Heir of Titan Blood – Saharan Successor [LitRPG, Isekai, VRMMO]

Chapter 3: Prove your Worth

Chapter 3: Prove your Worth

Since the early havoc caused by the Launch of the Satisfy World Online, the pacing and rhythm of the players settled down, but the excitement and burning drive was still alive for everyone playing the game. 

It has been 7 months since the launch of the game, and in that period of time stars were born among the Players but at the same time they also flickered and collapsed, dying into obscurity as they were outleveled or outgeared by the chasing players.

Some were mainly focused on leveling by Raiding Dungeons or killing monsters in specific Hunting Grounds while others had different plans for leveling such as following a Storyline and a Questline that would lead them to the truth of this World.

For Odin, meeting that retired Soldier who transitioned into becoming a Cabbage Farmer, was a right step in the direction he envisioned, but not everything was smooth sailing for him because the old man was quite cheap in his rewarding's.

His starting days inside Satisfy were filled with menial tasks. Clearing Mavrik's Cabbage Fields, followed by helping him prepare what he learned later on was the Korean Kimchi, all in all, his start was lagging compared to others.

But his patience and diligence after an IRL month of catering to the insufferable old man, he finally opened up to him, and told Odin his backstory. What Odin expected for the old man to be a simple retired Soldier, a Vanguard of the Imperial Army, was proven to be a fool.

And with the reveal of old Mavrik's identity he also understood why the elder continued on testing him with nonsensical quests that only took him to level 25, it was because he didn't want to destroy his blissful retirement.

["Kid, you're really a good guy for sticking around with an old fart like me who only knows how to work you to death. I can feel that time has found me, and I don't have much on my hands, and this is why… I want to share something with you."]

"You finally grew consciousness, senile geezer?"

["If you speak like that to your Elders, I'll not share jack shit with you. I'll just pass on with a smile and a middle-finger knowing that I screwed a decent guy. --Cough-- Argh, let's not bicker for tonight."]

["When you asked me if I was an Retired Soldier, I did respond positive, and told you I didn't want to bother in training you to become someone like me. But, I lied to you, kid. In the past I was quite the bigshot in the Empire."]

"I don't believe you, at all."

["Haha, sure. Listen Odin, my name is Grigorios Mavrik, former Captain of the Imperial Bodyguards, and I was in charge of keeping the two past generations of Emperors safe. It was my sole duty to protect and attend to the Imperial Family."]

"Ohhhh. You were a big shot indeed."

In that night talk with old Mavrik, he learned a lot about the Saharan Empire that the Beta Testers nor the players of that time knew, about how the Military was structured, about the Nobility of the Empire, and all sort of mischievous lore of the Saharan Empire the old man found interesting to share. 

From that point on, the measly (F-D) tier Quests that were mainly menial tasks for Odin transformed overnight into high tier Quests ranging from (B-S) tiers, that were catered to what needs the player had. 

It was worthed for Odin to build his favorability with the old man until it reached [65/100], because he could see his goals finally in sight. 

Mavrik gave Odin true hell as he was taking him in slaughtering various Monsters from the lower reaches of Gravelmark Mountains, polishing his Sword Skills from the Warrior Class he gained thanks to Mavrik guidance.

He climbed the ladder of Rankers with the right Supporting NPC that guided him in the right direction for the path he wanted, and since then, he embarked on an arduous journey of becoming a Red Knight.

Being among the first players to become a Black Knight with the count still still to surpass (10), there were many prejudices from the NPCs who were in the same Knightly Order as him, and the Leadership didn't know how to crush the alien who 'came to steal their jobs'. 

They gave him horrendous Quests that saw him slaughter Orc, Trolls, Goblin, Lizardman Tribes, Kobolds, all sort of inferior species that were seen as a 'Infesting Species' by the arrogant Human Nobility who ruled over the politics of the Empire, stirring its directions into Racial Dominance and Racial Cleanliness.

