Healing Dungeon

8-Become the beast


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... My inner thoughts all day long.
Especially now while fighting big, evil vocabulary who wants to conquer the whole world! xD


"Whew, Fluffy. This particular stance is... complex." Avan huffed in the direction of Horny, his dungeon-bound [White-horned Rabbit] companion. "You sure you don't wanna join me? I mean, you COULD eventually fight with these stubby arms. Or legs, how you prefer." He chuckled. Horny sat bored at the side near the crevice that led to the library of Akkalon while mostly sleeping the whole time. Sweat flowing down Avans's eyebrows. "Party pooper!" He accused him. Going through all thirty stances, finally, after a few days meddling with the murals. It had turned out to be much more challenging than he thought. All thirty postures were necessary to flow in between enemies in varying angles like a river and against various weapons the enemy could use. The Akkalon fighting style was something he had never experienced on earth. More like a stalking beast, reacting to any attempt the enemy could muster against it. It was a dance of death and hunt in all thirty forms together while still open enough to let you improvise and heal yourself or others in between.

Quite a terrifying sight. Avan mused while ending the thirtieth form. Using one of the towels he had looted to get rid of the sweat flowing down his whole body. Drinking a few sips of water, he threw the drinking flask onto the stack of clothes that lay on the side. Only dressed with his boxer shorts, he sat down crossed-leg and started meditating.

He felt more in tune with his soul core thanks to the training in the last few days and felt a higher density of mana inside and around him in his sphere. If he had to guess, he would say both had increased tenfold compared to the first time. Circling mana in a torrent of energy through his veins, he watched in amazement how his blood was flooded with mana streaming out of his core while ambient mana simultaneously replenished his soul nearly instant. His ability to regenerate health, stamina, and especially mana had increased in leaps and bounds, thanks to his meditation.



You have learned the passive skill: Meditation 1
Through meditation, a true spirit can reach godhood through instant regeneration of health, mana, and stamina.
While not moving, you constantly regain health, mana, and stamina at a higher rate than usually possible.

‎ *Chime*

Your Passive Skill: Meditation leveled up!
Meditation: 9


Already level 9 in meditation. I wonder about something happening when it reaches 10. Are there thresholds? Does it evolve at a point? So far, it is my most impressive skill, I am pretty sure about that.

Going through another few hours of strengthening his body and soul with guiding his mana through his blood, he suddenly felt something shift. He couldn't quite grasp it yet, but he was so close. What would happen if my blood flow increases? Would I start to fume, like a steam engine? Or would it not generate heat at all? Avan deep in thought.

Concentrating on pulling even more and more ambient mana into his soul core, he noticed it hardens slowly. Watching the process with keen inner eyes, he knew he had to be careful now, otherwise, his very soul could be damaged or even broken down completely. An intense pain started to gather in his stomach, while fissures began to show on his core and constantly growing. Ambient mana flooded and crashed into it, an unstoppable wave of power and destruction. Avan tried to stop the surge of energy but to no avail. Panicked, he immediately began to focus on his soul, to vent the power away from it and into his bloodstream. There was no steam coming up from Avans body, but it felt like mana dripping out through every single pore. Blood, mixed with mana and sweat, soon covered his whole body. Every impurity and all toxins that had settled into his body and skin was ejected through this process of high mana pressure. Coughing and without hope to stop the crushing waves of ambient mana, he tried his best to guide more and more power away from his core to his veins to prevent the damage that would inevitably follow.

After an indefinite time had passed, the pain subsided, and the shell around his soul core stabilized. It looked more like hardened glass now, instead of a soup bubble from before. The stream coming from his ambient mana to him didn't slow down, but he could now store and use it without a problem. Breathing deeply, Avan calmed down and observed the changes in his body. His skin has hardened remarkably, his muscles so much tighter, and mana was stored inside. He followed his blood to different parts of his anatomy to look at other changes. The heart pulsed stronger, his eye sight felt more refined, his teeth so much denser, his very bones brimmed with energy, and his brain looked like an amusement park with all the power constantly blinking through his synapses.

Slowly opening his eyes, Avan immediately noticed his sharper sight and the distance he could now focus on, still crystal clear. He jumped up and nearly hit the ceiling, which was three meters above.

Giggling, he stretched and relaxed his stiff muscles. They needed some time to acclimate to their new structure.



You have learned the passive skill: [Bronze] Meditation 1
Through meditation, a true spirit can reach godhood through instant regeneration of health, mana, and stamina.
While not moving, you constantly regain health, mana, and stamina at a higher rate than usually possible.
[Bronze] Your very soul faced a flood of mana and not only survived the encounter but also came out of this ordeal more substantial than before.
Your body and mind are tremendously improved through mana infusion, and you now passively store mana in your cells. You are faster, stronger, and more resilient. If you wish, you can unleash small portions of stored mana through contact to corrupt your enemies.


Bursting with new power, like after drinking two big cans full of energy drink, he immediately started to go through the fighting stances again.

