Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v5 Chapter 37 - come out

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I wanted to scold again.

But his eyes got soured by the words of Bai Kai.

I put up with it for a while before lifting Bai Kai up from the ground. He casually carried a cage that looked strong, and let Bai Kai sit down as a stool.

Bai Kai is weak. Although she kept waving her hand to signal that she could go.

But let me stand still. Can only scold, tap lightly. Are you doing filial piety? Are you anxious for heritage, right?

I just laugh.

I said to you that Dad said you dad. Anyway, it ’s cheap. Let ’s take advantage of it today.

Wait until Bai Kai sits firmly. Qin Yiheng and I squatted down next to him.

For a time, this scene was really like the descendants around the knee. As for the description that came to my mind, I also felt quite ashamed.

I asked, open-minded, scumming can do your job, it’s really peaking.

You tell me, what is your obsession? What do you want to do here? You think we can’t find you, do we? Do you find this interesting? Do you think we are happy with you now? Should you experience it?

I have multiple questions in a row. Asked Bai Kai straight hairless.

What are you doing? No comment. Bai Kai reached out and asked for a flue, no comment, no comment, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.

Waiting for a breath of cigarettes, Bai Kai said again. Comrade Xiao Que. For this matter. I don’t want it either. But … Bai Kai glanced at Wan Jinrong, but only then was the most safe. I was thinking about letting you call my dad. It’s almost probably hard to accomplish anyway. Even if the old ghost catches you, he can’t think of pressing your head to call me dad. Even if he is really crushed, will you call?

I froze for a moment. I really imagined it in my head.

If you do not know it. I will certainly refuse to die.

Bai Kai’s move is really awesome. This obsession was indeed tricky, and Wan Jinrong certainly couldn’t think of it. Secondly, is it protecting me? If Wan Jinrong had really dealt with me, would this white openness always depend on it?

Thinking this way, I also glanced at Wan Jinrong.

Now he is awake and can’t guarantee what Wan Jinrong is planning. When I looked sideways, Qin Yiheng shot me with a gesture that he was staring at Wan Jinrong. I feel relieved.

I said, don’t care so much. Let’s go out. Go out and discuss again. This way, we have read a lot of your black history. If you do n’t feel ashamed, then I will go to the TV station to buy a few advertising spots to promote you. If you really want you this black face, then obediently go out with us.

Bai Kai oh loudly. Spit a cigarette.

I know what you have probably seen. person! Who did n’t do something shameful when he was young, right? Xiao Que, you are a smart person, you know you will bite a dog if you are in a hurry?

Bai Kai said, taking a bite on my arm with his mouth gesturing.

Reiterate, bite the dog! Ok.

All right. Don’t be poor. Qin Yiheng said, let’s go out first. This time you disappear. We have a lot of new clues. Things are no longer as imagined before.

what? My **** mother is just about to tell you! Things are not what you thought before! Bai Kaidao, do you know what this monster is? It is the channel connecting Yin River and the world! Do you understand?

Seeing me and Qin Yiheng nodding, Bai Kai was disappointed. I rely on! Didn’t mom applaud? You guys know it? Then I can’t even go out! This monster exists for a day, then the real dragon may come back. Do you know?

Bai Kai said side by side, do you know what it means when you come back? He didn’t come by himself! People come to New Year with things! No, it came with soldiers!

Qin Yiheng and I nodded again.

Bai Kai was a little anxious. I rely on! I forgot to die, did you know it outside?

How? Was the news about Zhenlong? ?

I persuaded Bai Kaidao that we learned from Yuan Zhen. It is the Yuan Zhen of HTC Real Estate. So this frontline field reporter is useless. Hurry back to your country, there are other tasks for you.

I looked at Bai Kaidao, you don’t owe anyone in this world. You don’t have to sacrifice for them.

