Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 36

When they proceeded to Flourish and Blotts. Lucifer found out the reason why Molly wanted to wait so long to come here to Flourish and Blotts. 

Gilderoy Lockhart was doing a book-signing for his latest book, Magical Me, judging by the sign outside.


Will be signing copies of his autobiography

Today 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.

"Ugh, look at those girls, swooning themselves over a fraud!" Hermione looked at them with disgust. 

She was really starting to regret not coming sooner and buying the other ones, before now. 

"Wonder how different her tune will be, if Lucifer wasn't here," Ron muttered so that Hermione couldn't hear him.

Eventually, after the wizard out the front of the store got almost trampled twice, the crowd thinned and Ron, Hermione, Harry and Lucifer managed to slip their way inside.

"Here you go," Lucifer passed out a copy of 'The Standard Book of Spells Grade 2' to both Harry and Ron, just because he didn't want to be petty. 

"Are you not getting one?" asked Harry, looking at Lucifer who raised his eyebrows.

"Potter, I've already got it remember? Me and Hermione spent most of last year reading it...."


"What about you, Hermione?' he asked, turning to reach over again.

"Don't need one, I can just share it with you....If you're okay, with that of course."

"Doesn't bother me," Lucifer just shrugged lightly in response, "Just means we'll need to do our revision sessions together."

"You are saying that as if we didn't anyway!"


"I can also share my Lockhart books. There is no need to purchase all 7!"

"Besides, did you really complete the Grade 3?"

"Yeah, I've read it cover to cover a dozen times already, and just halfway through Grade 4," Lucifer explained to her.

"Seriously? I mean you are a natural with magic, so it makes sense!" Hermione said, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly.

They sneaked up the line where the Weasley's were standing with Hermione's family, "Oh, there you are, good," Molly said, sounding breathless as she kept patting her hair, "We'll be able to see him in a minute."

Gilderoy Lockhart came slowly into view as the line progressed more and more. 

He was seated at a table, surrounded by large pictures of his own face, all winking and flashing dazzlingly white teeth at the crowd. 

The real Lockhart was wearing robes of forget-me-not Blue that exactly matched his eyes; his pointed Wizard's Hat was set at a jaunty angle on his wavy hair.

"He's even more narcissistic than Koenji, isn't he?" Lucifer asked quietly, but Hermione didn't know, what he was talking about for the umpteenth time....

A short, irritable-looking man was dancing around taking photographs with a large black camera that emitted puffs of purple smoke with blinding flash.

Lucifer suddenly felt something smash on his foot, "Out of the way, there!"

The short man snarled at Lucifer, moving back to get a better shot, "This is for the Daily Prophet-"

"You step on my foot again," Lucifer threateningly went towards the short man, "I will jam that camera down your short throat, and take pictures of those insides, do I make myself clear?" His voice is quite chilling to the bone. 

The air suddenly became thick, making it smothering to everyone in there, including Hermione's family. 

Both of whom were, just wondering where this came from all of a sudden.

Lockhart had looked over at them and saw the boy threatening his photographer - then he saw Harry.

He stared at him for a moment, then leapt to his feet and positively shouted, "It can't be Harry Potter?" 

The crowd parted, whispering excitedly; Lockhart practically dived forward, seized Harry's arm, and pulled him to the front. 

The crowd, save a few people, burst into applause. Harry's face burned with embarrassment as Lockhart shook his hand for the photographer, who had promptly avoided making Lucifer angry from then on. 

From the look on Harry's face, he would've rather been anywhere, but there. 

It made Lucifer think again, his secret identity of Merlin's descendant....if this was publicly known...

Even though, it will save him the trouble of being a mutant...

It could always have the opposite effect and no one would believe Dumbledore, thus he'd be publicly ridiculed by the Wizarding media. 

Either way, he now just wanted it kept secret.....Lucifer really couldn't imagine, how dumb this Earth's people could be?

As for Lockhart, there was one immediately gleaming issue, Lucifer realised; he loved the spotlight. 

Just like Gabriel....

Only, he suddenly spoke up, "Ladies and gentlemen," waving for people to be quiet. 

Lucifer didn't see many Wizards in the crowd, at least none there to see him, just get their books, "What an extraordinary moment this is! The perfect moment for me to make a little announcement I've been sitting on for some time!

"When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts today, he only wanted to buy my autobiography - which I shall be happy to present to him now, free of charge-" the crowd applauded again. 

Harry didn't want to buy his
autobiography, only the listed schoolbooks, which Magical Me was not on, "He had no idea,"

Lockhart gave Harry a little shake, which made his glasses slip to the end of his nose,"that he would be shortly getting much, much more than my book, Magical Me. 

He and his schoolmates will, in fact, be getting the real Magical Me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that this September, I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" 

The whole crowd cheered and clapped.

"Fuck..." Even, Hermione was in agreement, not even scolding Lucifer for minding his language or else. 

"Do you think Lockhart'd get sick of hearing, himself after a while..." She was also quite busy, making some rude comments. 

But, Harry managed to somehow make his way out of the limelight and over towards Lucifer, Hermione and Ginny, who was now showing off her new Cauldron to them, "Here, you have these," Harry said, tipping his books into her Cauldron, "I'll buy my own-"

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?" Quoted by an annoying fly. 

Lucifer turned and saw Draco
Malfoy, wearing his usual sneer.

"Famous Harry Potter," Malfoy said in a voice that sounded like a fly was stuck up his nose, "Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."

"Leave him alone, he didn't want all that!" Ginny said before anyone could open.

Hermione noticed that it was the first time, she had seen her speak in front of Harry. 

She, like Ginny herself, was glaring at Malfoy.

"Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend!" Malfoy drawled, resulted in Ginny to go scarlet in the face.

"???" Lucifer, "Do you have a crush on Ginny, just after meeting her?!" he just couldn't hide the shocking look on his face. 

Draco Malfoy's face got slightly flushed, and immediately retorted back, "Don't be Stupid, Morningstar!" in a friendly voice surprising all the children away, except one bushy-haired girl, who groaned. 

Before Hermione could respond, Ron had already made his way over, "Oh, it's you," he said, looking at Malfoy as if he were something unpleasant on the sole of his shoe, which he basically was, "Bet you're surprised to see Harry here, eh?"

"Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley," Malfoy didn't like being interrupted by a scum like Ron, "I suppose your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for all of those."

Lucifer had to admit, that was a good comeback, but still a low-blow all the same. 

"I saw, Harry gave a pouch to Mum before entering the shop....we are not going to go hungry, Malfoy!" Ron, just said without thinking, even looked quite proud of himself for shutting the Snake's mouth. 

"....." Harry just slapped his forehead, 
even his sister, Ginny's nose got twitched with anger on her face. 

"Puff-hahhah" Malfoy bursted out loud, he really couldn't help but get amazed by Ron's stupidity. 

And, Hermione put an arm in front of a very angry-looking Ginny, wrinkles on her forehead, "I know, Ronald has a punchable face, but he's not worth hitting, Ginn-fufufu" 

Only, she had to cover her mouth first, a lot of giggles just waiting to be escaped. 

"....." Ron, who just looked very confused, did not understand, why everyone was laughing at him, it was obviously his victory over Malfoy!


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