Completing all thirty forms three times faster than ever before, he felt something click.



You have proven your worth to the order of Akkalon and were offered the Class: Healer of Akkalon.
Healers of Akkalon are masters of hand-to-hand combat while proficient with healing themselves and others. They were known for kindness and helping others in need, no matter in which life situation.


[Do you want to accept: Healer of Akkalon as your subclass? Y/N]


Oh hell yes, of course, I accept!



Your subclass is now: Healer of Akkalon!


Hm, you won't give me more info on that one? Drab. I had imagined a more in-depth description.



You have learned the Active Skill: Akkalons Touch
With great strength comes great responsibility and more so with each touch. Heal or destroy.
When in direct contact, you can inflict mana-based wounds to your enemies or infuse an ally with supportive energy.



You have learned the Active Skill: Celestial Storage
As an otherworldly being, you now have access to your own private celestial pocket dimension to store a small number of items.
To access or store items, you need to create a small portal to your storage.
This ability results from your unique main class, your celestial element, and your new subclass!



You have learned the Active Skill: Akkalons Sphere
By proving yourself unable to stop any meddling that you shouldn't concern yourself with, you now gain yet more options to intervene.
You can summon up to one sphere of celestial mana that can be controlled inside your Sphere of Influence.



You have learned the Passive Skill: Pain Expert 1
Pain is your second name. You love to be in pain, and you love to claw yourself through torture, primarily self-inflicted.
Since pain is such a nice feeling for you, you will inflict much more pain on enemies to share your own experienced passion about it with others.



You have gained levels in Pain Resistance!
Pain Resistance: 8



Thanks to your Celestial Element in combination with your new subclass Healer of Akkalon,
your Dungeon Sphere is upgraded to: Celestial Sphere 1
You are a Dungeon. You are nurtured by the tremendous amount of ambient mana that encircles you. You can harness and use ambient mana in your sphere of influence at will. Your Sphere of Influence is sphere-shaped, with you as the anchor point and heart of the dungeon.
Your celestial power now radiates from your dungeon and can illuminate surroundings with light. Only the highest beings can distinguish and sense your Dungeonheart. But be always beware of your higher mana density.



As a result of acquiring a healer subclass, your class Dungeonheart [Human] is upgraded to: Healing Dungeonheart [Human]
You are not stationary, and thanks to that, you are a walking dungeon. Your limited functionality as a dungeon evolved to something unprecedented. Your potential unlocked, you can momentarily not only sense everything in your dungeon but also influence everyone and everything inside. Be it healing, mana intrusion to damage your foes, or doing whatever you usually could do in a human range.
Project to pick up something in your dungeon or cast a spell without being in sight. Your limit is your imagination. Inside your sphere, you are omnipotent.



Your potential has been unlocked!
Potential: [Unlocked]



You achieved something that never occurred before!
As a unique, otherworldly being, you gain a one-time, flat bonus of 50 for every stat!


Whewwwwwwww, wait, wait, wait, whaaat? Hooooly shit! That's some serious shit now. I am what? I can do what?! This feels soooo fucking strange. And EXTRA STATS? Avan murmured, mindblown.

Before, as a normal Dungeonheart, he could dim some of his senses to prevent being overwhelmed. Such wasn't the case anymore, and his brain tried to get a grip on all the feelings and sensations he perceived all around him before being fried through.

Immediately sitting down, he starts to meditate. With deep, slow breaths and his attempt to calm his heart and thoughts, he sat there, in the middle of the hallway. Sensing the turmoil in which his brain tried to sort out everything, Avan sent mana into his head to support and strengthen his synapses some more. His brainwaves were flashing like a Christmas tree on steroids, an overwhelmed library of flesh and blood, trying to manage and sort out all the new information that kept coming.

Avan didn't count the seconds, minutes, and hours that went by without a moment's notice. Frozen on the spot, his only goal was to prevent any damage from happening to his mind and body. Again.

After hours of constant fighting the waves of intrusive mana and healing his burst blood vessels, he dropped drained on the floor, instantly asleep.

After a restful sleep, Avan got up, and checked his body from top to bottom for any lasting damage. Cringed about the image manifested in his thoughts about him touching himself, he shuddered and grimaced. Oh god, no, no. That inner cinema right now, I will never get rid of it ever again.

Okaaay, let's get to the good shit.


Avan Leaf

Level: 16

Free Stat Points: 5

Element: Celestial

Class: Healing Dungeonheart [Human]

Subclass: Healer of Akkalon



Strength: 75

Dexterity: 80

Vitality: 75

Intelligence: 60

Wisdom: 55

Spirit: 55


Active Skills [3/8]

Akkalons Touch

Akkalons Sphere

Celestial Storage


Passive Skills

Pain Resistance: 8

Steady: 3

Potential: [Unlocked]

Celestial Affinity: 5

Identify: 8

Celestial Sphere: 1

First Aid: 1

Tracking: 3

Meditation: [Bronze] 1

Pain Expert: 1


Primary Resources

Health: 425

Stamina: 425

Ambient Mana: 575


Hell yeah, look at me! I am ripped now! Seriously, I was always essentially healthy on earth, but this is getting ridiculous. Amazing stats, awesome body. If my base stats were any indicator for a standard human, I am now multiple times as strong as a human on earth. Neat!

