Heir of Titan Blood – Saharan Successor [LitRPG, Isekai, VRMMO]

Chapter 6: Code-Red

Chapter 6: Code-Red

While the Satisfy World was shaken up by the revelations of the first Legendary Class, the shockwave began to reverb even outside, specifically inside the Headquarters of the S.A Group in Seoul, South Korea. 

For the overly worked CEO and Head Developer of the Satisfy World, Lim Cheolho, the news didn't manage to wake him up from his short sleep as he faced the reality that he was too solicited by this whole affair with regards to Satisfy.
A genius scientist who revolutionized Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology, someone who worked with passion for those two Soul Projects never in a million years would think that his World would be so successful and infect the Global Market.

In half a year, his company became a Giant like the old South Korean Conglomerates with centuries of experience and prestige under their belt. He was one of the richest self-made billionaires in the Forbes List but this didn't feel at all from the inside. 

His life since with the success of the Satisfy World was a chaotic mess. He barely had time to spend time with his wife or children, but here he was, napping in his office with a sleeping mask on his face, deep in LaLa Land.

--BEEP-- --BEEP-- 

"Urgh, a minute, honey. Give me a minute." 

The voice of the middle-aged man sounded dead-tired, of someone who really needed a good sleep, but even after that minute passed, a woman entered his office holding a tablet and having a serious expression on her petite face.

"Cheolho-nim, we have a Code-Red alert from the Operation Team."

"A minute…"

"One of the players triggered the first Legendary Class change."

His voice was rather sharp as he spoke when the realization hit him "What is going on? Wait, what? A Legendary Class? This soon? It's been only 6 months since the Launch of the Game."

"Give me an explanation Nahee."

Yoon Nahee, the head of the operations team, bowed to Lim Cheolho when she saw him remove his sleeping mask and slap his cheeks a bit to waken-up.

"It happened five minutes ago…" In a professional manner she started giving a run down of the events that were surrounding the Black Knight.

"How interesting!"

The excited Lim Cheolho sat down. He turned his gaze to the holographic projection coming from Nahee's tablet presenting Odin's Avatar in his Armor of Despair and Mithril Sword in all his glory, while on another projector the high-lights from the Half-Draconian chase and Haycien's Awakening from Abyss were playing on the background.

The protagonist that sent the Code-Red alert was obviously Odin. 

A tall western man with white-skin and onyx hair found a cave at the secluded settlement of the Half-Draconians but only a preview from Lim Cheolho's understanding of the setting regarding this monster race.

For the head developer the sight of players finding out those hidden pieces he and his friends added in the game was satisfying to say the least.

There he was nodding his head while watching Odin fight like a possessed man against the 7 Half-Draconian solo. Reaching deep into his pockets and consuming many Advanced Elixirs, along with the limited 'Titan's Blood' that was a Reputation Resource that cost a fortune.

The staff who entered later after Cheolho was analyzing the plays Odin was making against the Half-Draconians, handed two documents.

Pausing the video which was already on a 2nd repeat, he scrutinized the documents while rubbing his chin. Yoon Nahee started adding context to Odin's journey and story based on the data collected by the S.A Operations Analysts. 

"I don't know if it's an accident or intentional, but user Odin is an observation target of Morpheus as someone who breaks free from its predictions. From the first weeks of the game, he managed to grasp the true way of enjoying Satisfy by balancing an RP-playstyle to an Hardcore mentality."

"Unlike some of the players under the observation of Morpheus, I can't dismiss his achievements inside the Game. I would like to add that sometimes his personality is terrible… he's someone that can collaborate with the Operations Officers, sure, but he can be quite stubborn."

Cheolho listened to his assistant report regarding Odin's character, but he was well aware what type of person this man looked back at him from the Holographic Projection with his calm green eyes.

"There's no need to remind me of that incident where he threatened that he would jump into the next flight from Dubai straight into Seoul because his friend lost his Unique-rated Sword after getting PKed by the Black Rose Guild inside Titan to say the least."

