Heleion Archives

Archives: Back to Basics IV.

The wind murmured through the wide corridor, devoid of the buzzing crowds of students. Only a few sounds echoed through the winding maze on every floor of the central levels. The echoes of the academy’s guards talking as they met up during their patrols; the soft squeaking and hush of their dragonid leather and aetherna silken uniform; the moaning of the polished wooden floor occasionally muffled by the periodically placed long carpets. Wilhelmiira sharpened her ears, and listened to every sound as she tailed Karina who slipped out from her room and done what she never before – faded into nothingness like an assassin raising her already alarmed senses.

Not long after her classes came to an end, Wilhelmiira passed the usual meeting with the others at the library to deepen the knowledge tucked into their heads by their teachers during the day. As she said, she rushed back to her dorm room, and donned her favored garments. The issued dress shirt remained, devoid of her necktie, instead of her long skirt, a skin tight pant of a lesser arcane leather – a bit oilier in its sheen – accentuated her shapely, trained legs. Her slender form further accentuated by the tight corset that pressed hard against around her abdomen, ending just at the baseline of her small but well-sculpted bosom.

Lastly her favored coat she received after a long training session of the Daemor-Class where they simulated a hostage takeover by cultists of the infernal kind where her team had to rescue hostages. A short coat with a tight waist bend further pressing her form, a collar shorter than any of their uniforms, melding in with the dress shirts that hung and spread over it quite elegantly, and crammed with a soft material that gave it a slightly puffed look to the rounded rectangular wall around her neck, which extended to the shoulders and sleeves of the coat. The hem itself was perfectly symmetrical like the rest of the short coat of a not elven design. 

After she finished dressing, she slipped out from her room, already invisible and bereft of presence. Nevertheless, she still carefully maneuvered through the crowds of students and guards heading back to their residences, even when she noticed Karina by herself heading back to her dorm. Wilhelmiira then followed and phased through the door of the nearby room whose owner has not yet returned – and even when she did, she took no notice of the rude visitor hiding, and extending her detection to the adjacent room where Karina – or whoever she was – remained until the sky began to darken, and the moon rose into the place of the sun.

Though when her prey showed the ability to erase her presence even better than her – who was top of her class – her own resolve wavered for a moment. Still, her original plans remained to keep watch for the rest of the night over Karina in her dorm room, then when she has sufficient evidence, report it to the teachers. Now she had the evidence of the eye and mind, still something more palpable would be better still she thought to herself. Knowing that whoever wore Karina’s face left, using such spells meant that they shall not return in a foreseeable time.

So Wilhelmiira slipped out from the corner and made her way towards the door, and wrapped her doll white hands around the handle. Still, she hesitated for a few moments. The notion of Karina’s impostor sensing her surfaced and she felt a cold sweat cascade down straight her spine. But she also felt the rush of adrenalin, boosting her desire to enter into what was now an enemy territory right in their own turf. The adrenalin triumphed, and her wrists turned and tickled in the embrace of arcane satin.

She pushed swiftly as she heard the approaching footsteps and found herself breathing hard within the room. Her boreal gaze swept through the room thrice swiftly, taking in every single little detail. The shelves where the books rested undisturbed with their spines staring out at her. Table lacking in books, rich in pens and bag leaning against the window closed and the silvery ray entering and the dark table drinking it up like a sponge drinks up water.

On the bed she noticed the outline of Karina faintly on the surface slowly leveling out, emitting a soft familiar sound she heard many times in the past few years since she began to attend the academy. The textile creaking of the bed remained as Wilhelmiira walked towards the table and began to open its drawers. She looked through each carefully, memorizing each notebook, slab inscribed with arcane letters, though none told of the true nature of the impostor.

Even the books were the same Karina borrowed the month before the summer program for neonates to experience service outside the academy. Books about the various beasts stalking the still untamed wilds of the North, techniques on control of magic, the nature of the arcane points – the astral muscles of the soul and body – books on the history of the north, the Draunneth Alliance, The Great War and even collection of short stories, poems of Karina’s favored horror poets and authors. Nothing that would reveal the nature or maybe even the identity of the impostor, or maybe even the fate of her friend.

Deep down though she expected the worst, that the once cheerful, always positive girl she befriended on their first day was gone, now walked in the infinity fields of Myelia. A notion, a truth that twisted her heart and made it hard to breathe as she went through a few of the books. She took one more glance around the room before she planned to leave. Then stopped on the door of the wardrobe.

And now she felt stupid at not checking it first. The best place to hide anything that one would want others not to see as even Wilhelmiira’s wardrobe often beyond the breadth of her vision upon entering her own room. Like with the dorm room’s door, it felt hard to push down the handle and swing it open. And the opportunity faded before she could have done so.

