Heavy Metal [ A Monster Evolution LitRPG ]

Chapter 70 – Iron Adventurer Test.

“This isn’t so bad. If we keep going like this, we’ll have enough gold in no time” 

Rusty commented as he played with a large sack of gold coins he had earned in a day. There were already close to five gold coins inside, and he hadn’t even had to work that hard for them. However, as usual, one of his guides was there to set him straight.

“It would be unwise to continue like this, Rusty. People might start getting suspicious if this goes on…”

“They will? But I’m just selling ingots, and people don’t have a problem buying them.”

“There’s a limit to what you can do, and we’re not in a position to stand out.”

“But you’re the one who told me to do it!”

“I know, and now I’m advising you to stop. Seven gold coins are already plenty. We should pause for now and try something else. After some time has passed, we can do it again.”

During his visit to the blacksmith’s stall, he was advised to grab the barrel filled with scrap metal. He sold his weapons and used the gold to buy the scraps, which he then converted into various ingots. Once that was done, he returned to sell them off for a profit. It was an ingenious way to earn money, and it seemed there was no end to it.

The city they were in had an abundance of rusty steel and iron, along with corroded chunks of bronze and brass. He could pick up pieces of old fences and discarded junk from the ground that no one wanted and turn them into fresh ingots through his system. Even if he used up all the living armor monster parts he had stored, he wouldn’t run out of base materials for a while.

The only problem was the suspicious looks of the vendors he visited. After being done with one blacksmith, he started visiting the others, and that's where the trouble began. The more Rusty moved through the market, the more people started to take notice of his repeated visits to various blacksmiths and merchants. The allure of easy gold had blinded him momentarily to the fact that merchants in a bustling city were a close-knit community, and word spread quickly. His rapid and unusual ability to produce high-quality ingots from seemingly worthless scraps raised eyebrows, and questions began to circulate about his true nature.

Rusty sighed, staring at the sack of coins that felt heavier in his hands after Alexander’s warning. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his guides, but at this pace, it would be easy to gather the gold needed for Gleam’s auction. Still, he had noticed the strange looks and whispers, so it was wiser to lay low for a few days. Perhaps this was a good time to visit the adventurers' guild. His possession skill had advanced further, and Aburdon could now use a technique to alter his status, which should grant him access to the higher-tier dungeon.

“Alright, I’ll stop for now, we can try visiting the guild before it closes for the night.”

“That’s a good idea, best we just ask one of the receptionists about the higher rank, I’m not sure how they handle things these days…”

Rusty tucked the heavy sack of coins away, leaving only a small amount in his outer satchel while stashing the bulk in his hidden inventory. If someone attempted to rob him, they would find only a modest sum. He then made his way through the bustling market, where a few gazes still lingered. It was clear that people were growing suspicious, and he considered changing his armor the next time he showed up.

As he walked through the city, he kept an eye on his surroundings. One particular large statue caught his attention, something his guide, Alexander, seemed familiar with. It depicted a gallant-looking man clad in a magnificent suit of armor, wielding a strange sword covered in runes. They passed this large statue a few times already and whenever they did, Aburdon would tease Alexander about it.

“They could at least clean it from time to time, is that moss I see? Such a shame, to desecrate the statue of such a great hero~”


Alexander didn’t reply, but Rusty could tell that he recognized the figure depicted by the statue. Perhaps after they were done saving Gleam, he would ask him about it. For now, though, his focus was on gaining entry to the new dungeon. There, he could further his level and grow stronger. As an E-rank monster, his next evolution would push him to the pinnacle of that rank - maybe even allow him to skip straight to D-rank if he was lucky.

Rusty made his way through the bustling streets, his mind occupied with thoughts of the new dungeon. As he approached the Adventurers' Guild, the grand building loomed ahead. Now that it was still day, many more people were around, adding to the lively atmosphere. The crowds heightened the lively atmosphere, and the inside felt just as intimidating as before. Many of the adventurers had strength far superior to his own, and if anyone realized he was a disguised monster, it would all be over.