"... I was the one having to deal with him at 3 AM. I'm not paid enough for all the work I'm doing."

"True. I feel the same."

"He is quite the nutjob, and handful, but after I explained the situation, he apologized for his reaction, but he felt that NPCs having the possibility of stealing from Players was a bug. Only after I reminded him of the policy of S.A Group of not intervening in the affairs of Satisfy, he dropped this case."

"Hmm, reading the reports and Morpheus Analysis, I have mixed feelings." said Chelho as he was about to finish reading the documents handed by one of the secretaries.

"Should we pull the plug and do a 24-hour reset of the servers? We're still in the early phase of the game so not much damage would be done to the collective player base." inquired Yoon Nahee, having an expectant expression on her petite face.

Hearing that, Lim Cheolho shifted his gaze at her face, confusion spelled on his forehead. "If we do that, are you ready to entertain him at our doorsteps in the lobby of the building?"


"Anyway, according to Morpheus' analysis, the Icy Chappel wouldn't get activated until the Event of the Cataclysm. The Ruins of the Chapel would be activated under the condition that someone managed to slay one of the Draconian Princes, use their quest trophy in the planned Raids and discover the Chapel and activate the Summoning Circle using this trophy."

"The estimation for this event to happen is in two years. In other words, it meant that the appearance of the legendary class 'Saharan Successor' was forced by Odin. He fulfilled some criterias, sure, he didn't kill a Draconian Prince, it was just a requisition of gaining access to the Red Emperor Storyline. 

Each Deity and Golden-named NPC have their own unique personalities and emotional schematics, as we gave them the latest iterations of the AI. From the playthrough, Haycien got awakened by the presence of Odin and the Half-Draconians, mainly because of Odin's actions of inserting Mana Stones into the Summoning Circle which was a substitute to the draconian head trophy which would have been rich in mana.

The projection moved into the current time where Odin and the members of Leviathan gathered inside his mansion, having their discussion which was muted now keeping it to the privacy policies as nothing that threatened the balance of the World was alerted by Morpheus.

It was only the perception of the S.A Officers to believe that with the apparition of a Legendary Class the balance would swing in the favour of Odin and his acolytes.

Still for the sake of making sure everything will be alright, Yoon Nahee did her job and inquired about that simple question. "Isn't the balance of the game overturned by the existence of such Class this early in the stage of the game?"

"No. Saharan Successor is a Hybrid Class which requires synergizing a lot of aspects of Satisfy World. He can't macro-manage this Class like he did with his Imperial Knight path by focusing on carrying quests and earning himself merits. Also, because this Class was meant to appear when the destruction of the Saharan Empire happened along with the Imperial Family that was consumed by the Archdemons summoned by Empress Marie, having an easy path at regathering the remnants of Royalists and staging a resurgence of the Empire. Now?"

"Now, he has to deal with the High Aristocracy of the Empire that isn't keen over the presence of the Players. Emperor Juander also became aware of the existence of the inheritor, and will do everything in his power to see this threat dealt with."

"I see. Then we got nothing to worry about regarding the balance of the game."

"I wouldn't bet money on that. Search how many players Leviathan Guild has present in the game."

She checked quickly on her tablet, available information as COO of S.A Group, and after a short wait, the stats appeared. "8590 players, and the trend is upwards."

"If I was Odin and faced hardships in establishing myself in the Saharan Empire, I would have chosen the method of migrating to other Kingdoms and settle there, cultivating my powerbase there and when the Cataclysm Episode would strike the Western Continent to finally strike down, going on a Conquering Spree and uniting the Continent once and for all."

"Cheolho-nim, is easy to say this from your comfortable chair while you know the future Events or when you're at 'Mirror Eye Lake' fishing in your free-time. Ahem, I suggest you also take your wife there if you don't want to face the possibility of losing your marriage."

"Urgh, I'll keep it in mind. Thanks, Nahee."

"Anything else?"