A singular hand appeared out of black air of the dim room, engulfed in a deep and translucent purple haze and within a blink of her eyes, closed in on her lips and cheeks, digging into her soft, tender and doll white tendon and skin. Her soft yelp echoed through the whole room, never leaving its premises as her body went limp in the arms of Agent 026 who began to stroke Wilhelmiira’s hair bundled into a low tail. “It is quite rude to enter one’s room without invitation.” She whispered into the ears of the dreaming umbral elven student before their lips locked together, then parted not long before.

“Though as much as it is a headache – you are a welcome addition to my meager collection.” She added as she opened up the wardrobe’s room where Yasuko, bereft of sleep thanks to the vibrating spheres in her private folds kept her awake, weakly moaning beneath the wide sealing tape gag adorning her mesmerizing, enigmatic hoshigawan visage.


11th of September, 497th of NDE. Black Rose Academy.

Valindra tensed her legs as she sunk her bottom into the cushioned seating of the Muninr-Class Flottirion. A relatively small looking aerial magicraft vehicle capable of transporting a small squadron of troops without the need for a navigator. In the front – resembling the beaked head of a raven – large piece of metallic and crystalline orb slotted into with a high grade Faux-Consciousness layered into the spherical object on top of the other enchantments. Needing nothing more than a bit of guidance that could be given even by a common soldier.

When she first took this job, she prayed deep down to Myelia to let there be a teleportation connection between Skielvort and the Academy – like in the days of her attending. To her mild disappointment, there was none no more after the Coven’s attack, after which they decided to even slowly relocate the Academy to the highest peak. Now the only way to reach up swiftly was through Flottirion’s which transported the Academy Guards and other staff members up from the martial city.

She did not necessarily hate being high up in the air, but she was also not a fan of it. She disliked the weightlessness beneath her feet on these small cages – as she saw them compared to the larger sky or voidvessels. What she disliked the most though was the cramped spaces, that came as more of a surprise to her when the side doors moaned open, and instead of the usual stretched space, she stared into a small recess, one still furnished and structured loftily compared to the legions or the Prismatic Sparrows’.

“Somewhat had a good night huh?” The umbral dracorith right beside her said in a cheeky tone, a bit weird, even unfit – Valindra thought – on the doll white visage and sinisterly magnificent lineaments. A dark storm of silken hair adorning her head, cascading with perfect straightness, melding into her raven black dragonid leather coat.

“More of a short one.” She said groggily as she pretended to be hungover. “Told you to not stay too late.” The stygian with a bright amber complexion and long, voluminous cloud white hair parted over her right chastised Valindra resembling Geirwyn thanks to the high grade Faux-Visage.

One she questioned little, expecting the best of the best, or at least the second best of the second bests at the academy keeping watch for any intruder hoping to slip into. Another byproduct of the attack she aided in centuries before. And another cumulative addition to her regret. Regret that would not exist if she could have taken that portal instead of being crammed into the flottirion with two snow silvery wings at the back, like her much more spacious Voidvessel of Arghyrian design, resembling a phoenix with the sharp feathers of the wings included, painted golden while the center hull gleamed in an obsidian black.

Now the notion lingered in her mind, that she could have easily been dropped off at the academy instead of taking the Flottirion. Though she could have to go through the phase of getting a disguise in the academy, a task not impossible and much more preferable if anyone asked Valindra. But no one did, and as per usual she remained silent on the matter, especially now as it was too late. “We have finally arrived.” The stygian exclaimed with a sigh as her ass was quite sore from sitting – even though their seating was much more comfortable compared to the Legions’ or even the Snow Scaled Hosts’ flottirions or transport-class thopters.

Their side of the group rose from their seats and turned, grasping the handles dangling from the ceiling not too far from the center. The seating before them retracted into the wall, seemingly vanishing from existence as the wide door clicked loudly as it pushed outwards, then slid east and westwards revealing the hangar on the bottom floors of the Academy. Dozens of clerks, guards in the same uniform walked before them, carrying crates, making rounds while beyond them the vast and picturesque scenery of the north stretched seemingly into infinity. Though it was blocked by the mild storm raging beyond the protective barrier erected around the Academy.

Valindra could not help herself and walked towards the threshold, her eyes gleaming with wonder and envy at her own age, no longer eligible to be a student here. “Never get bored of it huh?” The umbral dracorith guard said as she stopped on her right, arms folded whilst her gaze swept through the distant landscape of a dozen kind. Flatlands, a few mountains far, far away surrounded by their little siblings, the rising hills. Rivers and lakes carefully painted across the cold land, surrounded by greeneries, crimson, scarlets, purples, violets and many other pairs of tinted foliage.

“It would be criminal.” Valindra said forcing a chuckle out fit for Geirwyn who herself stopped many times at the edge to bask in the beauty of her homeland. Deep down Valindra herself felt at home, and her heart ached at the decisions she made, and were presented to her by the Gods and mundane forces of Heleion. She inhaled a mouthful of the cold air, and reminded herself of what she came for.

