Haven Online

Chapter 252: 1.5-33

With an amused shake of his head, Xinya watched as the furry-eared boy rushed over to the fallen bookcase and started to lift it up. Xinya knew that he should be mad that he might be banned from the library, but he just couldn't be angry.

Melting Snow was just following the rubric that he had learned from him. Which was to randomly stumble onto an epic quest that had significant consequences. 

He hated to admit it, but either he taught the child too well, or some of his luck had rubbed off on the boy. 'I bet it was my luck.'

Xinya didn't mean his game luck when he thought this; he meant his actual luck. Before his rebirth, Xinya would have said that his luck was zero to nonexistence, but now he thinks differently. 

Although some might say that all the good things that happened to him in-game happened because of his 'lucky stat,' but he would have to ask them how much did that stat actually help him. 

Hearing the sound of something scraping against the wooden floor, Xinya turned his attention back to Melting Snow, only to him sliding the giant bookcase back in place. It seemed like the boy was having trouble matching the shelf up with the outline of it on the floor.

Seeing the boy struggle for a bit, he wanted to go over there and help him, but he knew he couldn't. This type of quest that Melting Snow triggered could only be done alone with no bodily assistant from anyone else.

Xinya knew that if anyone were to intervene in any way, the quest would become null and void. He didn't want that to happen, plus he couldn't help anyway since he still needed to finish taking notes on how to deal with the extreme damage that his farmland had.

Although he believes that Melting Snow will be able to complete the NPC task, there is still a slim chance that he might not be able to. He despises thinking that way, but he had to for his sake and his future profits. 

This was the only library in town, and he didn't have time to go find another one right now. The next closest library would take at least 2-3 days to reach from the information he obtained from his map. 

So just as a precaution and a little peace of mind, Xinya thought it would be best to get all the information he needed before the hour was up.

Looking towards the boy who had just finished straightening the bookcase back in it's designated spot, Xinya said, "Melting Snow, since I'm not able to help, I'm going to go back and continue reading. If you need me for anything, just send a message through the party chat. Alright?"


"I will, and I want to say that I'm sorry about all of this," Melting Snow replied with regret.

Melting Snow couldn't stop himself from feeling genuinely horrible about all of this. He knew that it was all his fault, that it was because of the mess he created, that there was a chance that the NPC would kick them out and never let them come back. 

Even though in the back of his mind, he knew that trying to find where this quest led him to would be amazing, but he also knew that Drifting Cloud needed to get information about his farm, while also not forgetting that they still had that mystery quest that needed solving. If he screws this up, a nearby information source will be gone.

"It's fine, puppy," Xinya gently smiled; he knew that the boy was probably beating himself up about what happened, and didn't want him to do so. "Sometimes, a quest just has to come first before anything else. But please do your best to complete the task."

"I will try my hardest to do so," Melting Snow said as he watched the green-haired man begin to walk back in the direction he came from.

As soon as the man was out of sight, Melting Snow clenched his fists tightly while staring at the bookcase, promising himself that he would not let his friend down. He will give this quest his all and complete it to his best ability.

After double-checking that the bookshelf was in the exact place that it was in before, only then did Melting Snow turn his attention to the tons of books scattered about on the floor.

Quick as he could, Melting Snow stacked up all the books up in groups of tens, that way, it would be easier for him to maneuver. Only when all 200 books were stacked neatly off to the side did he check the time he had remaining for the cleanup quest.

 [Time left: 40 minutes 16 seconds]

'40 minutes that will be plenty of time to reshelve the bookcase...' Melting Snow trailed off in mid-thought as he looked up at the gigantic bookshelf. 'Well, it would be plenty of time for the first 6 shelves, the rest I got to think of away since climbing would be a no go.'

Not wanting to waste his valuable time thinking, when he could be putting books away, Melting Snow decided to shelve the books until he couldn't do it without standing on his tippy toes.

Knowing that he didn't know when he would come up with an idea on how he would shelf the higher shelves, Melting Snow activated his Sonic Speed skill. That way, he would be able to get done faster and think about what he should do.

Barely five minutes had passed before Melting Snow had completely reshelved the books on the lower part of the bookcase. While doing so, he started to remember a battle he took part in before. 

It was when he was hanging out with his brother's group for a couple of weeks. They were running a dungeon, and they needed to find the right key to unlock the door, but there were hundreds of keys hanging around the room they were in at different heights.

Melting Snow doesn't know what made him think back to that dungeon, but because he did, an idea came to him on how he should tackle the higher shelves.

But before he decided to put his plan into action, he wanted to see how many books he had already put away. Opening up his quest log once again, he looked at the book count, only to be utterly surprised by what it said.

Books: 2/200

"What the heck is going on?" Melting Snow questioned, staring at the number in bewilderment.


AN: Sorry that I didn't update. If you follow me on twitter you already know the reason. If not, well, it was personal reasons. 

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