"Yes! There's this skill that is similar to Mercedes's Keen Insight, and also Imperial Ascendancy that grants the user free SPs into one of the primary stats. This is too fraudulent for the early stages of the game as we're now."


"This is the legacy of someone carrying a Titan's Blood. Some … fraudulent skills are allowed as long as we balance it with other downright ugly skills. It's all about a matching score for each developer. If it surpasses 100 points, then it needs a rework."

"Would it be unfair for the players?"

"Don't worry. It's a long cooldown. He can't abuse it. Ascendancy has a RNG mechanic that is heavily influenced by Luck Stat. As long as he doesn't gain that stat, he'll not benefit much apart from the 1-h buff."

"That's a blank excuse Cheolho-nim. I wonder who among the Developers crafted this Class. There's too much favorability toward the User from how the skills work."

Lim Cheolho could only brush it off and laugh nervously at the situation he got dragged by the first appearance of a Legendary Class, but they weren't the only group that got troubled by the Saharan Successor apparition.

"Is it really okay? The users will for sure complain, suggesting that we're in fact controlling the outcomes and pulling strings for influential players." inquired Yoon Nahee, worrying about the response of the player community enjoying the game.

"What can we do, even if it isn't okay? We have a policy of not directly interfering in the game, so think positively. While it's indeed scary that a High-Ranker, and especially a Guild Leader with large capacity and smarts like Odin has obtained the Class… 

Hahh, I'm not religious, but Nahee, let's pray that Count Loran is successful in his schemes of screwing Odin around. No, he has too."
"CHEOLHO-NIM!!! That's not something we should pray for."

"My hands are tied, Nahee. I wish this would be Pagma's Successor appearing at this time, since it is relatively weak in combat compared to the other legendary classes… It's only forte being Blacksmithing and Crafting, it's a type of class that doesn't take much of spotlight compared to other Legendary Classes."
"... How strong is this Class if he finishes the entire Class Questline? Once he gets all of the Legacy Shards?"

"Nahee? Don't you know the saying? Don't wish upon misfortune?"

"Never heard of it. So? How bad is it."


Yoon Nahee didn't care that it would taint her beautiful face, opened her little mouth wide open, catching for fishes, trying to cope with the fact that a player got his hands on something with such high potential. And, reminding herself of Lim Cheolho words, she couldn't help but imagine a Nightmare inside the Satisfy World.

Odin wrapping the whole Western Continent akin to Jörmungandr and destroying the gameplay experience of millions of players by asserting his dominance over the playerbase.

Lim Cheolho, who was watching the western man on the monitor, specifically at his green eyes that transformed crimson from what he could guess the Red Energy flowing in his body.

Just at the thought of what this Class could achieve in the hands of someone capable made the designer of this class suddenly flinch, and fell silent. He shook his head at Yoon Nahee's puzzled expression.

"No, it isn't a big deal. I will be going now. You have suffered a lot from the late nights of work. I will give you a bonus soon, so please suffer a bit more for me."

The atmosphere of the employees became excited at the word 'bonus'. Lim Cheolho smiled and left the office.

'Why all of a sudden?'

Only Yoon Nahee was silent among the raucous staff. She felt nervous as she thought about Lim Cheolho's surprised look. On the other hand, Lim Cheolho's expression subtly changed in the elevator as he muttered Odin's name.

'If the Emperor deemed you worthy. I'm sure you'll not rush into claiming what you're not yet ready to wield.'
'I'll watch your journey and be curious on how you'll transform the Empire. Will it be for the better or worse? I can't wait to see you in the future, Odin.'

News began to make waves in the Global World, with all sorts of pondents and media centered on Satisfy News bringing into the attention of those who missed the World Message regarding the Legendary Class.

The South Korean player base was going crazy, beginning their manhunt for who gained such privilege.

Threads on the community were like mushrooms after a good rainfall, each Guild, regardless of their size giving their statements claiming that not a single person in their guild has managed to claim this Class, such clearing up the air with the general player base.