Him, as a Soldier didn't have a voice to shout out about how ruthless and unjust some of their demands were, especially when it came to the monster races that couldn't even make a dent in the Impregnable Armor of the Imperial Legions.

That's when he found out a sad reality, that Soldiers regardless of them being Knights were viewed by the Nobles as disposable pawns, but they failed at each occasion to kill him because of his Immortality as a 'Chosen One'.

Such that in their quest of making Odin's life miserable, the Leadership of the Black Knights finally discovered his kryptonite. In fact, the majority of the High Aristocracy of the Nihilaine Continent discovered that the unruly 'Chosen Ones' who were akin to a scourge for the first years of this chaotic transition could be tamed and chained down.

How? Continue feeding them with tasks or how they would call it 'Quests' and they will not complain even if you tell them to kill each other for your amusement.

In a similar case was Odin who after transitioning with his new class as a 'Black Knight' and being constrained by this Knightly Order was subjected to this treatment. 

Constant bombardment of strenuous and tyrannical tasks that no person in their right mind would complete, from outright discriminative perjury of the 'Lesser Species' living inside the territory of the Empire, to participating in Subjugations of Tributary States that didn't complain with the Imperial Decree of the Sun Monarch, Juander von Saharan.

If he would so slightly tind on refusing those 'Class' Quests to maintain his moral compass and not drift into a darker spectrum, he would instantly be punished by the System with various penalties, such as losing favorability with the Leaders of the Knightly Order, all High Aristocrats of the Empire.

And if he would be stubborn to not entertain those 'quests' he was risking the future of his journey as a Knight. Never to reach the pinnacle known as a Red Knight.

Such that Odin found himself traveling into the maw of the monsters for a reconnaissance task by himself, a top-secret quest that no Squad Leader of the Knightly Order should be made aware of. It was an SS-tier Scouting quest that took him on the fringes of the dangerous Gravelmark Peaks, a breeding ground for calamities and monstrosities that had their levels start from (+250)

This Quest was the one that twisted Odin's conviction and drive of becoming a Red Knight, no longer feeling like entertaining the orders of those corrupt, decadent worms that never lifted a sword in their lives.

"Huh -- Huh -- Huh"

I swear, after I deliver the reports to Count Loran, and he starts to complain, I'll form a 20-man Raid and just kill him even if I risk losing my status as a Black Knight. Since that human-faced maggot is a Purple-named NPC, once he dies he will for sure rot in Yatan's Hell.

[ Class Quest: Half-Draconian Movements(SS) in progress. ]

[Quest Objectives: 1. Find out the schemes of the Half-Draconians 2. Once you made a professional guess of what's going on, return to Titan and deliver your report to the Captain of the Black Knights.]

I was only scouting their encampment, but they are like mad dogs once they feel my presence, not abandoning their pursuit whatsoever. Dying is not in my plans since I'll drop to level 196, that's 3 days of grinding my brains out slaughtering Trolls.

Breathing heavily, as he was running, Odin felt an incoming attack that targeted his fleeing backside.
"Dragon's Fang!"

The fangs spiraled with deadly accuracy, leaving trails of energy that shimmered in the atmosphere. Each fang appeared alive, snapping as if they were tangible entities hungry for destruction.

Yeah, I'm screwed. I can't fight this group of mini-Bosses solo while being outleveled.

The rabid monsters chasing him gave him no moment to think about his plans, always on his tracks, like huntings hounds.

Tightening his grip over his sword hilt, Odin enveloped himself into his Sword Energy and used a Defensive Sword Skill meant to block the Draconians attack, while also firing back with his offensive skills.

"Aegis Thrust"

His longsword gleamed with a dark radiance, and he lunged forward with precision, attempting to intercept the oncoming Dragon's Fang head-on. 

The clash between the draconic onslaught and Odin's defensive maneuver created a tumultuous collision of energies, as the icy ground trembled under the weight of their struggle.

[You have received 7,536 damage.]

