He Who Fights With Monsters

Notice: Book 9 chapters coming down

Book nine is preparing to launch in the usual ebook and audiobook formats on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Audible and Amazon paperback on the 18th of April. As such, the chapters for book nine (595-698) will be coming down from Royal Road, Scribblehub and Patreon on the 4th of April.

Book nine is the longest in the series, so a lot of chapters will be coming down this time. I know that the publication of the series has been slowly-but-surely catching up to the free releases, so I would like to reiterate at this time that all chapters will be available on Royal Road, Scribblehub and Patreon prior to publication. That will continue throughout the series and will not change. Books nine and ten are scheduled for release this year and all book ten chapters will be available for months prior to coming down for publication.

I'll also take this chance to once again thank you, my amazing readers for the support they have given me and this story over the last few years. It has eclipsed anything I ever anticipated and allowed me to to become a full-time author, a dream many people who read these stories share. Whether you're a patron, buy the ebook, read on KU, listen on audible or just patiently await the chapters here online, thank you. What you have all done for me has transformed my life, and I hope I've been able to bring you some fun, some entertainment, some escape, and a chance to vent frustration by saying things about me in the comments.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.