overcast, it was incredibly dark in Defense Class... I lost control for a bit and started to strangle the life out of him," Lucifer said, but he didn't feel remorse for his actions.

"Really?" Katie gasped. He nodded, "Is it bad that a part of me wished you had?"

Lucifer gave a hollow, but grim laugh.

He looked up to the sky as it started to rain before looking back at Katie, "We should probably go back in... good luck tomorrow, not that Gryffindor needs it," he smiled at her.

"Thanks!” she said.

By now her broom had hovered to be right next to his, "I hope you feel better," she gave a sincere smile and a subtle wink that he almost missed before going down to the ground.

"Thanks," Lucifer said quietly, feeling honestly better after talking with her.

He looked back up to the sky, 'I've got a bad feeling about tomorrow...'


Hermione came back into her dorm seeming very upset, when Lucifer wasn't there in private quarters on her bed at the middle of night.

She could only play with her toys to get herself a much needed relief for today.

She went to her dorm but found Lavender woke up and grinned at her. “Burning the midnight oil, Hermione?”

Pulling her robes tighter, Hermione tried to appear unfazed. “None of your business, Lavender.”

Her grin widened. “No, I suppose not. I just wouldn’t want to see you get caught. What would McGonagall  think if she found out you were  sneaking at night for rendezvous?”

Her brown eyes narrowed. “You’re not planning on making me get caught, are you?”

She looked offended. “I’m hurt, Hermione. I’d never try to get you in trouble.” Lavender stroked her chin thoughtfully.

Hermione asked with gritted teeth, “Are you trying to get at something, Lavender?”

Looking angelic, she shook her head. “Like what?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

Going back to her bed, Lavender smiled and shook her head again. “I don’t know what you’re on about, Hermione. You seem tense. Maybe you need another round with Lucifer.”

“...I’m fine. Thanks for your concern.” Hermione was almost in her bed when Lavender made a sniffing noise.

“Do you smell something, Hermione?”

She paused with her hand on the door. “No.”

Lavender sniffed again and commented absently, “Smells like . . . I don’t know . . . sex . and Lucifer's familiar body scent.”

Hermione’s face flared, her eyes on the verge of popping out from her head.

“You been shagging in the boy's room at night, Hermione?”

“Of course not!” she snapped, well, not tonight anyway.

"That’s good. I’m just worried about you,” She replied with a straight face.


Chapter 179

The following morning, Lucifer had awoken at the crack of dawn, or what he thought was dawn to find Crookshanks in the room, sitting at the door.

He stared at the cat a moment, "Crookshanks, what're you doing in here?" He got out of bed and knelt down in front of him.

"What's up?" Lucifer asked, but all the cat did was look at him.

Crookshanks was incredibly smart, but he couldn't fathom why the cat was in here.

He saw Crookshanks tilt his head and look past him. He turned to see Eve, sleeping away the minutes.

He looked back at Crookshanks and the cat got up to leave.

Needless to say, he was rightly confused.

Lucifer got ready for the day as normal, dressing in some Gryffindor Colors to show support for the team, not that it'd matter that much since with the rain, everyone was to be given ponchos to wear.

His gear was tucked away nicely in his nearly bottomless pouch, as was Firebolt, in the event he needed them.

He met Hermione in the Common Room and they walked to Breakfast together in silence, yesterday still fresh in their minds.

They made it to the Great Hall, saw Harry already there, and sat down at an isolated part of the table so they could talk.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Lucifer said before she had the chance to say anything first. He had yet to look at her upon sitting down.

"Don't be sorry... just... please... I don't want you to do something and get expelled for it..." Hermione said with tears in her eyes.

He looked at her finally, and was trying to hold his composure.

Hermione saw a tear slip out from his left-eye.

She wanted to just grab hold of him and never let go, telling him it would be alright, that she'd take care of him, but a coward Hermione couldn't do or say any of that.

The rest of the team showed up and sat next to Harry.

Katie looked over at him and smiled before turning her attention back to the team.

"What did you and Katie talk about yesterday?" Hermione asked and he looked at her, "Sorry, I went to the Quidditch Pitch after the twins and Lee told me you were there and before I could say anything to you, I saw her fly up next to you... and then I went back to the Tower... it didn't look like you needed me," Hermione managed to keep her voice from breaking, but barely.

"I always need you, Hermione..." Lucifer looked down at his breakfast, "you're the only one who can keep me from completely losing myself... you're-"

He was interrupted by the commotion over at the Hufflepuff table.

Several Third, Fourth, and Fifth Year Hufflepuff girls were giggling and swooning over Cedric Diggory, the new Captain of Hufflepuff's Quidditch team.

"Can't they keep it down?!" Hermione asked rhetorically.

"Gryffindor would be doing the same thing probably if they found Wood as attractive," Lucifer commented humorlessly.

He sighed and continued eating breakfast. Both of them forgot the conversation they were just having.

When breakfast ended, everyone in the Great Hall began to migrate over to the Quidditch Stadium, most of them with ponchos or umbrellas.

Lucifer accepted a poncho, but didn't put the hood of it up, so it proved almost ineffective for him.