Even the High Rankers who were online made statements after their fans bombarded them with questions, be it in private or in their streams.

Slowly, or rather quickly the public dismissed each of their targets, but the manhunt was still hot in pursuit on the mysterious target.

[ The Birth of the First Legendary Class. Is the future of Satisfy World in Jeopardy?]

[ S.A Group refuses to disclose the identity of the player who triggered the Class Change]

[ Willing to acquire the Class Change Book for 1 Million Dollars. Contact me.]



[ I know the identity of the player who became the Saharan Successor.]

This one was a thread of a Korean player without many followers in their local language forum-thread, but once they clicked on the thread and read its content they couldn't help but agree.

⤷Makes sense, I just checked with the Rankings, and Odin has disappeared from the Global Rankings. I think he tried to hide this information from the general public, but it failed miserably.

⤷Odin did another Odin thing.

⤷ Shouldn't the Seven Guild Alliance begin their attack over Leviathan? With this transition they stand no chance against Odin and the Aesir Leaders.

⤷ Please, don't mention that obnoxious Demacia who thinks himself as some God of War. I still remember the SkyNet vid he released on his channel crying about him losing his Unique-rated Sword 😂

⤷Praise the All-Father! He deserves it fully! Congrats to him, it seems the players of Leviathan are in their honeymoon to know their Headhancho has gained the Legendary Class.
⤷ HellsAngel: Odin should be banned for abusing the system. Regular players have Rare Classes, Elite Players have Epic and Unique Classes. Where's the fairness in this world? Whales can get anything they want. Isn't this just a P2W game? I'm thinking of quitting Satisfy World.

⤷ You want to quit? Go ahead, no one will miss a nobody like you. Hmph, how dare you insinuate that Odin is a cheating player. I still remember the day I met him, adding me in his Raid Group where he was doing Bus Rides for the new Leviathan players. For the record I am not in the guild since my friends didn't want to join him.

⤷ TeddyBear: That Hell chicken is delusional asf. Lol, he complains that Odin is abusing the system? How many Global Rankers aren't doing exploits? Buddy, that's just a matter of skill issues between him and you. Why don't I see people complain about Kraugel who to this day is 1st in the rankings while being a Solo Player.

⤷ The Sky above Skies is the true King of Satisfy World! He's better than Odin and his lackeys combined!

⤷ TeddyBear: Get lost you Sky spammer. This post isn't about your solo player, but our God, Odin.

⤷ Lmao, be ready guys, another war between the Zealots of Kraugel and Odin will be set off. Bring the mods of the forum, or we'll get this thread closed.

[ Rumors have it that Odin of the Leviathan Guild has acquired the Saharan Successor Class.]

Chaos was in human nature, but for the one who was under the scrutiny of what seemed to be the whole world, he was in fact calmly checking up his new Class.

He transitioned to checking his Status Window, and making some screenshots that he posted on the 'Aesir' restricted chat in their Discord.

Unlike the perception of the public, he wasn't the secretive type to hide away under a shadow, it wouldn't benefit him since he was the leader of a large Guild and should always be available to his guildmates.

[ Status Window]

[Name : Odin / Class :Saharan Successor]

[Level : 1 (0/100) / Title :One who Became a Legend, Sovereign of Red Energy, Black Knight, Knight Slayer, Battle-Tested Soldier]


[Health: 1692/1692 | Mana: 86/86]


[Strength: 50(+38) | Stamina: 15(+115) | Agility: 30 | Intelligence: 20

Composure: 10 | Charm: 10 | Dignity: 10 | Insight: 10

Resilience: 10 | Indomitable: 10 | Diplomacy: 10 | Political Power: 10

Persuasion: 10 | Willpower: 1 | Red Energy: 0.1 ]


Available Stat Points: 0


Weight: 18/20

* If the weight limit exceeds 200%, movement speed is reduced by 100%.

The body will be heavy and incapable of exerting any power properly.

