Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v5 Chapter 34 - The past of Bai Kai (2)

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what? !

Bai Kai reacted suddenly, and hurriedly pushed the crowd into the house.

It took a while to put on the line before coming out.

The mentor and apprentice did not say goodbye to the victim, and went straight out of the courtyard.

Everyone watched the backs of Bai Kai, Master and Apprentice.

The subject’s eyes were very complicated, and he didn’t know whether he was guilty because what Bai Kai said made him ugly at this time, or whether he had some resentment because Bai Kai pierced the family.

Qin Yiheng and I followed immediately.

Out of the yard, there is a secluded path outside. Bai Kai mentored into a small Yang Shulin along the path.

When we followed up, we found that the black in the poplar wood was abnormal.

As if all the light was absorbed by this sparse branch, the visibility was very poor.

Fortunately, the back of Bai Kai’s apprentice was still faintly distinguishable.

We walked behind with shallow feet.

Out of the Yang Shulin, there is a sudden and cheerful feeling.

Although it was still night, the light returned to normal all at once, and the person who got it was still a little bit uncomfortable.

Outside Yang Shulin, there is a river tens of meters wide. The river is very calm, at this time there are sparkling waves.

At a glance, I saw several small wooden houses built by the river. Bai Kai and his master were standing on the trestle beside the house and talking to people.

I think. This should already be another incident about Bai Kai.

When I walked over to see it, it turned out.

Bai Kai was not so thin at this time, putting on the white shirt he was accustomed to.

His master was obviously a little older, and his hair was thinner.

Bai Kai is squatting by the river and smoking, and his master is pointing and asking the situation of another person.

Just listen to Master Bai Kai, fisherman, tell me about this whole thing.

it is good! You can rest assured if you are old. Otherwise, the family can’t afford it.

A man who looked at him in his fifties replied.

This man is very thin and seems to be malnourished. Wearing a rags. At first glance, it is the year-round wind and sun outside to condemn life.

The man pointed at the river and said, you may know that this Taohekou is downstream and narrow bay. So many things upstream will be washed here. Our family’s ancestors were fishing. In our generation, we still live with fishing nets. The harvest is not good on weekdays, and young people in the village can go out to work. It is really inconvenient for us to bring a mouth here, or we can only follow Taohekou to beg for rice.

It ’s not like we ’ve lost all our conscience! We have to live too!

Master Bai Kai nodded, as if to understand.

The man pointed to a wooden boat parked by the trestle.

As the old saying goes, relying on water to eat, it is hard to guarantee that there will be an unexpected situation.

As the sun grows longer, anyone who is unable to maintain security will be swept into the bottom of the river by this river. Over the years, our family has seen more and more people who can’t find other people’s bodies. Not daring to follow along.

But some people happen to know that their family has fallen into the water, or which little kid drowned after playing in the water. When the family finds the downstream, they will come to our family to help them. Our family guards the Taohe Estuary and is most familiar with the water potential here. They are all folks in the village, so there is no way to help. At first we didn’t really plan to ask for money.

Can come and go, this always makes us salvage corpses, this thing is also ugly. Are you saying this?

So we only started to collect money with clearly marked prices. This is not stealing, nor will it be retaliated?

What we think is quite simple. The children at home have to go to school. You have to use money.

Have to save money!

understanding. Master Bai Kai nodded.

The man seemed to have finally found a confidant, and he took hold of Master Bai Kai’s hands at once. We don’t want to do it in the fishing industry. But there is really no other skill.

Years ago, I also planned that now there are fewer and fewer fish, so I have to move sooner or later.

But we haven’t waited to move, our family has encountered this matter!

One night, we are not asleep. Run outside to smoke a stick. I saw fish swimming under the river.

I heard a while ago that there was a lot of noise in the upstream repair project in Shangtou Township. I wondered if I had scared the upstream fish to Taohekou?

This made our family run into it, and we must get off the Internet. This is a pie in the sky!

When I think of it this way, our family can’t smoke anymore. Quickly pull the boat online.

But as soon as we rocked the boat into the river, the fish were gone.

The first night we drank a little bit, and we figured out that the wine was glaring. But still not reconciled, it is all money!

Quickly look around carefully, obediently, the turtle grandchildren appeared again!

We dare not wait, get off the net quickly! But this off-net is broken!

This web seems to be caught in something terrible! Loud, loud, the person who listened panicked. The boat was so rickety that we almost missed the water.

Let’s use the pulp to pick the net. There are turtles in the Taohekou. The big one is said to be as big as a pot, but it feels stronger in the water. We suspected that the big turtle was caught. This thing, you don’t need to be stunned by guys, you can’t catch it.

But we just glanced at the probe, which is a turtle. Obviously, it’s a person tossing around in the net.

Now that I think about it, I certainly feel scared. My family has lived by the water for a lifetime, and people with good water quality have seen more. Who can make such a big noise in the water?