He was ignorant of the rain. Hermione was walking beside him, wearing a poncho as well, but she had the sense to have her hood up.

They found their way up to the stands with Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean.

Lavender and Parvati were there as well, but they were still upset with Hermione after what happened in mid-October, so they didn't say anything either.

Even if she did try to make small talk with Lucifer, Hermione had already marched both of them away, specifically from Lavender.

“Why haven't you got your hood up, Lucifer?" He had heard Dean ask him, but he only shrugged as he looked down towards the field, seeing the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams approach one another.

Soon, they were all flying high into the air, and Lucifer didn't know how Harry was going to fare in this rain.

It was relentless in its raindrop assault on the poor Quidditch players and spectators alike.

Lucifer did his best to keep an eye on Harry while also seeing if he himself could see the Snitch in this weather.

He was able to find it a few times, but because of very low visibility, he lost it whenever it went to the other side of the field.

Harry kept going back and forth over the field in an effort to find the Snitch, to little effect.

An hour had passed and little progress had been made overall for both teams.

They were about evenly matched in skill given the terrible conditions, and Gryffindor's training against an entirely different play style.

Before many people realized, it was closing in on the afternoon almost evening hours.

Still little Progress had been made given how long the game had gone on for; each team stood at about Eighty Points each.

The Rain had turned into a Storm and lightning had flashed once, and the team suddenly went towards the ground.

 'Wood must've called for a timeout...' Lucifer thought to himself.

He looked over and saw that Hermione had disappeared.

He looked around briefly before he saw her down with the team. She waved her wand and then made to come back into the stands.

When she arrived, she explained what she did, "I helped Harry out by having his glasses repel water."

Lucifer smiled, "You know... I'd wager you're much smarter than I am, Hermione," he said as the team flew back into the air.

"Oh, honestly... I'm not," she insisted, looking at him, "you're much more intelligent than I am, Lucifer, that's indisputable. You've just had a lot going on recently, and that's perfectly alright," Hermione put a hand on his soaking wet shoulder and sighed.

She slowly pushed her face towards Lucifer.

He also leaned forward, and connected his lips with Hermione's.

Lucifer sat up on his knees and pushed her down onto the seat.

He gripped both of her hands in his, and held them off to the side as he sat with his knees on either side of Hermione's legs, and leaning down to meet her lips.

Hermione had her head on the floor as she moaned into the kiss.

Lucifer parted their lips and trailed smaller kisses down her neck, starting from the cheek and ending at the collar bone.

She lifted her head up giving him more access, bit her lip as Lucifer nibbled at her skin, leaving a mark on her neck.

Hermione wrapped her arms around his back and dug her nails into him as she lost herself in the moment.

She came out of her lustful dream, when she heard Dean screaming from his seat upstairs, "Red Card! Red Card! Get away you bloody snake!"

“• ! •” Hermione now had a troubled expression on her face, knickers almost drowning with her arousal.

'Get a hold of yourself, girl!'

She just hoped that rain would cover out if there is any kind of smell around her.


Chapter 180

Hermione somehow returned focus to the match ignoring the pain in her lower belly.

Harry proved to be doing slightly better.

The thunder was getting more dangerous, however, and if Harry didn't end this soon, someone could get seriously hurt from the lightning.

During one flash of lightning, Hermione saw something in the sky that shook her to her core.

Dementors everywhere, flooding the sky above the Quidditch Match.

She wasn't really afraid of what they caused for her after she faced her guilt with Lucifer's help, but it was the effect they had on her that scared her.

She looked towards Lucifer, who in turn brought his hand up, aimed right at the Gryffindor's Seeker to stop Harry plummeting on the ground.

As Harry continued to fall, Lucifer turned his hand palm up, and began to slow in his descent.

When Harry was safely on the ground, he turned his rage towards the Dementors, which almost broke his girlfriend at the Hogwarts Train.

Before he had a chance to do anything, though, a light of silvery mist came from somewhere to his right.

He turned and saw Dumbledore with his wand out who had driven the Dementors off, then went down to check on Harry, as did Lucifer, Ron, Hermione, and pretty much every Gryffindor.

Dumbledore had conjured up a stretcher and Harry was taken to the Hospital Wing.


Harry had woken up a half hour later, much to everyone's relief that he was okay.

The Gryffindor team had been huddled around him and Lucifer  Hermione, and Ron were off to the side, waiting for the space to clear.

"That was incredible," he heard Hermione whisper to him, "that spell you used to save him... it's a Fifth Year Spell... if that isn't a testament to your current power... then nothing will be," she said with a smile.

If Hermione had known about his blocking of the Killing Curse last year, he wondered what she'd have said.

Lucifer couldn't tell her, not right now at least.

Dumbledore had promised him that only he and the Headmaster knew, and was willing to trust him on that, despite his attempts to prod Lucifer's mind with no success.

With everything he'd thought about, he was relieved more than ever to know that his thoughts were safe with him, literally.

"All the times you've lost control over your magic in a rage doesn't count, by the way!" she quickly added.