The probability of receiving the 'weakened' state will become really high.



Check Titles

[One who Became a Legend]
* Abnormal conditions don't work well on you.
* You won't die when health is at the minimum.
* Easily acknowledged by NPCs.


[Sovereign of Red Energy]

Effect: All Stats will be increased by 10%

A flood of emotions filled my head, and this reset no longer felt sour in my mouth, instead, it reminded me of the Regressor Novels I've kept on reading while traveling to work while doing that Engineering job.

Taking the screenshot over my Status Window, I attempted to lighten up the mood among my Aesir Group who were giving condolences over my lost levels.

⤷ Odin: I'm yet to die or lose sleep over this incident. Taking a step back and looking at the Stats because of my Titles remained on, they look quite scary. What do you guys think?

⤷ LaunchBox: Let me look. Whoa. True, you have nothing to get depressed about. I would sell a kidney for the opportunity of a Legendary Class. But, I wouldn't want to lose my Epic Class anytime soon. Reaper is quite the crazy class.
⤷ Demacia: Boss!! Poor bastard, you lost everything! I feel so bad for you. Hahaha, 5000 gold for pLvl until you reach level 100.
⤷ Rogue: Are you here again, Barbarian Beggar? You're still asking Odin for money after he reimbursed your lost weapon? 

⤷ Demacia: Oyy, who are you calling a beggar? And it wasn't my fault that those Black Rose thugs jumped me while I was doing some RP in the Tavern and a bunch of beggars took it and vanished like fairy dust! 

⤷ HairyLegs: Can you two buzz off to your DMs and fight in privacy. We aren't couples counselors here. 
⤷ Demacia: Nonsense, I'm not dating this crazy chick! Who was the one who spread this bullshit rumor? 
⤷ Rogue: As if I would date that meathead! I'm not interested in such a loudmouth and obnoxious fool.
⤷ XOROTH: Odin, my piece of mind. You should take advantage of this level reset to claim most 'First' Titles and build your portfolio. 

 ⤷ Eve: Mathias, there's a lot of noise IRL. They figured out that it was you who claimed the Legendary Class.

Huh, so quick? Can't expect more from my hardcore fans. The Guild's website and forum has surely grown into a Cult. I need to check with Mi-Jung if I should be fully honest or trickle-truth about this matter.

It should be 11 PM in Seoul? Hmm? She's calling me?

In front of his eyes the call-request in the system's interface was set-off with the name [Eve] being highlighted. 

Odin moves to a quieter room in the mansion, away from the commotion. He takes a deep breath and accepts the call request from Eve.

Her voice soft yet filled with concern: How are you holding up, darling? Everything is okay? 

"Hey, bunny. Glad to hear your voice, I missed hearing it, after taking my hermit journey into Gravelmark."

Eve chuckles but doesn't reply back, letting Odin continue with his thoughts.

"Honestly? I have mixed emotions about this Class Change. Felt like I lost all of my investments, but then not, as if I changed stock options for a more lucrative business? But, let's not make it about myself. What are you up to? Is the Pyromancy Quest Class progressing well?"

Eve being thoughtfully "The spell acquisition progress is slow. Spellcasters need to understand their spells unlike Melees who just press their skills to win. Can't complain, my office job is more strenuous than being in the Mage Tower. I would rather change jobs and manage the operations of the Guild full time like we planned a while back.

"Not yet, Mi-Jung. We're not there yet. You can't sacrifice your future just because of my silly dream."

Eve: What if I really want to quit my boring job, and invest all my time into Satisfy like you, Mathias?"

"Mi-Jung, I can't decide for you, this is up to you. I would support you regardless of your option. But the living cost in Seoul is sky-high comparing to Bucharest or Wien. Let's not make a rash decision, and talk about it in person."

Surprised and excited in her tone "Wait? Are you planning to visit Seoul?"
"Mhm, since all of this mess happened, I think I deserve a vacation. Why? Am I not welcome?"