I started with 5 stat points and 50 in each of my Resources. And now this. I love this world! Mwahahaha... He laughed with a stage-ready evil laugh.

Finally, some active skills I can throw around and use. Extensive testing incoming! And it seems like there is a limitation of eight active skills... Interesting. Will there be more than eight available and can I swap them out anytime? We will see, when the time comes.

Musing to himself, Avan imagined a space crack opening in front of him for accessing his celestial storage, without a result. Brooding, he tried to use his mana with the intention to open up whatever the celestial storage looked like. Abruptly came a swirling, yellow sparkling portal alive.

Interesting... One thing I can say for sure about celestial. It looks stunning. These shiny yellow stars wherever celestial mana is involved. Beautiful. He thought, amazed while walking around the swirling portal in front. It was thirty centimeters in diameter and was nearly translucent at the edge. And looked precisely the same from behind. Touching the swirly mass of mana with an outstretched hand, he could sense a cold feeling encasing his hand when it just vanished inside. He ensured his hand was not hanging out of the back of the portal with a crooked, sideways glance. Retracting his hand, he walked over to his stack of clothes to retrieve one of the water flasks. With the flask in hand, he tested out what would happen with the item if he just pushed it through the portal. Upon entering the storage dimension, he felt the same cold but not an entirely uncomfortable feeling and let go of the flask. It just vanished without a trace inside. But at the same time, his brain told him, it was still in there, a thought away. Concentrating on his will to retrieve the flask, a solid object suddenly appeared between his fingers, which felt known. Avan pulled back his arm and saw his hand holding the water flask.

Success! Everything on Aorus is so intuitive. I mean, I just imagined it, and my will was enough to make it happen. I wonder if there is more to reveal if I understand and experiment with my magic more in-depth. At least something worth studying, and not as dry as back on earth at a university.

Running back to get all the items in his possession, Avan threw them, literally, inside his new storage. Checking the available space left, he touched the disoriented space. The spell told him that the capacity was at approx one-third of its maximum. Not in a visual sense, but he just knew it upon touching. With that settled, Avan turned towards his remaining two active abilities. Akkalons Touch would be self-explanatory and was best-tested infight against these [Hound] s later.

Akkalons Sphere, however, was sliding through his grasps with how intricate the spell pattern was painted in his subconscious. It was much more and at the same time even less than the other skills he got. Focusing on a sphere fed off his mana, he holds the palm of his right hand upwards and imagined a circular ball manifesting. Something was eliciting and flickering into existence on top of his palm while feeding on an enormous amount of mana from within. His core was soon depleted of all the nearly six hundred usable mana points while more energy rushed through his channels, coming from the thick ambient mana encircling him.

Watching with excitement, a small and steady growing yellow sphere was hovering above his outstretched palm. After over a thousand collected mana through his core and thanks to his continual ambient mana regeneration, the globe hardened visibly and gave off a dimmed glow.

Thanks to the celestial aspect, it looked like a miniature sun with thousands of mini stars within, ready to burst out if he commanded so.

Throwing the sphere from his right hand to his left, he felt the weightless ball more hovering and moving to his will, than actually being restricted by physics. Throwing it upwards and willing it to stay there, it shot upwards and hovered precisely at the position he had envisioned.

Nice toy. But until I have a toddler to entertain, I don't need the juggling aspects. So what else can you do, little floaty? He thought as he craned his neck to look up.


He willed the sphere to move in a circle near the ceiling with the most velocity he could bring forth. It sped up rapidly, and Avan soon heard a swift swoosh while the spere shot through the air. It now resembled more of a cannonball with its devastating power and speed. Changing the fly pattern into an eight only lost a few percent of its motion while still deadly and accurate. Experimenting with his new lethal weapon, he let it shoot through the air with abrupt changing directions to test out its power loss. Happy and with a good feeling, he stepped up the testing and fired the sphere with a lunging strike into the stone ceiling, resounding with a loud boom. It wedged itself nearly a meter deep into the top without much effort. Stone, along with rubble, rained down besides Avan while he excitedly jumped up and down like a child, more than pleased with his deadly bullet. Ignoring the accusatory looks he got from his fluffball companion, he guessed the carnage he could wreck as of now. Fucking amazing! How will it impact these Hounds?! Splatter, bloodbath, and entrails flying everywhere - hey-ho, let's go! He grinned maniacally, walking down the slope to the first dungeon floor.


I guess... As of now, I am... the Healing Dungeon, wreaking havoc through my enemies! Avan snickered, amused while shaking his head.




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