"Oh, does it not?" Lucifer smirked when Madam Pomfrey came over and told the team to leave, tracking mud out as they did.

Katie smiled at him as she left and he smiled back.

After they'd left, the three of them moved closer to Harry and Hermione spoke first.

"Dumbledore was really angry," she said in a slightly quaking voice, "I've never seen him like that before. Lucifer stopped your plummet towards the Earth, but Dumbledore is the one who drove off the Dementors... he shot some sort of Silvery Mist out of his Wand. He was furious they'd come onto the grounds because he specifically barred them from doing so; they are only meant to guard the entrances to the grounds."

"Then when he ran onto the field, he magicked you onto a stretcher and carried you up here to the Hospital Wing," Ron said next.

"Thanks... Lucifer, for what you did," Harry said, looking at him.

"If it wasn't me, it'd have just been Dumbledore, don't mention it..." Lucifer said a little awkwardly.

"Did someone get my Nimbus?" Harry asked, quickly changing the subject.

Ron and Hermione exchanged looks while Lucifer looked down at the bag at his feet, containing the Nimbus.

"Er-" Ron was hesitant.

"What?" Harry asked, looking between all three of them.

"Well... when you fell off, it got blown away..." Hermione said hesitantly.

"And?" Harry persisted.

"And it hit - it hit..." Hermione lost her voice.

"It hit the Whomping Willow," Lucifer finished for her, it made the girl stare at his face, conveying the message of

“You're so brave!”

"A-And?" Harry stuttered out.

Lucifer reached down to his feet, bringing the bag up, and he dumped out the Nimbus Two-Thousand.

Instead of a whole broom, it was a dozen or so bits of splintered wood and twig onto the bed at Harry's feet.

They all looked at his face as the color drained from it, in shock about the state of his broomstick.


For Sunday Harry was in the Hospital, Hermione, Ron, and Lucifer made a point to be there the entire day with him.

Hermione, however, noticed that Lucifer looked like he would rather be elsewhere, and she knew where that was; in the Common Room or Library, doing the excessive amount of homework they'd been given on Thursday and Friday.

Even though it wasn't due until the middle of the week.

She understood the importance of getting it done, but she felt that he focused maybe too much on getting it done, she just didn't have the heart to tell him.

When Monday Morning came, Lucifer and Hermione had to put up with Draco's obnoxious gloating at the defeat of Gryffindor.

He got especially loud when Harry had shown up in the Great Hall for Breakfast that morning.

If they all hadn't more or less agreed that Hufflepuff won the match, Lucifer could've easily filled in, but Wood admitted defeat.

Malfoy had also finally removed his bandages like the little bitch boy that he was, according to Hermione.

And of course, Malfoy had to spend almost the entire time during their next Potions lesson imitating Dementors instead of the actual
assignment Snape laid out for them to do.

Hermione was the first to crack and took a large Crocodile Heart and flung it across the room, hitting Malfoy square in the face.

It was quite hilarious, but Snape took off Fifty points from Gryffindor because of it.

Lucifer couldn't understand how this kind of bias was allowed with the governors or even the Ministry for that matter.

After Potions was lunch in the Great Hall, and Lucifer used much of the time to work on Ancient Runes homework instead of eating.

He was quite good at the class and probably would consider it his favorite elective over Arithmancy.

On the way to Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ron was complaining, "If Snape's taking Defense again, I'm going off sick," he said as they got towards the classroom after lunch. "Check who's in there, Hermione."

Before Hermione had the chance to, all three of them were pushed towards the door

"Don't be babies about it," Lucifer said, pushing them all in.

To their glorious relief, Professor Snape was not there, and it was instead Professor Lupin, back at work.

His frame was noticeably thinner than the last time they saw him, so being sick is what everyone believed everyone but Lucifer.

He believed that Professor was ill, and whatever that Goblet Snape filled up with helped him up.

"It's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he set us homework?!" Parvati complained.

"We don't know anything about Werewolves-" Dean said.

"-two rolls of parchment!" Ron complained, rather loudly.

"Did you tell Professor Snape we haven't covered them yet?" Lupin asked them, frowning slightly.

The complaining broke out again,

"Yes, but he said we were really behind!" Lavender yelled.

"-he wouldn't listen-" Seamus informed Lupin.

"- two rolls of parchment!" Ron complained again.

Professor Lupin smiled at the look of indignation on the Gryffindor faces, but noted that the Slytherin didn't complain once.

"Don't worry. I'll speak to Professor Snape, you don't have to do the essay," he said to a thunderous Gryffindor applause.

"Oh no..." Hermione groaned to her boyfriend, looking disappointed, "Lucifer and I already finished it!"

"...Here, I'll grade it for you," Lucifer said taking her two rolls of parchment and opening them.

He read everything at an inhumane speed within a single glance, and declared, "Perfect, Full marks."

Hermione blushed as she turned to see the full class staring at them.

Many faces showed jealousy, of what they have together, and who Hermione gets to have it with.

Professor Lupin who watched both of them, "Twenty-five points for the House who have finished it."

Hermione smiled, they'd just earned back the Points that she mistakenly lost in Potions.


Author's Note

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