Teasingly "Pff, you. not welcomed? My darling is always welcome to visit me. Now you made me all excited. When are you coming?"

"I'm thinking of booking a flight in two weeks since I have to visit my family. I've been postponing this move since I've been engrossed in Satisfy play. After that, I'm good to go."

The two continued to chat about IRL subjects like a couple, a relation that blossomed inside Satisfy World and transitioned into real boundaries. Thanks to the mental acceleration technology of the Virtual World and granting the players the freedom of pursuing their desires, many of such couples have been born thanks to Satisfy. 

At times the general public compared the game to a dating simulator combined with a dating app, keeping it safe for both parties since it was taking place in a Virtual World. Sure some incidents took place, but they were ruthlessly resolved by the vigilante player groups.

For Mathias and Mi-Jung, their relationship began after he departed from Gravelmark Village and started his journey as a Knight after all the Hellish training of the old-time Imperial Guard. 

It was in one of the dungeons that he took on Solo that he encountered Mi-Jung or 'Eve' attempting the same thing and clear a dungeon solo, but as a Spellcaster struggling to handle the mobs of the dungeon, she was easy pray even after all her P2W tactics.

With this unexpected encounter, they continued to play together, learning more about each other, and slowly opening up to one another. 

"Darling, do you want me to give a statement on the Guild Channel?"

"No need to worry about this little. It will be viewed as me being weak for not manning up to all those rumors and statements being made online. What do you think? Should I go with a 'respectful' approach or act 'arrogantly', bragging about this achievement and setting the Satisfy World on fire?"

Eve: Huhuhu, I would love to see the arrogant, dom persona, but please, lower it down.

By this point as he watched over the landscape of Titan sprawling Metropolis from the balcony of his mansion, Odin couldn't help but grin at Eve's remark. She knew him well, and could tell whenever he was gaslighting. A defect or boon of her high-stress job environment that had her lead an HR office for a conglomerate.

"Alright, I'll strike a balance. Thanks for always knowing how to calm me down, Mi-Jung. I'll be careful with my approach."

Eve: Always here for you, my love. Now, get some rest, okay?

"Goodnight, Bunny. Talk to you tomorrow."

Eve: Goodnight, darling. Stay strong.

Odin smiled as he closed the call with Eve, but soon enough his bubbly self cooled down as his handsome countenance turned serious, his body brimming with this ethereal crimson light that followed him each step he was taking. 

[Red Energy:100/100] 

The aesthetics of this type of energy is pleasing. I don't even have to bother turning it off using the system. In fact, it is better if I keep it on for the message addressed to the general public. 

He descended to the Ballroom of the mansion where he could see dozens of members gazing up at him with expectant looks, some were amazed by the crimson magic lights sounding his body, and remembering that he promised that he would show them what his class was all about, he began inviting everyone present into a Raid-Group.

One of the guild members began whispering to another member after gazing at Odin climbing down the stairs with the aura of a King. "Do you see those magic effects around the Boss? It's like nothing I've ever seen before."

Another guild mate that was closer to the chatting circle, nodded, his eyes wide. "Yeah, it's cool shit, tbh. Some said that he'll give us a display of the Legendary Skills of his Class. I have my recording at hand just in case. I can't wait!

The RP girls wearing various attires from Maids to Cooks, eyed the tall man wearing his noble attire as if it was an addicting drug. For a handful of these girls, the reason they joined the Leviathan Guild was strictly to be in closer proximity with Odin, their idol.

Odin had a calm expression on his face, as if nothing could affect him even if the world collapsed. Shifting from face to face, sometimes stopping on familiar faces that he used to interact with, he raised his voice addressing the gathered crowd of Leviathan members.

"Alright, everyone. I know you're all curious about my class change. As promised, I'm going to show you what it's all about. But first, let's get everyone organized."

[You have been invited to a party by Odin. (Spectacle for the public)]

Noah, Malfurion, Alysha and all of the players present in the Headquarters were invited by Odin and the already invited players who received rights from the Team Leader.