To stop the Cabal’s plot of possibly plunging the world into another Great War – or something close to that the least. At the worst, she suspected they were working towards something more sinister, something closer to ancient foolish Emperor’s of a previous dynasty. Adrianus whose name when evoked was accompanied by spitting and frowning as he was foolish and vain enough to tear the protections’ keeping the legions of the Stygian Realms at bay.

She knew this Cabal was the same that later aided the Coven at the incident at the industrial park of Duznogorsk where for a few hours, the inhabitants of the dark nether realms poured into the world once more.


Soft moans echoed through Karina’s dorm room mingling with a metallic ring of a small coin Agent 026 played around. A small piece of strange metal, engraved with a bestial head of infernal kind sizzling with a hellish glow. Suffocating energies flowed from them, creating a pair of invisible hands wrapped around hers, choking, pressing her throat without a visible sign.

Beneath her nether area, Yasuko spread on the bed, her deep purple eyes bereft of their light while her tongue forcefully maneuvered into the vibrant crimson folds of Agent 026. “Slow it.” She ordered Yasuko in the faint and choked voice of hers as the coin slid into her palms, fingers curled over it. The heat spreading a searing pain across her arms and body, her eyes welled up, yet no cry of pain followed, just whimpers of extreme pleasure from the pain and from the twinging of the wet tongue dancing within her vulva.

Then came after an hour or two the river of bodily fluids, pouring onto Yasuko’s face, and from herself onto the bed and the tightly knitted ropes cutting into her exposed and shapely legs. “You have done well.” Agent 026 quickly changed her position, now arranging herself over Yasuko firmly enslaved by her spell. Their faces just a few millimeters away, their hot breath assaulting each other. Like a dog, the infernal agent of the cabal licked of her own cum from Yasuko’s face, then forced her lips onto Yasuko, while mixing her cum with saliva and forcing it down into the soratanese student.

“Seems our new friend – or old for you I guess – awakens.” Then they parted just as swiftly upon the squeaking of tape as Wilhelmiira tested the strength of the sealing tape widely and tightly wrapped around her slender form, devoid of her favored coat and legwear. Though now the corset worked in tandem with the tape, accentuating her delicate silhouette while the former melded in seemingly with her dress shirt thanks to their shared color.

“Hrcrh rn mm mnhhrmhh!” Before she could utter out any word, Agent 026 grabbed the roll on the shelf fastened to the wall above the bed, tore off a wide strip with her canine teeth and smoothened it over Yasuko’s sweet lips and cheeks while keeping her cold gaze on Wilhelmiira slowly awakening with her hair once more released from the grip of a knot, forming a dark storm reaching its silken tendrils all over.

“Morning-morning little dark bird.” The cracks of bones echoed through the room, filling Wilhelmiira with disgust as she opened her boreal eyes to witness Karina’s form distorted in a macabre puppetry as Agent 026 crawled down from the bed with her limbs twisted in sickening way. She approached the Wilhelmiira like a spider its secured victim, in movement and intent paired with a wide, haunting grin befit for the face of mild elvish lineaments.

“Who are you?” She asked regaining her cool. “Always the questions. My identity no longer matters.” Agent 026 said as she stopped before Wilhelmiira, breathing into her face amidst a series of bones cracking as she sat into her lap.

“Now here is a question for you. Do anyone else suspects me?” Wilhelmiira remained calm, looked down at the bosom that once belonged to her friend. “No.” Then answered fraudulently.

“A lie. Now tell me, is it a teacher or more that suspects me or is it your little friend group?” Wilhelmiira gulped after seen through, but maintained a calm façade. “No one suspects besides me, as I said before.”

“I see. My little dark bird, there is no point in trying to lie to me. I lived for seven centuries in the shadows, protected by my graceful lord who blessed this world with the apex beast – beasts that hunt in the accursed light of the sun, beasts who remain hidden in the tender shadows. Like them, I can smell your lies. And from this scent I can tell only you and this face’s former owner are the only ones suspecting me.” She said while caressing the faux face grown over her own’s.  “A shame, but a manageable one.”

“Hhmm chnrm nrhhnng!” Before she could try to once more reiterate the same thing, Agent 026 tore off a wide strip from the roll and covered her lips and cheeks, silencing her words. “Enough talk for tonight. Even the best of the best needs their rest.” She shushed the muffled words, placing her index finger over the bulging lips and with a primal smile revealing bestial fangs veiled by the lustrous lips. “This one shall definitely need it, as I’ll have to hasten things up.”

Author's Note:

And another one. This time focusing a bit more on the students side, and playing around a bit with Agent 026.

To be honest, it was kinda fun writing a character, adding a bit of bestial traits to them, in their mannerisms, while also trying to make them talk with menace, feral delight and evil. Though my only regret is not coming up with a better codename, as writing out Agent 026 did xy and such got a bit tiresome by the end.

Also a bit of backstory recap for Valindra as she slowly arrives at last to the Academy - maybe a bit too late.

Now, that is all the rambling for this one before I accidentally spoil things. Thank you for reading and take care folks!

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