But at that time we had so much to think about, this is a big living person, we can’t see death and don’t save, can we?

Hurry up to call the family members, only to pull this person into the boat after fate.

But this man didn’t move when he got on the boat! Death is over!

Our scary diaper is here. It’s a fatal thing. We can’t tell.

Immediately wanted to rescue this person, but a closer look at this person, the whole body has been soaked up and down. The swollen head is bigger than mine. It can’t be a living person!

But clearly we looked at him in the water! The boss is so strong, can the dead still be so tossed?

At that time, no one in our family was afraid of moving.

Let’s quickly send the wife and children back, far away from the dead body, and think about it.

We are honest people, and we do n’t have much thought. Thinking about it, I still do n’t know what to do.

If the corpse saw it, it wouldn’t matter, and let it float in the river, wherever it went. You can also fool the past. But we got it, and we can’t put it in the water quietly.

Regardless of the official’s family, this injustice is not to be spared. Not all say that the corpses caught in this river can no longer be put in the water. It was said that the corpse was soaked with yang, and then put it in and waited to die again, it would come back and hurt people.

So our family was afraid, so we put the body in the boat and didn’t dare to move.

Thinking about the next morning we will report the case.

Our family didn’t sleep at all that night. Finally, when it was dawn, she glanced at the door and the body was gone!

What are you talking about?

We asked about it within a few miles. No one has ever seen this corpse. I have never heard of anyone drowning. Then you always say, this corpse can still be well on the boat, run away by yourself? Can’t it really be the old turtle inside the Taohekou who dragged the body down to eat it?

Since the incident happened, we are worried.

For days, even the water dared not go down. But this is not the way. Let’s just point at this Taohekou breadwinner. It’s gone, it has to be launched.

This launch was really bad, and it was fine during the day. At night, there was a rattling sound under the ship, and we lay in the room without even daring to open our eyes.

Our family said that it was the corpse who determined that our boat was in bed. During the day, the corpse went to the river and waited for someone to die as a stand-in. At night, I ran to sleep on the boat!

You always go south and north, you always say this is not scary. By now our family has decided to move away. But this thing is not clear, our family is afraid of being entangled by this corpse when they go elsewhere. Don’t dare to leave like this. That’s why your old man came over to help you. Dane, let’s kneel and give you a few heads!

With that, the man fell on his knees after a puff.

Master Bai Kai hurriedly picked up the man and turned to ask Bai Kai not to smoke. Learn something serious!

Bai Kai’s cigarettes had already been exhausted.

Hearing what Master said, he turned out of his pocket. He smiled and replied, Master, I don’t have to smoke this cigarette. Isn’t this filial piety? You have also said that Jingzetongtong. Should you come to study tobacco?

Bai Kai handed the cigarette to Master’s side.

I ask you, just now you have listened to the victim. Did you hear anything? Master Bai Kai asked.

Master, look at you, it ’s always okay to take an exam You have to be entertaining. If you want me to say, do n’t listen to him. We are not with him. After a while, I will get on the boat and feel it. Isn’t that the case? Bai Kai said that he had stepped into the boat with one leg.

stop! You’re risky, something will happen sooner or later! Master said with some concern, be cautious, okay?

understand! Master is right! It is necessary to wear tight-fitting, otherwise this leg is a little inactive. Bai Kai said that he lifted his pants, and the man was still in the boat.

The wooden boat doesn’t look too strong. As soon as Bai Kai sat in, he shook back and forth.

I don’t have much research on boats and I don’t like fishing very much. Anyway, as far as I am concerned, this ship feels very copycat. There is an external motor at the stern. It looks rusty. The whole ship is about six or seven meters long and very narrow. A bunch of fishing nets piled up at the bow. There are two very long pulps on the boat. I do n’t know how to draw the boat.

I quietly asked Qin Yiheng, do you see what is coming? Is that a water ghost?

Qin Yiheng was fascinated, said intently, unclear. In our current state, our perception of the surrounding area is not very accurate. So I can’t make a conclusion, let’s take a look first.

Qin Yiheng was talking, and I saw Bai Kai holding the water in his hand. Perhaps it is the relationship of moonlight, the whole river looks very clear. As if you can see the sight of the bottom of the river.

Suddenly, it seemed that I really saw something.

In the water, I saw a hazy shadow rushing from under Bai Kai’s hand.

After a while, he came back again.

It seems to be responding to the rhythm of Bai Kai holding the water repeatedly.

Bai Kaihong said to his master, look. This fish just ate my bait. This began to obey. Fish is better than our eyes! Speaking of Bai Kai, he picked up the pulp, shouted at the fish, and quickly took me to see what was in the river. Lao Tzu could bring wasabi. you know.

Bai Kai was very awkward and went to the center of the river.

At first, the fish could see the outline dimly in the line of sight, but after getting further and further away, it could not be found at all.

Can only see the white back under the moonlight, swaying towards the river heart.