Suffering the rebound of his failed attempt at parrying, he was akin to a ragdoll as he was plummeting on the icy ground of the imposing mountain that was home to the Half-Draconians.

"Human, you shouldn't have approached and angered us! Just die quietly and stop acting like a rat." called one of the half-draconians chasing after Odin who was wearing a Black Knight Armor along with the rest of his pieces that were in unison.

While the Black Knights were proud of their unique Plate Mails for being made out of Mithril by the Dwarves of Talima, they weren't usually inked black, but had a gray touch. Nonetheless, for a 'Chosen One' like Odin who took some pride in being the first player to reach this status, he used various cosmetic features of the System to dye his armor pieces in onyx dark. 

Looking left and right, matched with the ferocious reptile eyes of the Half-Draconians who were breathing fire as exhaling out.

"No point in wasting your breath on this weak human. Jad. Just burn him alive! Dragon's Breath!" called another half-draconian warrior, who wasn't incline in giving the human time to scheme his escape.
Odin grinded his teeth as he was suffering miserably against the level 265 Elite NPCs while in his late 190s level.

The fiery breath materialized with an awe-inspiring intensity, a torrent of searing heat that twisted and curled like ethereal serpents. It surged forth with unrestrained fury, a manifestation of the Half-Draconian dominance over the elemental forces.

It's annoying to think I would die so easily and lose one level because of a scouting quest. Well, it's my fault for believing my stealth skill, which was an early skill book I acquired in a dungeon, could pull its magic and carry me here.

This is my fault, so let's at least die with the dignity of a Black Knight intact.

As Odin, still recovering from the failed parry, found himself engulfed in the impending inferno, the flames danced and roared with a malevolent hunger. The black armor he wore absorbed the scorching onslaught, its once-imposing luster dimming under the relentless assault.

[You have received 12,498 damage.]

[Alert! User's HP has dropped considerably.]

This is bad. If I die, I'm sure Count Loran will find reasons to demerit me and I'll start again from scratch, never to achieve my goal of becoming a Red Knight.

The impact of Dragon's Breath was profound, leaving Odin battered and singed. The Half-Draconians, satisfied with their display of power, advanced with a predatory gleam in their eyes.

As Odin, with the Half-Draconians hot on pursue, dashed towards the looming cave openings, the treacherous terrain of the Gravelmark Mountains became both ally and obstacle. Jagged rocks and uneven ground added an element of unpredictability to his escape.

I need a way out of this mess. Should I grab those motherfuckers to the Gryphon King Lair and use him to kill them? I doubt I can outrun them for too long now that my agility buffs are over, I only have 'Blade Dash' on call, but the effects are lackluster.

Is this it? My end?

No, let's not give up yet, and continue my escape. I heard from the Explorer Guilds that around this zone there's a Cave. It might hold some Hidden Boss or something that can ward off those crazy lizards.

(Blade Dash)
[User has consumed 500 MP]
[User's Movement Speed has been increased by 30% for 5 minutes. Cooldown: 30 minutes]

Odin's black armor shimmered under the moonlight as he activated his sole movement speed buff, a surge of energy propelling him slightly ahead. The squad of 6 Warriors, their draconic eyes gleaming with malicious intent, relentlessly pursued, closing the gap with every heartbeat.

The cave entrance loomed ahead, its yawning darkness offering both refuge and uncertainty. Odin, calculating his every step, skilfully navigated the rugged landscape, attempting to exploit every advantage the mountains could provide.

This cave seems narrow enough to allow me room for tricks. But… I'm still lacking in firepower.

As Odin approached the cave's entrance, his mind raced with thoughts of strategy. Should he use the narrow confines to bottleneck the pursuing warriors, or delve deeper into the cavern's unknown depths to confound their pursuit?

Odin presses forward through the icy cavern, the air thick with a palpable tension as the sound of his echoing footsteps harmonizes with the distant howls of the Gravelmark Mountains. 