What you said is so clever! I do n’t sacrifice, but I just swallowed it! Do you say this is life? what? Bai Kai sighed, and in it, I can see a lot of past days. Quite missed. After a long stay, I really don’t want to leave. Otherwise, you go back first? Come and see me every three or five years

Go to your grandma! I scolded. You open your eyes and see. Can this place come casually? Today, if you do n’t leave, Qin Er and I can only spend here with you. You weigh it.

Bai Kai looked at me and Qin Yiheng again.

Not talking for a while.

Finally he smiled. This smile reminded me of him as a child, looking at the smile of his mother’s back.

It started to feel sad. I want to say something. Even if it is ridiculed to boast, Bai Kai’s mother looks pretty. At least let Bai Kai know that we understand this matter.

But I still didn’t open my mouth.

Bai Kaidao, really a few brothers. Life is very tired. There can be such a place to sleep. For most people, it is a good destination. I think. This is asking for trouble, how tiring it is to live. We can understand this matter now. Isn’t it good? You said you guys would pull me hard and take me away. Now that I have decided to sleep here for ten or eight years. To be someone else, Lao Tzu has already drawn a mouth. Laozi has been doing art for so many years and never sells himself. Are you not embarrassed?

But in other words, I have never listened to my advice in my life. Did you say you have suffered a lot? Eaten. But regret it? No regrets.

Now that you are persuading me this way, doesn’t it make me look so bad?

Ugh. Bai Kai sighed, forget it. You two are not human at all. Who can drill in the belly of this monster just to find me? I think you two are more **** monsters.

Come on, get back to the palace.

Bai Kai said, supporting my shoulder, barely stood up.

After moving the leg, the walk was still a little trembling. Turned to Wan Jinrong Road, Wan Gui Gui. I don’t waste it with you either. See you later, I am afraid we can only do it. But seriously, I have persuaded you to look at it, and don’t give up on it. So old people. That real dragon really let you out, you feel at ease?

Wan Jinrong said nothing.

Just looked at the three of us silently.

Turn around and open the door and go outside. Before he could walk out the door, he stopped again. The head didn’t reply, um, it was touching. Listen to …

Wan Jinrong went out.

Qin Yiheng and I mixed with each other. This is how it reacts and I haven’t thought about how to get out.

Bai Kai seemed to see what we were thinking.

He reached for another door in the room. Go over there.

We went out of the room and there was a narrow alley outside. Bai Kai snapped his fingers with his hands. It’s like listening to the echo.

After waiting for a while, he pointed in another direction.

So the three continued along the alley.

Walking like this, I gradually saw some ways.

Because after each open finger ringing, the air seemed to be able to hear a metallic jittering buzz.

At first I thought it was tinnitus.

Then this voice appeared more and more frequently. I was convinced that Bai Kai was using this voice to find his way.

We followed Bai Kai’s command.

Shuttle through various streets or rooms. I don’t know how long I have been walking this way. Anyway, everything around me has become more and more unreal.

It was like entering a film and television base, but I couldn’t find the flaws in these scenes.

at last. After another ringing finger from Bai Kai.

We clearly heard a jingle of metal collision. Looking for sound. I don’t know when a child’s back has appeared on the street behind him.

I recognized it at a glance, which was what it was like when he was a child.

The little Bai Kai was squatting on the ground and playing with something thoughtfully. I don’t need to tell, I guess it must be the copper ring.

Bai Kai asked us to wait here. A person walked over. Crouching down seemed to talk to myself as a child.

At first it didn’t seem to go well. The little Bai Kai immediately embraced the copper ring in his arms.

Only then did he finally relax his guard against the dialogue. After hesitating, he gave the copper ring to Bai Kai very reluctantly.

Bai Kai touched Xiao Baikai’s head. Head back with a stride.

It wasn’t until we were around that he couldn’t support it, and Qin Yiheng was helpless.

What did you say to yourself? Are you fooling yourself? I asked.

Bai Kai looked back at the figure of Xiao Baikai.

Xiaobai Kai still squatted on the ground, without even raising his head.

cough. Tell him reasoning. Bai Kai laughed, let’s go. If you find me with this, you can use this to get out.