After all, Bai Kai has never been a fisherman. Boating is very important.

So for a long time, he didn’t move much.

Waiting for nearly twenty minutes, I saw Bai Kai stopped. Picked up the fishing net and threw it into the river.

After that, a small dot lit up next to Bai Kai, who seemed to be smoking.

Master Bai Kai shook his head silently when he saw it on the shore.

The net is spread. But the lake remained calm.

The white cigarettes were all smoked, and nothing strange happened.

Bai Kai shouted at his master far away, Master. No problem? Did that person lie to us?

Who knows Bai Kai’s words just came to shore.

Suddenly, I saw something on the side of the boat popping out of the water.

The thing stayed in the air for a while and fell into the water again.

Just listen to Bai Kai and shout again, I rely on! The fish is crazy!

I saw the fish that seemed to have been silently swimming with the white-open boat. At this time, it jumped, fell, and then jumped.

Eyes came running towards the shore!

broken. There must be something in the water. The fish is running away. Qin Yiheng whispered.

I screamed and didn’t come to communicate with Qin Yiheng.

I heard a whistling noise in the river, and the white boat began to shake. There was a tumbling in the water under the boat, it seemed to be boiling! There is clearly something under the water.

Bai Kai finally kept his balance before falling into the water.

I faintly heard Bai Kai scolding something and waved at him. When the man took off his jacket, he jumped into the river with a jump!

As soon as the white splash splashed down, the others disappeared.

Master Bai Kai shouted several times on the shore to get Bai Kai back. No one responded. He had to anxiously ask the fisherman again, did you have nothing to say? Now life is a matter of life, you must not hide me.

The fisherman was wronged and shook his head quickly.

Master Bai Kai looked at him as if he were an honest man, not as if he could be fooled.

Had to walk quickly to the edge of the trestle, and kept pacing back and forth.

Qin Yiheng and I also walked to the trestle.

I saw the empty river, only the little wooden boat rocked gently. There is not even a splash around.

This time even I started to worry.

I don’t know whether what we see in the belly of this monster is the past time and space, or another kind of existence.

Worried that if Bai Kai really died today, then Bai Kai, who was originally in the belly of this monster, would have finished playing.

I said, Qin Er, can we help?

Don’t worry, Bai Kai is a master. Qin Yiheng comforted me, look.

Qin Yiheng raised his finger and I saw some strange things. The boat on the river seems to be moving slowly. Like being pushed slowly by the dark surge. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t notice it.

Master Bai Kai has apparently discovered this.

He stared hard at the ship. I saw the boat getting closer and closer to the shore.

It stopped about ten meters from the shore.

I couldn’t help getting nervous. I dare not blink my eyes. The feeling is that you know what will happen, but you have to wait for it to happen.

Finally, when everyone’s attention was completely attracted to the ship.

I heard a scream! A man jumped violently from the water and half of the body got into the boat. The ship shook violently in an instant, and at the same time the sound of white opening came out! Master! Are you scared? You have to hold on!

Master Bai Kai was expressionless, but I still felt relieved in his heart.

Master Bai Kai angered, how old are they? Still playing this kid’s trick? Come ashore, what is in the water?

Bai Kai pointed to himself. It’s it! Following the whole person, they retracted into the water from the cabin.

Swim out from the side of the cabin.

I glanced at it, and I couldn’t help it.

I saw Bai Kai’s body like something riding on a white flower, which held him like a weird swimming ring.

While wondering, I suddenly recognized what that thing was.

The man gasped.

Is it a person? Bai Kai riding alone? Mom, is he Ujima Taro? After a while, Kungshen was hired by his son-in-law?

drive! White open fake fake gestures. Slowly finally approached the shore.

Wait for him to go ashore. I didn’t care about wringing out the water from my pants, and went back to hold the man on the shore.

I immediately heard the cry of the fisherman next to it, it was it! This is the corpse!

Do not talk nonsense. Bring a knife. Bai didn’t say back. Leaned over and straightened the body. Said to Master again, Master. This thing is really heavy.

Master Bai Kai silently nodded slightly.

I finally saw the appearance of the dead body now. This is indeed an unrecognizable corpse that has been blistered. The body was very swollen and the belly was bulging high. Barely can only be seen as a man. As for the age, there is no way to tell the difference.

The fisherman quickly took the knife and handed it to Bai Kai in a panic.

The first time he was not satisfied with the knife, because the fisherman took a kitchen knife. Then I changed a knife that was supposed to kill fish, which was sharper. Then he turned the knife in his hand and opened the belly of the corpse with a single knife.

As soon as the corpse was cut open, a large amount of sewage flowed from the wound.

A stench came suddenly.

I covered my nose and looked, and Bai Kai was rummaging through the sewage. Looking closer, I almost vomited without disgust. I saw a lot of bug-like things twirling in the sewage. Bai Kai picked up one at random and gave Master a glance. I said to myself, this thing really exists.

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