Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

028 Announcement

The first morning of the second week of school started with the sound of yawning. Professor Snape's Potions homework was obviously bothering more than one or two people. The Gryffindor lounge had been filled with second-year students who stayed up all night trying to catch up on their assignments. After all, nobody wanted to risk getting detention from Snape during the first month of school.

The previous night, before Harry and Ron yawned and returned to the dormitory, Neville was hunched over the fireplace, dealing with a five-foot-long parchment with a despondent expression. He didn't even notice that his robe had caught fire from the flames. Thankfully, his toad named Trevor gave him a hard bite on the ear, saving him from the tragic fate of being roasted.

Neville probably hadn't gotten much sleep that night, so it took Seamus and Dean about ten minutes to wake him up in the morning. As they descended the spiral staircase, Neville ended up rolling straight into a bed in front of everyone in the lounge.

"I'll go talk to Professor Snape, about Mr. Longbottom, and make sure he takes things step by step," Professor McGonagall said, unable to bear Neville's pitiful appearance. In the morning Transfiguration class, when Professor McGonagall noticed Neville's scorched robe, the two big dark circles under his eyes, and the clear bite marks on his ears, she took a deep breath before speaking.

Neville's episode momentarily made people forget about the presence of the 'Investigator' at the school, but such strokes of luck couldn't last forever.

Oliver Wood wouldn't let the cold weather and drizzling rain delay his pursuit of the championship. His training plan had begun during the first week of school and continued at an ultra-high frequency, with sessions held four times a week leading up to the finals.

"You all know that Slytherin will be strong this year!" Wood yelled at the players who were braving the wind on their brooms. "We'll face a tough battle in the finals this year. Of course, if we get eliminated by Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, ....  just pretend I didn't say anything!"

"Please, is there anyone who can calm Oliver down?" Katie Bell, who was at the same level as the Weasley twins, almost slipped off her broom while trying to avoid George's Buldger. She broke down and exclaimed, "My clothes are soaked, and I haven't been comfortable for days!"

"Maybe you can ask Harry for help, Katie," George suggested with a grin as he flew over her head. "You could ask Harry to release his servants in Chamber of Secrets. I reckon if you petrify Flint and Malfoy then, Wood might feel a bit easier!"

George's words elicited laughter, and Harry had to chuckle a few times in agreement.

"Harry, Harry!" Ron hurriedly ran from the castle to the field. He had been playing wizard chess with Seamus in the common room, but Neville's news had unsettled him, preventing him from enjoying his pastime.

"What's the matter, Ron?" Harry asked as he controlled his Nimbus 2000 and Under Wood's cannibalistic gaze flew to the edge of the pitch. Upon seeing Ron's pale face, he immediately sensed that something bad had happened again.

"Look in the entrance hall, Harry, right now!" Ron exclaimed, grabbing Harry and rushing towards the castle without even waiting for permission. The rest of the team mistakenly thought there was another attack and followed them, descending from the sky to the castle. Eventually, Wood was left alone in the sky...

By the time the team reached the entrance hall, a large crowd had already gathered, whispering over a newly posted announcement on the bulletin board.

As Harry approached, the crowd automatically parted, revealing Hufflepuff's Ernie and Susan Bones, who looked at him with incomprehensible expressions. Percy wore a serious expression, while Ginny, standing behind Percy, clutched her chest with a pale face.

"For you, Weasley, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, isn't it?" Draco Malfoy sneered, standing at the forefront with his two faithful minions, who had secured the best positions for him. Upon seeing Harry and Ron, who were soaked and disheartened, Malfoy flashed a vicious smile.

"This might be your only chance to afford a wand of your own. Are you going to let it slip away?"

"Get lost, Malfoy. I don't need you worrying about anything," Ron replied curtly.

Perhaps noticing that all the Gryffindor players were present, Malfoy commanded Crabbe and Goyle to step aside, giving Harry a malicious look. It was then that Harry finally saw what had caused such a commotion.

Posted on the bulletin board was an up-to-date public list, large enough to cover all other notices about second-hand spell books, Filch's reminders of school rules, chocolate frog card exchanges, lost and found items, and more. In bold red ink, there was a prominent signature:

To all the teachers and students of Hogwarts:

In light of the ongoing attacks and the inability to effectively ensure the safety of all teachers and students, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall have approved and encouraged any young wizards with information regarding the attacks in the Chamber of Secrets to provide relevant information to the school board's special investigator. If the information is confirmed to be true and effective, the school board will award a cash reward of 200 Galleons.

Bryan Watson

Harry's face turned extremely pale, and it felt like a thousand Cornish Pixies were screaming in his ears.

"So, this is the investigator's method that the school board has put so much hope into, huh?" Fred whispered, his anger evident. "Encouraging everyone to spy and report on each other. The method is truly cunning and outrageous!" Ginny looked as though she might burst into tears at any moment. Neville's soft reminder made Harry's heart sink even further, as Azkaban seemed to rise before his eyes.

"Filch rushed to the third floor as soon as he saw the announcement, Harry. You need to be careful," Neville warned. Harry didn't need to ask what Neville meant by "be careful." He was almost certain what Filch would say when he went to the investigator. Mrs. Norris had been the first victim this school year, and unfortunately, Harry and the others had been the first ones at the crime scene. This led Filch to believe that the three of them were responsible for Petrifing his beloved pet.

"Go talk to him, Harry," Ron whispered, filled with concern.

Harry understood what Ron meant. He wanted Harry to speak with Mr. Watson before most of the little wizards in the castle reported him. Hermione had suggested the same thing in the hospital wing the previous night, but Harry had declined for several reasons. For instance, he feared that if he confided in others before each attack, he would hear strange and terrifying voices then he might be regarded as a lunatic.

Additionally, he didn't want to see the poor elf named Dobby interrogated and punished for revealing his confession.

However, aside from these concerns, what else could he say? How could he justify himself? Moreover, instead of confiding in Headmaster Dumbledore, he would be approaching an investigator who likely knew very little about the situation. This made Harry feel that something was amiss.

Harry staggered out of the hall and made his way toward the dormitory, not even bothering to respond to Malfoy's mocking remarks on to inform Professor Sprout that she would soon receive fresh flower fertilizers.

Behind him, Fred and George exchanged glances, understanding each other's thoughts perfectly. They both saw the same idea reflected in their eyes.

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