Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 30

One never realized how little readily available information, there actually was on Merlin the Great.

Lucifer had found information, no doubt, but finding anything outside of Merlin's last name being Ambrosius; the Order of Merlin and what it originally represented; King Arthur Pendragon; and how great Merlin was at Magic was like trying to find a piece of hay in a needle-stack.

It was painful and bore no results.

It was entering into August, and Lucifer was about ready to pull Jacky's eyeballs out. 

He had made no headway on finding anything useful, so he just discarded being a lost cause, of a Fallen going wild, and turning into a human.

Lucifer was sitting in his room, on his bed with half a dozen books sprawled out.

Eve was just lying on her pillow, sleeping away the day. 

He looked over at her, She was very intelligent, but Eve was also the laziest animal he'd ever seen, except for maybe Scabbers.

Rowena is the direct opposite of her though, very active, flying outside. 

Amenadiel's gone to control Hell, and Lucifer even ordered Maze to go with him, but her main goal is using that God-given locket, to reveal the hidden dimension....

But, there was also something he came across in his search for information on Merlin that disgusted Lucifer to his core. 

It was a word, a term used for Muggle borns. 

At first he didn't care what happened to humans, but the more he read about the First Wizarding War, Lucifer felt very nauseous when he learned what the word meant, before it changed to anger, disgust....towards the new species created by God, after he fell....

Not even realising the fact, he did so only because, it involved a certain bushy-haired girl....


Granger's Residence

Hermione just came back from shopping with her mother today, buying new daily-wears, as she had grown up a bit, in last month. 

Even started getting her monthly...., but very thankful to the Charms Lecture, given by Madam Pomfrey, after studying them, while moving her wand in a very unique style, it decreased the pain to such an extent....that her Mum was just left speechless. 

Besides, there was no glow during the spell work, No Magic was done....These Charms are being taught to every Witch, after their 1st year ends. 

During her visit to the Diagon Alley, including stuff related to Contraceptive, Hermione also bought some of her 2nd-grade books (Giving her Mum some pitiful, and very cute looks).

But, then just started to vent in her Mirror call, to Lucifer, Defence Against the Dark Arts books, were just ridiculous, most of the stuff is only fictional. 

Hermione learned even more spells, from Lucifer's 4th-grade books, in their History of Magic's Class.

She loathed this Gilderoy Lockhart, even more, because Hermione just lost her innocence about her precious books, always right....only, this idiot just wrote false information. 

She was even thinking about discarding...into Granger's fireplace.

Hermione also had a secret goal this year, to push her relationship with Lucifer even further and officially become more than 'Best friends', no matter what!

But, for now, she is very thirsty, "Mum I'm going upstairs!" Hermione yelled, loudly, didn't wait for the response, and just ran towards the door.

Opening her Cabinet, Hermione's gaze directly went towards the shelf of her Transfigured Bottles, laced with heavy preservation charms, most of them are empty, she picked up one, which still had left a quarter. 

Ping! Cork!

She removed the cork, in a rapid manner, and without even a second thought, Hermione gulped down the whole leftover drink, in a single attempt, "Oh, Come on!" 

It got emptied almost instantly, but Hermione was really thirsty, after running all over the Supermarket, and trying new clothes for hours, "Ugh! There must be another one!" 

The bushy-haired girl, just talked to herself, while shaking this empty one, maybe, there are still a few drops left? 

But, to no avail! Not even a single ounce reached her lips, Hermione is now getting very annoyed, then dropped it on the ground, and since their house was very quiet, a thud voice reached downstairs. 

Thud! Smash! Thud! 

"Not here...maybe in the bac----"

"???" Hermione froze on her spot, when she realised a very terrible fact, her face looked just horror, "Could it be the last one....No, No No, It's not true, right?!" 

"I saved quite a lot!" 

"Hermione, dear what's going on?" 

Smash! Smash! 

Empty bottles were just being, thrown at the wall, making a hug- 

Crack! A flower Vase is also destroyed.

Hermione was really going bonkers, even her pillows are being torn off, "What's that noise?! Pumpkin, are you okay?"

"Mum, did you ever open my cabinet?!" 

"Your Cabinet?...." Jane has now started to go upstairs, and check what's the noise is about? 

"I did, two days ago...."

"There was a bad smell....coming from your Pumpkin juic-Hermione?!!"

Only, when Jane pushed the door, she saw her daughter curling up into a ball, just lying on the floor, and whimpering noises could be heard.

Her room.... Posters were torn off, shards of glass all over...

"Oh God! Hermione?! Wendell come upstairs right, fucking now?!"

"She's having those seizures again?!!"


"Dear, I'm Linda Martin....your mother Jane's, best friend..." 

"I sent you those Christmas presents, remember?" 

"She's responding...just wait a little more..."

"Pass over my kit..."


"To be honest, I just came back from the office, when a loud voice mail..."

"I see... Sorry, to disturb you, it's just Dr. Jenkins has gone on the Maternal leave...."

"Hey, it's okay. Besides, you're also my family...."

"About, Hermione...?" 

"You don't have to worry, Mr. Wendell....I just gave her a sedative, that girl's probably in a very nice dream...."

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