Haven Online

Chapter 258: Author Note: Open With Fast Pass!

While my computer was down, I had some time to think and I realized I didn't like where this story is going. I haven't since the start of the banquet. At that time the novel was doing well, so I just charge ahead.

But in the back of my head, I always wanted to rewrite the novel and change things. Did you know that Melting Snow's brother was supposed to be the ML? He was new (before I changed it) and Xinya had just restarted. They were going to become friends and have way more screentime together.

But you all know that I read the comments, and one comment guessed it, and I was like damn I guess I better change that than. Also Wandering Sound was going to have a special quest, I foreshadowed it when he first showed up.

But you guys kept hating on Wei, but that was my fault. I tend to ramble, and even though it was only like 1-2 weeks since she has begun playing the game ever, it was like 100 chapters to you guys and it might have seemed longer to everyone.

I understood, so I just wrote her out of the novel, along with Wandering Sound since they were a pair deal. Sadly that took away the mysterious city/treasure hunt storyline I had.

Also, I felt like Xinya needed more money before he started his farm and wanted him to get it one month before the update that way I would be able to gloss over the rebuilding of the farm, and time skip to the update.

But now I'm adding quests since I don't think he has enough money and also adding cheats that I didn't want to. I feel like he started on hard mode and after the banquet, it became easy mode. 

So I was like well I want to rewrite it, even though it's not as popular it still my baby. But you can't delete prem chapters. So I was like I just start anew and rewrite Haven as a whole new novel.

I asked my webnovel editor if I could but she said it would break the contract. I was sad that I couldn't and I was about to abandon this story. But then my editor told me that it won't break the contract if I change the character's names, and tweak the plot some. 

It would be a whole new novel after all. 

Meaning all I have to do is change the game's plot, Xinya, Melting Snow's backstory since they were the most important. The elements of getting rich, farming, class, and race can stay since they are tropes you can see in other game novels. 

Although I might change Dryad and give it another name. Just to be safe. 

I would like to thank everyone who read so far I really appreciate you and would have dropped this long time ago if it wasn't for you all. But I know this story can be better and I want to make it better. 

Also for my non-bl readers, I would like to thank you for giving this story a chance and not leaving mean comments as the others did. To thank you I started working on another litrpg novel. 

It is called NetherSky and it will slightly similar to this novel but also very different. 

To my fellow BL readers, I would like to thank you for being so patient with me, and I'm sorry you will never see the MC and the MC together, but I promise in the new version they will know each other sooner. Even just as friends, don't expect much I'm a shounen-ai writer. ^///^

So I created a new webnovel account. My new name shall be Maomi. I also made a new Twitter. https://twitter.com/Maomi87122133

When I start anew I really start anew. 

When I start the new version it will be announced there.

I would once again like to thank all of you. =^-^=


Don't pay attention to this~ just need 400 more words to post this.

The loup garou, fue follet and cauchemar - fearsome or malicious spirits which followed French settlers to Louisiana hundreds of years ago - still haunt the bayou darkness, folklorists say.

At least they've found the spirits still exist in some folks' minds.

″Lately, there was a student who left school because he said there was a cauchemar in the dorm. And he wasn't staying where there was a cauchemar,″ said Dr. Patricia Rickles of the University of Southwestern Louisiana.

The cauchemar - pronounced koosh'-mahr - is a nightmare spirit that chokes and suffocates people in their beds, said Rickles, a folklore specialist in USL's English department.

She said she has interviewed hundreds of people over the past 30 years and some still believe in the cauchemar and feu follet (fee'-fo-lay) - a malicious spirit known in English-speaking countries as the will o' the wisp.

″This is a little demon or spirit which takes the form of a light,″ Rickles said. ″It's mischievous and makes people get lost. They think they see a house or camp, go toward it, and they get lost or drown.

″It seems to happen most when someone has had a few drinks.″

Around Bayou Lafourche, a few people still believe in the loup garou or rougarou - a human who has been turned into an animal, said Patricia Perrin of Nicholls State University.

″People have very serious arguments about whether it's 'rougarou' (roo'- guh-roo') or 'loup garou' (loo' guh-roo'),″ said Mrs. Perrin.

And there's a third variant: warou, pronounced wah'-roo.

Whatever you call them, it's not easy to find people willing to admit they believe in the spirits.

″It's kind of hard to walk up and say, 'Do you believe in the rougarou' and have them say, 'Oh, absolutely,‴ Mrs. Perrin said. ″But they always tell you about people who have had an experience with one. And they seem to be affected, themselves, by the tales.″

The loup garou is most often a wolf, she said. Even though ″loup″ is French for ″wolf,″ the spirit is sometimes a white pig, said Mrs. Perrin, and loup garou dogs and chickens have been described. Most often they are white, but other colors occur.

Although some loup garous are out for blood, she said, most are people who just want to be released from the spell which changes them into animals and forces them to wander aimlessly by night.

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