Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 47

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


"Have you ever been spanked?"

Hermione bit her lip before answering quietly, "No, Daddy."

Lucifer smiled to himself. It just kept getting better. "Then I'd brace myself if I were you."

He lifted his hand and brought it down smartly across her bum.


"Aahhh" She cried out, more in shock than pain.


Hermione had never been spanked, jokingly or seriously, in her entire life. 

Within seconds, each stroke transformed from a sharp sting to a deep burn. 

She unconsciously tried to get away from his punishing hand, but Lucifer grabbed her round the waist, preventing her escape.

"Stop struggling" He growled through clenched teeth.


Her leg muscles twitched with each blow. Hermione desperately wanted to kick but forced herself not to fight it, hoping to end the punishment sooner.

When Lucifer stopped after a minute to rest his hand, he heard the sweet strains of her muffled sniffling. "Are you crying, Granger?"

Hermione just tried to keep her voice level, not even having the strength to correct him any longer, "Yes, Daddy" 

Lucifer grinned. "Good."

Hermione's tears trickled a short distance down her face before going to the floor with a silent splat. 

This was, bar none, the most humiliating thing to ever happen to her. 

Although, it could have been worse. Maybe. 

She couldn't decide if being over Lucifer's knee was worse than having everyone know about her after-hours escapades. 

No, she decided. This was short-lived. 

It will be over soon. But, if this was exposed....she will be removed from Hogwarts, and her family...

Having logically thought out her choices, Hermione felt a little better. 

Her moment of reprieve was cut short, however, when she felt Lucifer starting to slide her knickers over her hips. 

Her hand automatically shot back in an attempt to keep her underwear in its original and upright position.

Lucifer grabbed her wrist. "What do you think you're doing?" he hissed.

Hermione went completely still across his lap, almost afraid to answer. "P-Please. Don't take off my knickers."

"Keep your hands down," was all he said before releasing her.

Hermione placed her fingertips back on the sheet, fresh tears springing to her eyes, thinking she probably deserves it for her past deeds. 

Lucifer smiled to himself as he hooked his thumbs into her waistband and slid down the black satin to reveal her naked buttocks, already pink from the first round. 

She had an extremely fine arse, much more developed than other girls her age,"You are playing a real dangerous game, here...."

Lucifer said, while pushing her knickers to her knees, Hermione lifted her hips and thighs a bit to release the fabric. 

She could feel his eyes examining her bare behind and couldn't help shifting around in a futile attempt to hide.


Lucifer drew back his hand and brought it down hard across her right cheek.

The once pale globes of her bottom turned red under his repeated smacks. 

He watched, delighted, as each cheek bounced in turn, "I'm quite surprised with how fast your personalities change...."

Hermione's resolve to remain still quickly dissolved as the burn in her bum started to spread. 

She swallowed hard and tried not to think about the growing ache between her thighs. 'This is not happening. Lucifer is punishing me, and I'm getting off on it. Why is this turning me on?'

The flesh of his palm stung like pins and needles, so Lucifer stopped to give it a short break, and silence replaced the sound of skin smacking skin. 

He heard her relieved sigh and watched as she reached back to feel her sizzling skin. 

He let her rub for a couple seconds before swatting aside her hand. 

Readjusting his position, prepared for the next round.

It was as Lucifer leaned over her in this shifting that he caught the wafting scent of arousal. 

He froze, his brain clicking into primal mode. 

Perhaps it wouldn't have affected him so greatly if it hadn't been so long since he'd smelled a woman's sex. 

But it had, indeed, been quite more than a year. 

"Tell me," Lucifer smirked, "what were you doing out past curfew?"

Hermione wiggled, trying to get some relief while also keeping her growing ache from detection. "You know what...."

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know that much, Granger. The question is WHY were you removing my pajamas like crazy?"

"Umm," Hermione thought quickly. What answer was he looking for?

SMACK! His hand stopped her stalling.

"For HOW long this has been going on? I even noticed you, drooling like a starved person?"

Hermione swallowed hard. "I just . . . I just wanted to . . . um," she stammered.


"Owww," Hermione whimpered.

"Answer me, Granger."

"The dinner at the hall, didn't suit my taste!" she blurted out, "I was really hungry, and just came here like usual....."

Lucifer's eyebrows rose. 'Did it got even worse than before? No, she already had a panic attack'... "I see."

Hermione had no time to wonder at his line of questioning, as his hand, once again, took to her arse with white hot fury.

She groaned at the increasing pain in her bum as well as the burning excitement in her core.

Hermione was beginning to wonder, if this is the result of dropping her medicine, again?

What other explanation was there for feeling the way she did, while being punished like this? Brain damage was the only logical answer, she could come up with...

Lucifer observed her reaction to his discipline. Each hit obviously hurt, yet she pushed her backside into the air after each one as if asking for more. 

He stopped the raining blows and set his hand against her burning rump, idly rubbing the sting from her flesh.

Hermione tried to stifle a whimper as he stroked her.

She didn't want to admit the effect he had on her (either to herself or him), but the feel of his hand was too much to bear.

Lucifer heard her whimpers and had to force himself not to groan in response. 

He watched his hand slide over her reddened backside, smoothing over the hills and valley of her upturned rump.

Hermione squeezed her eyes tight, clenching her teeth in an attempt to keep herself in check. 

She didn't notice the ragged exhale she let escape.

"Had enough yet, Granger?"

Hermione blinked. "Yes, Daddy?" 'Is this some kind of trick?'

The corners Lucifer's mouth twitched up. "You don't sound very sure. Perhaps we're not finished here."

Hermione couldn't figure out what game he was playing. "I guess that's up to you."

Lucifer restrained his chuckle. "I don't know how much of a punishment this is for you. You do know you're not supposed to enjoy this, right?"

"I'm not!" 'Oh god, what does he know?'

"Don't lie to me. Unless my sense of smell deceives me, you've been enjoying this quite a bit."

Hermione's eyes went wider, realizing what he'd just said. 

'Bugger!' It hadn't crossed her mind that he could smell her response. 

What was he, part bloodhound with that damn nose? 'Bloody hell! What am I going to do now?'

The night's unexpected turn of events had Lucifer almost drunk (or as close to drunk as he could get). "Ah, yes. I can see the wheels in your head turning, looking to decide how to best explain away your body's reactions," he even goaded her. 

"How about you answer me honestly for once, and maybe I'll scrounge up some pity for you. Tell me the truth, have you enjoyed being across my knee?"

Swallowing hard, Hermione's reply came out as barely a whisper, "Yes."

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