As he made his way inside Rusty noticed the variety of adventurers present. Some were heavily armored, bearing the scars of countless battles, while others were dressed in lighter, more agile clothing, carrying staffs or bows. The atmosphere was lively, with groups of adventurers discussing strategies, sharing stories, or negotiating rewards for completed quests.

His goal today was to gather more information about the guild and familiarize himself with how things operated. As he began looking around, the first thing he noticed was a giant board filled with strange papers. Each paper had a stamp in the corner, displaying a letter representing a rank and a corresponding color. From time to time, an adventurer would take one of the papers down and bring it to one of the counters.

“That’s the Adventurer Mission Board.” 

Alexander explained, his voice filled with the knowledge of someone who had been an adventurer in the past. 

“It’s a good way to earn money while leveling up. People often request monster parts or items from the dungeon. There’s no reason not to take one of those missions when heading into the dungeon.”

After familiarizing himself with the board he glanced in the direction where some adventurers were being rowdy. There was a part similar to a pub area, filled with long wooden tables and benches, where adventurers gathered to drink, eat, and share stories. The scent of roasted meat and ale wafted through the air, mixing with the laughter and loud conversations. Rusty could hear snippets of their conversations, mostly boasting about recent conquests or strategizing for upcoming ventures.

“That might look like a regular pub, but that’s where parties are usually formed and people discuss their next mission. If you want to discuss things in private, some rooms can be rented, even ones with magical enchantments that block out any sounds.”

Alexander was like a tour guide, explaining to him anything he glanced at. They were inside the main hall but other rooms and facilities were behind closed doors. One such place was an infirmary, another the place Gleam had been kept for a month in storage. In the back there was a large training area where adventurers practiced their combat skills, honing their abilities before delving into the dangerous dungeons. Sparring with others was a good way of leveling up skills and much safer than fighting monsters in the dungeon. 

Though tempted to explore further, Rusty reminded himself that his primary goal was to inquire about gaining access to the higher-tier dungeon. He approached the reception area, where several receptionists were busy assisting adventurers. Most of the people here were human, but there were also a few other races, like elves and beastmen. Rusty chose a queue leading to a shorter woman wearing large glasses and waited his turn.

While waiting, Rusty grew increasingly fascinated by the various humanoid races present. To a monster like him, they all seemed quite similar but unique in their own peculiar ways. They communicated in different manners, some waving their hands around as if it would enhance their results. For a creature who wasn't even a year old, it was all quite fascinating. The world was vast and filled with strange things, and he was beginning to truly appreciate his newfound freedom.

“How can I help you today?”

When it was finally his turn, Rusty approached the receptionist, a woman with soft features and rather large glasses. Her glasses made her eyes appear larger than they originally were. The combination made her very approachable to most normal adventurers.

"Good afternoon, I’m interested in learning more about the higher-tier dungeons and the requirements needed to access them. I’m currently an E-rank adventurer and was hoping to advance further."

“The Higher-tier dungeons? Could I have your adventurer card?”


Without replying he just handed over Albert’s card that was still only copper ranked and the girl took note.

“Copper rank, you wish to take the Iron rank test then?”


After copper came Iron and then silver, he wasn’t sure what to expect but with his guides here, he was sure that he would be able to get through any possible test. The young woman examined the card before giving it back and then eventually gave him the information he desired. 

“To access the E-rank dungeon you will have to be at least an Iron rank adventurer if you wish to go alone. However, if you gather a party of at least four people with at least one Iron adventurer, you will be permitted to enter the upper levels.” 

This was new information to Rusty. It seemed that some of the rules could be bent if he formed a party of four people. This was not something that he could use as adventuring with others around him would just be too dangerous. What he was more interested in was this Iron-rank test that the receptionist was talking about and soon he recieved his answer.