What makes sense? I am still curious. Bai Kai must know himself. Therefore, what he said to Xiao Baikai must have been sharp.

I told him. Don’t be afraid of being alone. When I grow up, there will be two good friends. Bai Kai blew the dirt path on the copper ring, but only if it was replaced with this copper ring.

Did he believe it? I was a little touched.

nonsense. How can it be? Bai Kaidao, I threatened him and told him about stealing Master’s money.

After getting the copper ring. Bai Kai no longer pointed the way.

We just kept walking along this street. I looked back from time to time.

The figure of Xiaobaikai disappeared without knowing when.

After walking for a while, we found that the street came to an end. In front of me was a wall and a tattered door.

Let’s go. Bai Kai knocked on the door with a copper ring. Pull the door open.

The door was dark. The light outside seemed to be blocked.

Bai Kai first stepped in. I followed.

People just came in from the light, and their eyes couldn’t adapt to the darkness in an instant. Wait until I gradually see the surrounding scene. I just found. We have returned to that huge factory building.

I patted myself and still doubted whether this was reality or illusion.

Qin Yiheng took out his flashlight and swept a few times. The monster in the factory is gone. There are several people on the ground, lying and lying. They are all those of Yuan Zhen.

Qin Yiheng pushed with his feet, these people were unconscious. I don’t know if it was dead or fainted.

We had to walk towards the main entrance of the plant.

The gap in the factory door is still there, and it seems to me like a lamp.

Qin Yiheng pulled the door of the plant fiercely.

The sunlight outside immediately poured on our faces like a waterfall. I don’t know a sense of relief from where I feel, the tight muscles all over my body are relaxed.

After controlling it for a while, I didn’t collapse.

what! A few! Finally came out! Yuan Zhen’s voice came.

At this point my eyes were completely dizzy by the sunlight, and it took a while to distinguish the position of Yuan Zhen.

Just listen to Yuan Zhendao, a few. You have been in for several days. What happened?

I’m too lazy to explain. Just wave your hand.

Qin Yiheng said, take care of Bai Kai first.

A few people came up and helped Bai Kai to the past. It wasn’t until I got back in the car that I felt that my body was fully adapted to reality.

Only then asked Yuan Zhen, how many days have we been in?

Three days. Mr. Jiang. What happened inside? None of us sent out. Yuan Zhendao said that Mr. Bai was not a big deal. We have checked.

That’s good. I nodded. Your people will never come out again. We have no choice. I glanced at the plant road, the plant is a blinding way. In fact, he has already entered the monster’s belly.

I suddenly thought of it and asked again. Has Wan Jinrong come out?

No. Our people are watching around. Mr. Jiang, in this way, you rest first. There will be arrangements for Mr. Bai.

On the way back. I don’t know why, it’s sleepy and impatient. When I went in this time, I obviously didn’t do anything. It was like running a marathon. I was paralyzed in the back seat of the car, only to feel that my upper eyelids touched my lower eyelids.

Bai Kai gradually recovered his spirit. When he just left the factory, he almost fainted. Have already begun to inhale oxygen. It turned out that within half an hour, I heard Bai Kai talking with the people next to me in my ears.

It is estimated that Yuan Zhen told him something. Bai Kai kept asking, hey, are you also Yuan Zhen? Where are you all? let me see.

I had to narrow my eyes for a moment.

Wait until you return to the hotel. Then he immediately took a shower and went to bed.

This night passed, and when I woke up, it was already the night of the day.

I was woken up by the sound of TV. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Bai Kai gnawing at the TV in a bathrobe. Scolding while eating. It seems that Tucao TV series sucks.

Qin Yiheng is sitting in a chair reading a newspaper.

I rubbed my head and scolded. Shit, do you have a room?

Pick up Lao Tzu! Bai Kai threw a chicken leg to my bed, and quickly got up. Tell the right thing.

What’s the matter? I lighted a cigarette, and it was awake.

About what I found in the monster’s belly. Bai Kai leaned over with chicken legs. Mysteriously, do you remember those hats?

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