The path leads him to a chamber, a creation of meticulous human craftsmanship amidst the raw, unforgiving ice.

This place is abandoned… No monster insight since entering. And to think I believed there would be some Field-Boss monster lurking inside.

I scammed myself. Fuck. Lady Rebecca, please, have mercy on my drops.

The chamber unveils itself like a hidden treasure, adorned with a Coat of Arms that captivates Odin's gaze. The circular motif within, a resplendent red flower, seems to pulse with an ancient energy. It stands as a testament to a time long before the Empire, an era shrouded in mystery for the clueless player.

The walls, painstakingly carved by human hands, depict scenes of valor and heroism—a tapestry frozen in time. As Odin approaches the Coat of Arms, he can almost feel the weight of history, an echo of the heroes who once walked this very path.

In the heart of the chamber, Odin surveys his surroundings, noting the intricate carvings that embellish the icy walls. 

The scenes depicted seem to come alive in the dancing glow of the chamber's ambient light, weaving tales of battles, triumphs, and the very essence of the human spirit.

So, it's a location of some Civilization Ruin? I've seen some remnants of ruins in my scouting's, but my initial thought was that it was the Half-Draconian former settlements.

But now, there comes the 'What Ifs'. This location is far too strange to attribute it to those barbaric beasts.

As his eyes sweep across the chamber, a realization takes hold, it might be more than he was expecting. The circular motifs, the meticulously carved symbols around the periphery, all converge to form a pattern that resonates with the familiarity of a Summoning Circle.

A Summoning Circle? How did they work? Urghh… why does my mind go to shit when I'm in trouble?

Right, just throw the Mana Stones at it. Maybe it activates. I'm not a mage, so I can only attempt and guess. It's too late to call Eve, she probably is sleeping by now.

Uncertain but resolute, Odin reaches into the depths of his Inventory, retrieving Mana Stones that glimmer like distant stars. Each stone, a repository of magical energy, pulses softly in his grasp. 
[You have discarded the item 'Mana Stone']

With a measured breath, the Black Knight begins to cast the stones into the air, their ethereal light painting arcs of illumination against the icy canvas of the chamber.

Work baby. I had such abysmal RNG since departing from the old man's side. Take pity on this poor unlucky bastard.

The Mana Stones, though precious and pulsating with magical potential, seem to have no effect on the dormant Summoning Circle. Odin, realizing the limitation of his approach, furrows his brow in contemplation. The chamber, once aglow with the ethereal dance of magical light, returns to its icy stillness.

Fuck! Think, man. What else can I do in this shitty situation?

The Half-Draconians, their laughter echoing once again in the chamber, regain their confidence. 

Odin, however, refuses to be swayed by the setback. The Coat of Arms, with its red flower motif, seems to beckon him with a silent call, a clue to unravel the enigma that surrounds the Summoning Circle.

"Whatever you're trying to do. It will be useless. This Cave, you might not know, but it is Called 'Cave of the End' for a good reason. Many fools like you have found their end here."

"There's no monster who dares approach this location for whatever reason. And to think you foolish human would barge inside not knowing there will be a dead end." remarked the Half-Draconian Jad with a mocking tone, as he watched the Black Knight with malice.

Odin's paled, and not a single thought of his was helpful in that moment. He considered himself intelligent with a capacity at problem solving that was above average, but now? He felt like a simpleton, a blank sheet of paper not worth a dime. He didn't know how to proceed past this checkpoint, and it was akin to being stuck on repeat, always replaying the sequence of his escape.

If I die, I die, but at least let me see if I can take one down with me. I get exp from the kills caused by environmental damage triggered by me.
Is already confirmed in the STs Forums, so many of those rascals tried to trap around High-Level NPC bosses.

With his green eyes following the figures of the lizard-like humanoids, all of their names carried in red-hue above their heads signaling that they were hostile to him and above his level range. 