“As for the test, first please place your hand on the measuring orb so I can confirm your current level.”

“...This is it, Aburdon, cast the spell.”

“Do I have to?”

“Yes, you do!”

“But it gives me a headache to use up all of my mana.”

Aburdon replied to Alexander as he wasn’t too willing to continue with their plan. What he needed to do was cast the spell that would alter the status around Albert’s remains, something that would cause him to vanish due to the lack of mana. 


Rusty needed to get involved and finally, the demon king relented. 

“Fine! Have it your way… Ugh…”

The spell effect was activated and focused on the body within his iron case. Aburdon faded away after spending all of his mana but no one could see or tell that anything was happening from outside. This spell was only temporary but it just needed to work for a few seconds to fool the magical orb he was placing his hand on.

“Fighter, level twenty-one, this is indeed enough to take the test… But are you sure you wish to continue, how about you take some time to prepare?”

“Do I need to?”

“Technically not but it would be much easier if you have your second class unlocked before taking the test.”

Rusty shook his head in refusal. He was already familiar with how human classes worked, thanks to Alexander and Aburdon. In the city, there were temples where individuals went to gain a new class. At level twenty-five, the process could begin, allowing them to choose from several classes, much like how Rusty had been given multiple bodies to inhabit during his recent transformation.

“It’s fine, I’m confident!”

“Is that so… Well, then I’ll schedule Mr. Albert in for the next Iron-rank test, and by the looks of it, you are in luck, one will be held tomorrow at ten in the morning. Do you have any further questions?”

“... Could you tell me about the test in more detail…”


The lady behind the counter was surprised about the question. Most people were already aware of how adventurer tests operated and it was something a person would know before attempting to take it. Alexander gave him a few vague answers that didn’t tell him much. He was a hero who skipped a few ranks and wasn’t sure what they should expect.

“Hey… is this going to take much longer?”

Behind him a line was beginning to form as he was taking his sweet time discussing things with the receptionist. To avoid being exposed any further, Rusty decided to speed things up. He quickly decided to focus on the essentials and leave the rest for later.

"Never mind, I think I'll figure it out as I go… Thank you for your help, I’ll be back tomorrow for the test…"

"Alright then, good luck on your test tomorrow. Be sure to arrive at the training grounds on time. If you need anything else, feel free to ask."

“Training grounds…”

He muttered to himself as he headed toward the guild's exit. There were a few lingering gazes, but as usual, no one confronted him directly. Ignoring them, he focused on getting back to the inn where he had set up his temporary hideout. This time, there were no thugs trying to extort him, but he found himself with nothing to do. Before he could make any future moves, he needed to raise his adventurer rank, and leaving the city at night was ill-advised.

The night was uneventful and he just continued to discuss things with his two bickering guides. They were constantly at each other's throats but it made time fly by faster and soon enough, the sun was rising again. He headed out early in the morning, with all the tips and tricks he received from both his helpers he was determined to ace this trial. Once that was done, he could begin doing missions and farming monster remains for more money.

Rusty arrived early, giving himself time to observe the training grounds before the test began. The area was surprisingly bustling with activity even as early as six in the morning. People of shorter stature, clearly not full adults were swinging around wooden weapons and hitting training dummies under the supervision of more experienced adventurers. It seemed that the guild was not only a place for seasoned warriors but also for those just starting their journey.

As Rusty watched, he noted the variety of training exercises being conducted. Some groups practiced combat formations, while others focused on individual techniques like swordplay, archery, and magic casting. Even a few adventurers were sparring with each other in a roped-off area, drawing a small crowd of spectators.

The atmosphere was intense, filled with the sound of clashing weapons, grunts of effort, and the occasional shout of encouragement or instruction. Rusty found himself even more intrigued and even wondered how fun it would be to face some of these strong opponents in a fair fight. However, there was only one reason he was here and that was to save Gleam. Eventually, time started passing and the Iron-rank adventurer test was about to begin…

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