Once they got inside the bustling Raid Group containing about 126 players, and increasing as other members returned at the words that Odin would give a statement publicly. Being part of one of the background members of the Guild as the Master was doing his thing, was worth dropping anything they were doing that wasn't important. 

They would be part of Satisfy World History. How couldn't they drop things and teleport back to the base?

It took one Return Scroll to appear in Titan and inside the Ballroom of the Mansion which could accommodate hundreds of people with ease.

The Ballroom was filled with elaborate decorations, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and walls adorned with tapestries depicting the guild's numerous victories. The floor gleamed, reflecting the ambient magic lights.

As the guild members settled in, the buzz of conversations continued. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation.

 ⤷ Noah: "I've never seen Odin this fired up before. Heh, I know this feeling he experiences."

Alysha the maid, who was beside Noah with all the gathered players acting like a sea of people. 

 ⤷ "I've dropped everything in the Imperial Palace to see this. This is history in the making. Ohh, what would I give to have Odin look only at me."

⤷ Noah: Ahem, you should be careful what you speak outloud. There's a lot of people around who are Eve's followers in the Aesir Group. She can get possessive with Odin when it comes to beautiful girls.

⤷ Alysha: Eh? Do you think I'm beautiful?

Noah, raised his eyebrows when he saw the shift in the maid's glint, but thankfully, he was saved by Odin who began stepping to the center of the room, his voice carrying over the crowd. 

Let's hit the record button and roll with it.

"Thank you all for gathering here on such short notice. As many of you know, I've recently undergone a significant class change."

He paused, allowing the tension to build. The crimson lights surrounding him pulsed in response to his words, casting an otherworldly glow over the assembled guild members.

[You have activated 'Imperial Eminence' granting all party members a boost in combat capabilities by 15%, a boost of 50% bonus to experience points gained from any activity for 60 minutes]

[You have consumed (10) Red Energy ]

[You have activated 'Imperial Supremacy' granting all of your primary stats an increase of 15% for 10 minutes]

[You have consumed (20) Red Energy ]

When his 'Imperial Eminence' was activated from his body the coursing Red Energy began spreading around the entire group of players, letting them usher in the benefits of being part of this guild. 

The effects dawned quickly on many players, especially those who were part of the Attack Group who returned from their journeys just to take part in Odin's speech and presentation of the Legendary Class.

⤷ 50% increase in EXP gain! Even 15% Boost is one of the Main Stats. Bonkers. I'll have to receive Odin's buff each day and squeeze as much EXP as I can in the meantime.'
⤷ Praise the All-Father!'

⤷ He's a God!'

Author Corner: You might have noticed that in this rewrite, I've deviated a lot from what I've wrote in my first version of the story, but its worth to take note that I haven't changed the Main plot of the story. 

Sure, some readers who had to experience the slower version might feel uncomfortable with my choice of chances, but I can't do much in this department. I choose to have this swift transition from the point MC starts his first day in Satisfy World to the point he gains the Legendary Class because all of the previous power accumulation in his journey as a Black Knight would have been nulled regardless by this Level/Class Reset from the transition.
This is one of the reasons, you folks can bring up other logically/illogical reasons and I might give you a thumbs-up of approval.

Now, with regards to the change in love interest, more will be revealed as we go. You will think is rushed and in your face, but in this formatting, I will rewind a bit of time to show 'flashbacks' and catch you up with what is going on.

I've also reworked the Saharan Successor Class along with the Red Energy formatting. It will be an Ruler/Conqueror archetype, so you can imagine from this small spoiler that we will have Player Wars/NPC Wars where MC goes all-out against his enemies, in the end I'm still intent on doing some Kingdom-Building elements.

There is a discord for this novel. It has Live Updates about chapter progress and when they are completed, pictures for characters, lots of tidbits about the story, among other things. Join at https: // discord.gg / urTNDCufRx

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