Understanding that certain NPCs of this game had emotional and long-term memory schematics, and with those named Half-Draconians that caught him, he couldn't help but prepare his parting words, making sure to let Karma wrap her claws into them.

"Draconian Warriors, have your laugh. Continue, smirking, grinning with those lizard slits of yours. Savor this victory of yours. There will not be many for your kind in the future."

"Since I have learned your location, it will become a matter of when, you lizard people will die by the Sword of the Empire."

The Half-Draconian in charge of the chase, stood with his proud back straight like a dragon ready to have a hearty meal. He chuckled hearing this weak Black Knight of the Empire, and didn't think much about his words. 

If he was dead now, who would report the current location of the Onyx Fang Tribe residing in the peak valleys of the Gravelmark Mountains. 

The Humans of the Empire were always humorous in the eyes of the proud sons of Nidhogg.

"Hahaha, human. You're delusional. Weak and delusional. Not even your Red Knights are capable of doing a thing to us, and you think a lowly ant like you can threaten us?" asked the Half-Draconian Jad with anger and disgust, as he was preparing his 'Dragon's Breath'.

"I'll rub salt over your settlement as a reminder of your foolishness. Casing me like some rabid dogs without even me antagonizing you."

"Your victory will be short-lived. Glory to the Empire!" Odin declares, his voice steady. His gaze lingers on the Coat of Arms, a symbol that transcends the corruption within the Empire. 

It becomes a small beacon of pride for the Black Knight player who had immersed deep in this fantasy world. It was a reminder of the noble role he played amidst the parasitic darkness which he had to cleanse at all cost.

Looking around the Coat of Arms, it reminded him of the Imperial Coat of Arms but clearly older, far Ancient than the current Coat of Arms.

He felt proud of the achievements he has gained over the months of his gametime in Satisfy, leaving many hardcore players in the shadows when it came to climbing the hierarchical pyramid of this Fantasy Realm.

As a Black Knight player, which were a handful in millions upon millions of active users, he was bearing himself with a distinctive pride as a 'Chosen One'.

"May the Great Red Emperor, Bless me in Battle!"

Odin proclaimed while raising his sword high to the ceiling, flashing up his skills ready to break his neck and chip a nail just to grab a handful of dragon scales back home. 

"Pray to your Emperor all you want. He was a lowly being that could only lower his head against the Might of our Father, Nidhogg." 

All six of the Half-Draconians mocked the human's foolish act, but simultaneously when they invoked the name of their deity, and also formed the mark of a dragon with their hands.

The Half-Draconians invoked the name of the Evil Dragon God, Nidhogg, feeling proud about their ancestry which had its roots from a Deity, and at the same time they mocked Odin whose lineage couldn't amount to much.

In this ruin that was lost to history, not even the Watchful Eye of the Gods in the Pantheon would battle an eyelid to rescue this human. 

Nonetheless, out of the expectations of the Half-Draconians, and especially the player's shock, an male voice that sounded rather old and crumbly made his presence felt as the inquiry about the name invoked by the Draconians triggered a mechanism?


[Who dares to bring up that defiler's name in my Holy Land?]

Odin as a player could only help but perceive these new events as some sort of a hidden quest line that he with a string of luck managed to trigger, but had yet to receive this confirmation from the System.

[Dragon Scum, you're not worthy enough to stand before this 'One' Greatness.]

Hearing this male voice, even though it was arrogant, the Half-Draconians unleashed their Dragon Breathe all around the Icy Tapestry, only for nothing to happen.

Odin distanced himself from the blunt of those Dragon Breathes, dodging the 'Burn' effect, and continued to watch with reinvigorated eyes at the new turn of events. 

This game was done by an East Asian company, even if is Western-style Fantasy, there might be some tropes that can't evade even professionals.

I doubt this change should be caused by those stupid lizards who attracted the attention of some Ancient Being with a grudge to this Nidhogg?


The Dormant Summoning Circle, responding to the sacred call, illuminates with a crimson light, enveloping the space and compelling even the haughty Half-Draconians to kneel.

"I'm unwilling to kneel to a human!" shouted Jad as he enveloped his body into a Fiery Aura, but it was still irrelevant against the mysterious entity that appeared in the Icy Chamber.

[Unwilling? You mere geckos, offspring of Golden-Rank Dragons, you dare to defy the sanctity of this sacred ground? Your pride is but a fleeting ember before the eternal flame of true greatness. Even your Dragon Father would bow in reverence before the indomitable presence that graces this chamber.]

This domineering energy wasn't gentle with Odin whatsoever as he was blasted on his knees, almost in a kowtowing position that reminded the outlookers of the sights when servants would kneel before a Celestial Emperor. 

That's not so nice… forcing people to prostrate themselves. The NPC Gods in this game sure have divergent personalities. Rebecca is such a sweetheart compared to this obscure asshole.

For the Half-Draconians, the disdain of the entity over the Dragons was the highest form of insult.

The very beings they venerate like a God, bowing before the greatness of the 'Great Emperor,' sent shockwaves through the Half-Draconians. 

[Your flames may flicker, but they are but shadows of the infernos that birthed your existence. In the eyes of this 'One' Greatness, you are but embers seeking to defy Fate.]

Odin who was lowered down, had the recording going for this whole event, as an hardcore player and lunatic with regards to this Fantasy World Lore and Backstory, started brainstorming all sort of ideas with regards to the identity of this mysterious being.

This is an Archaic style of the Common-tongue. Also that form of calling yourself 'Majesty' is something the old Kings of the Twilight Era had for themselves.

Based on all the Eastern-Eggs around this Ruin, the shape of it being a Chapel… Some symbols with clear background into the Saharan Empire, and with a being with grudges to the Dragon Deity?

I'm willing to bet money on this guess. It's probably the Mythical Emperor who founded the Saharan Empire.

While Odin was engrossed in his own thoughts, the ancient being who got woken by the presence of so many living beings continued to suppress everyone under his invisible heel.

Come on, where's my Hidden Quest Pop-up?

Unbeknown to the 'Chosen One' his brave visage was overlooked by this ancient being whose attention was now on his distinct black armor. 

Deep in the Abyss of the World in an isolated space bound by Divine Laws that the simple eye could barely perceive, a crimson-haired human male with an unkempt appearance was bound down in dark and light divine chains to a massive pillar that stretched to the Heavens.

Beneath the eyes of this man, a small window of opportunity arises when one of his 'Safe Locks' was finally opened by a living being that ushered his name.

"So this is the fabled 'Chosen One' ushered in the Oracles of the Priestess of Delphi. The ones destined to topple the rule of the Pantheon…"

"It isn't without reason that I partially woke-up from this slumber of mine. Let me cast my bet on this promising 'Chosen One' and see where fate might take me."

"I need a beacon to land me a hand in escaping this chasm of the World."

Just as the crimson haired man trapped in this eternal darkness has done with contemplating his future set of actions, under the eyes of the player who faced this hidden event the moment he was waiting for suddenly arrived.


[ Hidden Quest Triggered: Prove your Will(SSS)]
[Quest Description: With the awakening of an Ancient Being trapped in the Chasm of the Abyss, with his remainder of power, he wants to invest in you, but not before grasping your character's worth…]
[Quest Objectives: 1. Prove your character.]
[Quest Rewards: 25,000 Reputation Points, Class Inheritance 'Saharan Successor'.]
[Failure Penalty: Future Questlines opportunities regarding the Red Emperor will be destroyed]

Well, shit. This is an Unique-Legendary Questline. I wasn't expecting this high of a rating, at least an A or S-tier. The condition is also simple but at the same time ambiguous as fuck. For starters, let's give it a try.

Thinking about the worst that can happen in life is just so sad. Just enjoy yourself facing those lizard-brains.

Accept, of course. No need to double-check.

[You have accepted the Quest ]

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